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  • That would be nice.

  • I'm really sorry for your friend's loss. Yeah, it's a tough time for her and so far - it seems like you've got the right idea. Give her time, give her her space to cope with this loss. And when she does come back to school, just let her know that you sympathize and that you're available for help when/if she needs it. Reassure her that you want to be her friend and that she's always got someone to talk to. That's pretty much all you can do right now.

  • If you're looking to be in a long-term commitment with this girl, then I think it's best if you tell her before asking her to be your girlfriend. After all, doesn't she have a say as to whether or not she wants to be with you in your condition? I know that you're afraid that she will run away, but it's all about trust and being honest with each other. After all, that's what relationships are - not only are there feelings for each other, but it's about being honest with each other and being comfo…

  • Re: Pandora

    armyforthebroken - - Music


    My Pandora station are as follows: Kid Cudi La Roux Steve Aoki MSTRCRFT Deadmau5 Elektro I Set My Friends on Fire People Under the Stairs Dubstep The Temper Trap Matt & Kim The Used Taking Back Sunday Nirvana Alesana

  • Hey man, I'm sorry that happened to you. I know you're hurting right now, because the girl you loved (love, whichever) just broke up with you. However, hitting the bottle of Jack isn't the way to go. It takes time dealing with a break up, especially when it has something to do with someone you really care for. So, I say just give it time and maybe surround yourself with people who care about you and love you - like your family and friends. And trust me, I'm sure everyone on Teen Hut and in the E…

  • Sometimes, that happens when someone gets under your skin. Although I don't really find it right to do what you did, maybe she was asking for it. In any case, a person like her really shouldn't be worth all this anger. One thing you should keep in mind, don't let her provoke you to do anything that will get you in trouble. You're better than that.

  • Is she pushing you playfully or is she just pushing you?

  • Just talk to her! It doesn't matter if you never said a word to her, try and initiate a conversation and introduce yourself! Now's a great opportunity to get to know people and establish friendships. If she's the shy type, try and make her feel comfortable. Get to know her and see what she's like

  • Re: i think im ugly..

    armyforthebroken - - Fashion


    Have some confidence, love.

  • Trust me when I say that everyone has felt alone at one point in their life, so you - in fact - are not alone. Obviously, there are things in your life that is tough to handle or go through right now, but as dusk said, "hang in there" and it will get better. Sometimes, you've done all you can do. And you've gotta give yourself room to take a step back and breathe. The feeling of being alone will hopefully be a temporary feeling and will not be long-term, but if you find yourself feeling extremel…

  • Well, an ex-boyfriend of mine would sneak over and sleep over almost every night. This was because he was homeless and he'd stay in a youth homeless shelter. So, I know how you feel, lol.

  • Heather's right. Why should you have to choose between a group of friends? You shouldn't have to choose just because they hate each other. If you're chill with your 'preppy' group of friends and your 'break shit up' group of friends, then chill with them! You don't have to dedicate all the time in the world to just one group of friends, you're allowed to befriend whoever you want to befriend.

  • I don't think height difference is a problem. There is definitely people who have a problem with their partner being too short or too tall, but that's their personal preference. If you like someone who is taller or shorter than you, then go for it. Don't let it keep you from getting to know that person!

  • I don't think the attention on high school suicides are exaggerated at all. I think having support groups for those who have offed themselves is a great way for the students and teachers to cope.

  • Re: What is sex like??

    armyforthebroken - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote: “Does it hurt?? What does it feel like??” The first time having sex is different with different people. Some people's first experience with sexual intercourse ranges from being painful to having no pain at all; it really all depends. Sex is meant to be pleasurable, but it's normal if it's hurting you the first few times. Quote: “What happens after you have sex??” Well, if you plan on being sexually active, make sure you or your partner are safe. There are different birth control methods o…

  • Here's the thing: Even if you weren't in the predicament you're in now, it still wouldn't be a bad thing. It's like borrowing a video game from a friend, it's innocent. As long as you return that dress, it's fine.

  • Quote from d-bear.09: “Also, I made him promise he wouldn't watch porn, or masturbate. Which I still feel like he does do, and the thought makes me sick considering the fact that we make love every night, so why would he need those things? ” The whole masturbation thing is normal, though. And trust me, there are a lot of people in your shoes who feel the same way, but when he's masturbating or watching porn - it doesn't mean that he thinks you are less attractive or whatever notion you have. It'…

  • This is serious. What kind of abuse are you talking about here? Is Sasha being physically abused, verbally abused, sexually abused, or emotionally abused?

  • Personally, I don't like open relationships. If I'm really into the guy, I do not want to share him. It doesn't fly with me. When it comes to open relationships, in general, I'm okay with it as long as the feeling is mutual between the partners.

  • If it turns out that she is indeed pregnant and is keeping the baby, then I think the right thing to do is help financially support her and try to be in this kid's life as much as possible. Having the child growing up without a father figure profoundly affects the child. And don't be afraid to ask her parents and your parents for help; you will need as much help as you can to help raise your kid. For right now, take a breather. If you haven't had sex since she took the morning after pill, then i…