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  • Leigh - Welcome to my world bitches!

  • Re: length vs girth

    Leigh - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Mabe: “ive heard alot about how girth is the pleasure and length is more attractive and that black people are huge but i saw a article in the paper showing average penis sizes on differnt races and it appeared that though black people in average are a bit longer white people have a bit more girth? just sharing my eternal fountin of wisdom” It's not the size of the wave, it's the motion in the ocean :cool:

  • Re: Runway Fashion Jumpsuits

    Leigh - - Fashion


    Quote from rundown: “What do you think about jump suits like these ones: Runway Fashion Jumpsuits” They suit really tall women, but you'd never catch me in one!

  • Re: Thigh highs hot or slutty?

    Leigh - - Fashion


    I don't see anything wrong with that .. Let them think what they think - as long as you feel comfortable and your boyfriend doesn't mind then why not?

  • Re: Girls: Do you watch porn?

    Leigh - - Teen Sexuality


    Yes I do watch porn occaisonally (more than usual these days) And all girls who says they don't, well I don't beleive half of them..

  • Every penis is unique.

  • Re: Help me out

    Leigh - - Fashion


    I actually find you really good looking.

  • Quote from Nina2004: “I wax mine XD” Good girl

  • Yeah make sure you've masturbated before otherwise this nice night you and your friend were planning could finish with you screaming in pain. And remember, don't do anything you aren't comfortable with.

  • Re: Felt pretty left out and sad.

    Leigh - - General Advice


    Quote from Mike SixZero: “I started Drivers Ed. It is 2 hours a day monday-thurs. I am in there for 3 weeks. I honetly try to get in conversations in there. This one dude is really cool, but he's leaving monday. Also, a shit load of people last day was today, including a hot cheerleader I never got to talk to. As the whole class was exchanging numbers and facebooks, I was left out. Then when they had a picture together (I don't know if it was the whole class.) I walked to my car and left as they…

  • Quote from ChiaNinja1994: “I had a dream where I was making out with my girlfriends best friend. Her pants were off and she was wearing white panties and i think we were in a tent for some unknown reason and we started kissing and then her dad walks in starts yelling at me and I said well my girlfriend isn't here. The dream is kinda freaking me out. I haven't told my girlfriend about it nor do I plan to. But what I said and the fact that when I think about it I get turned on is freaking me out. …

  • It really depends what it is ..

  • Eww I can't stand having pubes. I shave when I need to but before holidays etc I always go for a WAX.

  • Re: Preferring oral sex?

    Leigh - - Teen Sexuality


    Okay, you say you're a virgin but you can't get turned on by full blown sex - that's because you've never tried it. Thinking about sex/oral sex and actually being involved in doing them are two very different experiences. I don't think you need to worry about this being a problem for you in the future

  • Re: So...a question.

    Leigh - - Teen Sexuality


    The best or most fertile time to get pregnant is the period of ovulation in your menstrual cycle. This is the time when following an LH surge, a mature ovum is released into the uterus from the follicles. This egg or ovum is ready to be fertilized and stays so for about 12 hours after which it starts degenerating. The best way to determine your most fertile time is to pay attention to your body and learn to spot the physical signs of ovulation, and thereby the best time to get pregnant.

  • Re: After sex with a condom

    Leigh - - Teen Sexuality


    Sperm dies whilst out in the open like that really fast, so you don't have anything to worry about but if you want to put your minds at rest then have her take a test.

  • Quote from MissMonica: “Technically, by definition, I'm overweight.” Me too Monica, but I'd look way too skinny if I lost weight. CURVES RULE.

  • Re: How much $ do you spend?

    Leigh - - Fashion


    I probably spend like 1000 euros a year, maybe more. But I have A LOT of clothes and don't tend to buy designer labels, just a lot of stuff

  • Re: first time

    Leigh - - Teen Sexuality


    I didn't really get your post, you should try elaborating a little more. Did you guys have sex, or what? Oral sex really isn't that bad whether it's on a boy or a girl it's practically the same thing.

  • Infactuation?

    Leigh - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    So I've been speaking to this guy on msn for a while (he is in my boyfriends class) I always found him really interesting and stuff, and then at a new years party we finally met for the first time (boyfriend was there too, house party!) - I felt like he was avoiding me but then after a while he loosened up, he only spoke to me when my boyfriend wasn't there though - think he doesn't wanna make crap between us. He kept looking at me too .. I facebooked him and he never replied .. and now I can't …