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  • Youd be a lousy friend if you did end it over someone else's sexuality. The way i see it, as long as they dont try it on with you, you should remain friends with them no matter what.

  • Yeh i gotta agree with Kirwan464. If she didnt trust you then theres little point in being in a relationship with her. Trust is the base of a good relationship, and if you dont have that then you dont really have alot. I think you should ask yourself if you want her back or not. Are you better off without her? Was the relationship more trouble then it was worth? Good luck in whatever you decide to do

  • Weird poll. And i can kinda

  • I can name a few girls i know who would do that. There all sluts pretty much. But yeh, you'd have to have little self respect to do that.

  • Thanks for all the advice. She's made her intentions fairly clear to me, as she has just started dating someone else:eek:. Kinda shows what i already suspected. A while ago she told me that she didnt want another boyfriend and that she would stay single for at least 3 months. That was her main reason for not going out with me. All lies obviously. I wish she just told me the truth about how she felt about me rather than making up all these nonsense excuses. At least then when we would have a frac…

  • Thanks for all the advice everyone. And "gookiecookie", thats exactly how i felt when she told me, and its not really a great feeling. But yeh, i think she probably wasnt lying, and that unfortunately her feelings have changed about me. In fact i think theyve gone towards disliking me :confused: She's ignoring me at school now so, great! Well i think i'm gonna give up on this one and move onto better things hopefully. But i have to say, it has frustrated me and ive learnt not to get my hopes up …

  • Well ive been reading and contributing to this for a while, and you guys out there seem very happy to help with all sorts of problems, and for that, I wish to thank you all. Now it's time for my problem, and yes its a girl! Well, my ex-girlfriend recently started to talk to me again, well when i say recently, it was about 9 months ago. And in May/June, she told me that she was still in love with me and that she wanted me back, bearing in mind she was with someone else at the time. So i decided t…

  • Probably need a little more info to give you any kind of advice mate

  • Jeeez. If you really care about this chick, your fear of social inter-what ever you called it will evaporate instantly when you start talking to her. But a little advice. Take her to one side i.e some privacy. Last thing you want is to blurt it out in front of hundreds of people. And in the very unlikely event that she says "no", don't argue with her or bargain some sort of deal, Just deal with it and walk away. Harsh, but unfortunatly, the truth normally is. And, one last point, a few people ha…

  • Gotta be 26-30. Needa make a start on your careers and life goals etc. Then you can start to think about having kids and all the joy that comes with it. . .

  • Re: Am I wrong?

    Lithium - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Nah, teenage girls always hug, kiss etc. Unless they start showering together, you've got little to worry about.

  • Re: Depressed

    Lithium - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    As a general rule i find that girls are annoying, frustrating, hard to understand and seem to have the habbit of changing their minds on a regular basis. And yet, we (the males) always find ourselves crawling back to them. I am of course talking from bad experiences. I agree with your rant, sometimes I feel exactly the same. But, I don't think you should give up completely on women. While the majority are as how I described above, I'm sure there's some decent, loving females out there somewhere.…

  • Re: confused

    Lithium - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Hate to sound harsh, and no offense but, your problem is girls. No one understands them or ever will. They do things that they think are intelligent, when in reallity, it's probably the dumbest decision they'll ever make. If I were you I would go up to her and question her about what has happened and make sure you tell her how you feel. A bit of guilt never hurt anyone :wink:

  • Re: Heart broken

    Lithium - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Can't imagine how you feel, pretty awful probably doesnt cover it. The only positive is that you have the remaining time together. And i say make the most out of it. Spend as much time as you can with each other doing the things you like. Try not to think about her leaving, and just focus on the time you have left as a couple. Of course, it's easy for me to type it out, and harder for you to do that. As far as i'm aware, i don't know of any quick fix solutions to a broken heart. But, i hate to u…

  • 15. And I waited for the right person for me and im glad i did

  • Im also in the same situation. A girl told me that she loved me even though she was with someone else, I realised I also was madly in love with her too. The advice above is all very good. Don't get your hopes up everytime she tells you that she's had an argument with her boyfriend. You just end up getting filled with false expectations. But also don't give up hope, if you love her you'll probably wait for her. I think it's best to be there for her as much as you can without being over intrusive.…

  • 16 and still a virgin, proud of it too. Im going to wait till i find someone special.