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  • This ^ ^ But if you really like her, talk to her about Everything!! Make sure she tells her parents.. See what they think,,? If you like her as much as you say, you take the trip up. See if she is worth it or not, people are different on the internet. But long distance relationships DO WORK, trust me, they just need extra work

  • He text be back last night.. And just said it was the bickering. But that was pathetic. And it could change.. Everything i say, he doesn't disagree to, so deep down., i know this isn't what he wants. He hasn't given up on me in 2 years, So i can't give up on him. Thank You though, i havent been texting him as much.

  • But he won't talk about it.. I don't know if something has happened at home... :( He isn't being himself. He just ignores me. I need answers but if he doesn't give them im stuck. I don't know what to do. I can't just get over him... It's not as easy as that..

  • Re: Should I be worried?

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    I'd be slightly worried.. Talk to him about it, ask him why bla bla? It doesn't make him gay. However, mmm i dno. Its a little weird. Just ask him how he feels about it etc..

  • Quote from Emz_x0x: “No way :rofl:” This ^

  • Re: Anal

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    Dnt knock it til youve tried it.. Its actually really good. And my ex bf really liked it too. Its not much different to a pussy. Just less wet and tighter :) Oooh Yea. And its hurts but not after a while.

  • He said he is still in love with me too. Which makes it harder. Why would you do this to someone you love more than anything in the world? 'Because its for the best' , best for who? And thats neither of us.

  • Yep, AGREED ^ ^ ^ But.. he said 'I only want sex when we are married' And he popped the question, maybe he does want sex.. But its against his religion to do so before marriage. So if you are married, you can. If you see what i mean? Talk to him about this, does he really love you?? Or does he want to marry you so then he can have sex ?? Or Both?

  • This maybe longer than i first thought.. Right me and my Ex [you could say now], Sam split up. After 1 year of liking eachother and texting 24/7 and the next year being together.. I mean we had highs and lows. But we are both very much in love :rolleyes: We both did things that we shouldn't have done. But we always looked to the future, and we were really happy. Then he finished college and is now trying to find a job, and on sunday just out of the blue, said ' I can't to this anymore' , i was l…

  • Re: what to do?

    SugarrBum - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    It shouldn't be aukward for you to talk to her at school. Just be cool about it, go up to her [even if shes with mates] And say are you ok? Something like that.. Girls like guys who act the same around them when their friends are there. Dnt be embaressed.

  • Re: Pre-cum

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    They taste different. Both horrible. But hey, have to get used to it :)

  • Re: havin your clit licked

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    Er, i've never had someone who licks it too hard lol My bf sucks it and licks it lightly.. The best way. Dnt think it would be as good if they really licked it and pushed hard, sorta thing

  • Just lean back and relax, maybe close your eyes, or look right at her. And deffinately Moan, god if my boyfriend didn't moan i would stop because i would think that its not very good!! Show them your enjoying it. Tell Her you like it, bla blaaaa :D

  • Make conversation with her, don't just talk to her friend. She was probs looking bored for you to see that, and talk to her aswell!!! This could start a friendship or even more, :D Smile at her and stuff, see what she does.

  • Re: Anal sex

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from giggity: “Speak for yourself. Some girls love it with a passion.” Me being one of those girls ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ :D I never thought you could... Where does the 0.1 come from? Does it travel through the body? LOL

  • Stop talking to him/her/bit of both/ perv/ cross dresser WHATEVER!!!!! Completely stop any contact with them. You don't want to get involved with people like that. Im sure you don't love them, so it shouldn't be that hard. Bit Poooieee But it'l get better.. (:

  • Man, Us girls should Never argue or fall out over a lad. Friends are much more important, talk with her aout how you feel, to be honest thats the only way forward.. If you both like him then maybe, hang out together, and get over him together. Your at an age where your girls should come first Always !! :]

  • Quote from captain_kurenai: “Your statement contradicts what you said earlier. You said "You don't choose who you fall in love with" So looking at that statement, that would mean you don't have a choice if you fall in love with a junkie or not and that it could happen.” To fall in love you need to know someone,, I dnt go near junkies to fall in love with one, so NO it doesnt. I mean in general yuu cnt decide who you like etc..

  • Quote from captain_kurenai: “So you'd love an alcoholic junkie? and just accept that even if he'd rather get high or drunk than spend time with you? Simply because you just fell in love with him?” Pahahaa. Why would you even fall for a junkie? lol Thats a shite example (: Personally, i don't go ANYWHERE NEAR junkies to fall in love with one :lol: ---------- Post added at 03:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 PM ---------- Quote from harvey: “who u love and who u marry are often very dif…

  • Re: Am I gay?

    SugarrBum - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from runner: “it's ok, all guys experiment with basketball when they are that age. as for your dick getting hard, i'd get that checked.” I lol'd !!! Haa :D What is with this post? You said so yourself, that dicks basically repulse you. Paha, im sure your not gay.. So why are you asking ?? Suck a dick, your sure to find out :D Google the word 'GAY' ..