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  • Re: girls dormrooms

    justsmile - - Teen Sexuality


    Well obviously.... where else would we all masturbate? In class?

  • I think they only look trashy if you get like a massive dragon going down your arm or something. But I think they also don't look good on men... Go with something that can easily be hidden (foot, back, hip, ribs, back of neck) because future job employers might feel differently about tattoos. Also, don't let anybody steer you away from getting a "tramp stamp" if that's what you really want. I (and a lot of people I know) personally think they're cute, especially during the summer when you're in …

  • Re: suggestions.

    justsmile - - Fashion


    Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “Gonna have to agree here. Hate it when fat girls wear clothes meant for skinny people.” this. honestly, get your friend something that will flatter her body type, not make her look fatter than she actually is. I'm a size 10 and I don't even wear skinny jeans because it doesn't look good. I'd rather not be so "in fashion because I wear skinny jeans" and wear something that flatters my body and I can feel confident in.

  • relish (which is weird because I love pickles) beans seafood KFC chicken mcnuggets

  • Re: Is this normal?

    justsmile - - Teen Sexuality


    as JoBro said, it's perfectly normal.

  • Quote from Alexia: “Don't get upset. You're judging me cause you think I'm implying something which makes you a hypocrite. I think it's unhealthy and signs of a weak mind but I never said it was for attention or for idiots. Depression is an illness and shows sign of a weak mind. Being weak isn't necessarily a negative thing, we can't all be strong. Majority of people are weak minded, but it doesn't mean they should resort to unhealthy things to feel relief. The 'natural thing' to do is jump at m…

  • Quote from Alexia: “Lol, no one is judging you. That comment made me nauseous. Mutilation is disgusting. Find another way to deal with your depression.” If it makes you feel so sick stay out of the thread. At the very least keep your snide comments to yourself. There is no reason for you to be so rude and obnoxious.

  • your clothes are cute. but honestly, if you want to make a good impression in school use proper english (back to school>back 2 skool).

  • Re: Totes for School

    justsmile - - Fashion


    dear god, i would never buy a $100 bag for my books...

  • just tell them you wanna look like jb.

  • Quote from Alexia: “I just threw up in my mouth.” This is the most ignorant thing I have ever read. Cutting is part of depression, which is a DISEASE and CANNOT BE HELPED. it's not a sign of a weak mind. it's a sign of unbalanced serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain, actually. Before you sit on your computer judging people for their problems I dare you to go through some of the things that other people have gone through, I can almost guarantee that no matter how "strong" of a mind you have…

  • Quote from LilMissy: “wow well i don't know what to say it is pretty messed up. i don't think this would be considered rape. by the retarded law yes it would be but the law is f***ed up. ---------- Post added at 02:24 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ---------- I totally agree!!!! :thumbsup:” you are completely wrong... it is absolutely rape. to break it down into simpler terms: saying no=not consenting to sex... non-consensual sex=rape.. therefore, saying no=rape. the law regarding r…

  • It's completely normal to be curious about sex at that age. That's often when kids begin to masturbate and/or look at porn simply because they're curious. As well, she may not even really know what she's talking about, she just knows what she hears from other kids at school. When I was twelve I used to make my barbies have sex (I just layed them in bed because I knew that that was the only way they'd have a baby. By no means was I interested in having sex, I was just young and cu…

  • Hello :)

    justsmile - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Hi everyone, my name's Bailey. I'm new to teen hut but have been an active member in the postsecret community. I am currently going to university where I am working towards becoming a psychiatrist. I'm really helpful and all my friends think that I give great advice. I have been through a lot of different experiences including sexual assault, cutting, depression, dating etc. I'm always here for anyone, if you need advice on anything or just want to talk feel free to pm me

  • Re: Uhh... Holy Shit?

    justsmile - - Teen Sexuality


    First of all, she's an LG. I have never understood what is with boys and LGs..... but anyways, she's under the legal age of consent, meaning you can get in serious trouble if you sleep with her. Secondly, 13 year old girls know absolutely nothing... it's pretty stupid that you believed her.. Thirdly, there is no time limit on virginity. You are not going to spontaneously combust if you leave junior high with your virginity. To be honest, a LOT of teenagers do not lose it when they are that young…

  • Definitely listen to the posts above regarding his clothing. As for what to expect, unless you've never seen a penis before, there's not much you can expect. Make sure you apply pressure, don't try and be super gentle (if it hurts he'll tell you). Just watch and listen to him - if he looks/sounds like he's really enjoying it, keep going. If he looks totally bored try switching it up (use a slight twisting motion, massage his balls, etc.).

  • Re: how to make my gf happy??

    justsmile - - Teen Sexuality


    there are lots of women out there that don't/can't orgasm. and there are LOTS (and i mean lots) of women that don't orgasm from sex alone. try using your finger or tongue. also, go for the clit honestly, i know it sounds stupid but cosmopolitan could potentially help you a lot.

  • Um, if you kept saying no it's considered sexual assault... Besides that, if you're vag is sore you were probably too dry (which is probably due to the fact that you didn't want it....). Also, when you have sex for the first time your hymen is torn; therefore, it tends to be a bit sore down there for a while. Don't have sex with this guy again if he doesn't respect that NO MEANS NO. wait until YOU are ready and if you're sore after that time make sure to buy some lube for the future.

  • Quote from awesomemike: “how does it not seem right, i mean we both enjoy it” This may sound rude but I kind of doubt you BOTH enjoyed it... if you're 13 I'm sure you don't exactly know how to please a woman (or child in your case...). Also, have you discussed how you'd handle it if she became pregnant? I'm guessing probably not. Neither of you are at the maturity level to probably even be able to talk about pregnancy, never mind actually deal with it. Keep in mind there is no 100% way to protec…

  • I cut for 5 years and have stopped. However, you'll always feel the urge to cut at times, so I suggest you find a way to push through it. One specific trick that works for me and has worked for a lot of people I know is to stop before you cut, wait 15 minutes, and then decide whether or not you still REALLY feel that self-harm is necessary. if you still want to, wait another 15. eventually your mind will be clear and you'll realize that you can make it through tough moments without cutting. it's…