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  • Trust me, I know exactly what you feel. It will get better. I know what it's like to be around those people who act like you're an alien when you say hi or acknowledge them. Screw them. Those kind of people will always be around and so will people who you will get along with, it just takes some time. In high school, I literally knew almost every student in my class, but NONE of them were close to the point where I would hang out with them outside of school. Partly my fault, but when I got out of…

  • Quote from Dexter.: “Exercise, Rome wasn't built by a couple of dudes sitting down.” This, and if your problem is too much water, stay away from anything with salt because it makes you retain water if you have too much of it.

  • Justin Bieber =O

    Lostsoul - - Music


    What is with this kid? Personally, I'm not a fan of his music and I understand there are some people who like his music and some don't, but why the hell do soo many people hate this kid and feel the need to take it one step further each time. Go and watch ANY music video on Youtube and I guarantee you'll find atleast a page worth of comments along the lines of "thumbs up if this is better than bieber" or " that faggot bieber could never sing like this. maybe if he hit puberty" It almost seems li…

  • Re: My weight loss goal!

    Lostsoul - - Health and Fitness


    Very nice. I used to weight almost 300 pounds and now I'm 186. You're taking the right path, but I'd just like to add that it's not necessary to cut all fats out completely. Just reduce the amount you take. If you are eating healthy and decent portions, naturally your diet should already be low in fat. Fat isn't all bad for you. You're doing a great job as far as I can tell. Eventually, you will have to push harder with the exercise which you're already doing. Don't ever give up and trust me, wh…

  • Kids do mature earlier these days and things like this are normal. She's probably at the stage where she's curious about it and it seems she has probably seen something like maybe a picture, porn, or something of that nature. Most likely other kids. Probably don't mention the diary, but make sure she doesn't get into any trouble and if she has a boyfriend, keep an eye on what she does. If you do decide to talk to her about sex, try to help her understand it's not something someone her age should…

  • Re: Uhh... Holy Shit?

    Lostsoul - - Teen Sexuality


    She's 13 are you that desperate? She doesn't realize what risks she is taking by having sex with you and probably going through puberty, so she's getting horny. And, as rude as this may sound, if you're immature enough to listen to a 13 year old insult you about virginity, you aren't ready for sex. Also, consider if she got pregnant, which is a good chance since you both have no experience. If her parents found out you had sex with her, you'd likely be charged with something. Which, in my opinio…

  • Sleep Paralysis

    Lostsoul - - Health and Fitness


    Anyone ever had an issue where, you were awake, but you couldn't move any part of your body and on some occasions, your muscle movement was limited and you had to do something like try to open your eyelid with your hand to snap out of it? I've had this problem a lot and I finally decided to search it up and found what was causing it. I'm curious to know who else has had this problem and what did you do to snap out of it? I know, pretty random

  • Re: Going to the Movies Alone

    Lostsoul - - General Advice


    Quote from Alejandro: “Yes, I think it's weird.” I respect your opinion, but what exactly do you feel is weird about it?

  • Going to the Movies Alone

    Lostsoul - - General Advice


    Is this unheard of? I recently went to the movies by myself because I had nobody to go with me. I admit, it was a little lonely at first, but I got over it. I was talking to my friends about the movie I saw and as soon as I mentioned that I went alone, they acted so surprised and wouldn't stop talking about it. Saying things like "omg who goes to the movies alone??" I can kind of see where they're coming from because I don't usually see people alone, but I didn't think it was such a big deal. Pe…

  • Re: confused???

    Lostsoul - - Teen Sexuality


    You're 13. Welcome to puberty, lol. But seriously, it's puberty kicking in and that "boner" will come soon.

  • Re: do u like them?

    Lostsoul - - Creative Writing


    Not bad. Very depressing.

  • Quote from Nessax: “He hasn't done anything to me so I guess I have no reason not to trust him either. He has been very open about everything to me (well i can only hope he is) and I suppose he could be in for worse crimes. I think if it works out while he's inside then why not. Thanks :).” To be honest, I wouldn't. However, I respect any decision you make as it is your call. But, just stop to think if he really is guilty of murder, that tells you something about him. That tells you what his bou…

  • Re: 2012

    Lostsoul - - Debate and Discussions


    I don't think it will happen. I don't have proof or anything, but...

  • Re: Old Nick?

    Lostsoul - - Films, TV and Books


    Disney/Nick had the most creative shows/cartoons back in the day. Truly original.

  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    Lostsoul - - Teen Sexuality



  • :/

    Lostsoul - - General Advice


    What the fuck is wrong with people? It's hard to believe that someone can't live a normal life and be accepted and loved because of they way they look and the people around them are too full of themselves to acknowledge their existence. I've seen this everywhere I go. People trying to be something their not, people thinking way too fucking much of themselves. Is it fair for someone to be punished for how they were born? to have to suffer and be alone, isolated from society because they aren't li…

  • Ive been using comcast for about 2 years and the highest speed test I've had before this one was 5mb/s..for the past few weeks I've been getting insanely fast download speeds and slow ass upload speeds I have no idea why.. I know most people wouldnt be complaining but what could be the "problem?" I need faster upload speeds..yeah, the downloads are super fast but that's not exactly what I need... The download is never slower than 75 mb/s but upload never reaches above 0.90 anymore..…

  • Re: CashCrate

    Lostsoul - - Advertising Agency


    Has anyone ever done the offers you have to pay for? I want to know before I do it. I see some offers where you pay 1.00 for a trial and the payout is like 15.00 I would like to do it, but is it safe and does it trick you into paying for something extra?

  • Re: MILFs

    Lostsoul - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: MILFs

    Lostsoul - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Iceman_: “No I wouldn't.” What reason could you possibly have for not fucking a milf? Especially under those conditions.