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  • Quote from Alph9: “…74a2daf94f9f9e410474a.jpg Im cuter :3” Hanging your tits out doesn't get your everything hun.

  • From your posts I'd guess you didn't like him.

  • I have a major crush on a friend of mine. Here are a few reasons why I think he might like me back and a few doubts. Reasons why he might: -> We went to a movie together yesterday and he held my hand (because I kept jumping at scary scenes). -> We're going to see another movie some time this week. -> He came over today because he was going to help me with my homework. -> He's texting sweet things like that I smell nice, etc. -> We make eye contact for a very long time. -> He cares when something…

  • I do sometimes get like that after watching a scary movie, but it passes eventually.

  • Oh and we're going to a movie tonight

  • Re: hair part. HELP!!

    vampireshellan92 - - Fashion


    You have to part your hair somewhere. They're not just gonna fall straight back like Draco Malfoy's. The best you can do is get used to your part, if not make one that you do like, but you have to have one.

  • My current crush always looks me in the eyes for a long time and one of us eventually laughs/giggles and looks aways. Wouldn't you say that is a good sign?

  • Even the few friends I have are braindead teenagers But beggars can't be choosers right? ---------- Post added at 01:54 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:53 PM ---------- Quote from Dakota999: “Well, honestly, this is the age group 12-17 where they don't realize but, their brain turns off, and they just go with everyone else. Everyone believes in god? ME TOO! Everyone likes Rap, and Screamo, AND TECHNO?? MEE TOO! Everyone likes Obama JUST because he is black?? OH EM GEE MEH TOO! I for one, a…

  • Don't worry, I have no willpower either. I'll sit in my office craving a chocolate bar. Then I'll walk into the pantry put my hand on it and stop and think, "What the hell are you doing?". So I walk all the way back to my office, then I change my mind walk back INTO the pantry and stop and think AGAIN. This goes on for about 30 minutes before I just eat the damn candy bar. But I guess I earned it with all my walkin :wink:

  • I have a stationary bike. The resistence settings go from 1-8. 3 is the hardest I've gotten for 30 minutes

  • Quote from Tootsie: “Omg! Like we are so much alike!” I'm glad I'm not alone, lol. And I really don't want to lower my standards anymore...It's not worth it.

  • Oh wow...yikes.

  • Quote from Kazaman: “"Why are some guys extremely obsessed with me and others couldn't care less?" Simply because not all guys will be attracted to you, and some of the ones who are will grow so attracted they'll be seen as obsessed. If you aren't happy with the guys you've been dating so far because they are too clingy and not compatible with you intellectually, perhaps you should simply try to talk to some of the guys that are. It seems too good to be true, that simply by talking to people oft…

  • Quote from LOLFag: “No, District 9 is a movie about how aliens come to Earth not to fight but to seek refuge from their home planet. We humans, being inherently evil as we are, begin to despise them and try to manipulate them to reveal how their future weapons work. Apparently, that's the first half of the movie. The second half is, as people say, very violent.” Thanks for the preview =) It was bound to happen that the aliens fight back. Nobody takes shit forever.

  • Re: Whats your BMI?

    vampireshellan92 - - Health and Fitness


    Quote from Alibaba: “13.2 - Starvation Level despite constant over-eating!” Wow! What's your weight/height, if I may ask?

  • Quote from LOLFag: “Thank god I'm NOT alone.” Amen :) ---------- Post added at 06:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:51 PM ---------- I hate when people, my age, call each other (excuse my language) "nigga". Its so immature and hypocritical :/ ---------- Post added at 06:53 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:53 PM ---------- Quote from gangstar881: “Well at the age of 16 most adolescence are not mature. Best advice i can say is just stick with a core group of friends and wait it out ;)”…

  • Why are some guys extremely obsessed with me and others couldn't care less? I've dated two guys (that I count as actual relationships) and both of them had been so clingy and obsessive that I had to dump them. One of which, I found this out later, already had a proposal date :eek: I'm 16, he was 18, and we had only dated 5 months...Can you say "psycho"? I've often been told that it is because I play hard to get, not on purpose though. I'm a person who needs a lot of me time. When I see the guy I…

  • Stupid question but, is District 9 the movie where every human being faints at the exact same moment?

  • I have one friend who thinks like me concerning school work. But other things is just, distant. Yeah, like she says shes getting engaged and stuff like that. And I personally feel like thats a mistake even though I'm just her age and couldn't possible know what adult life is like. But I feel like I'm there. It gets really frustrating.