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  • Re: Ways to pamper myself?

    Claire1 - - Fashion


    thanks! I don't live in the states so...8 bucks say nothing to me i'm not gonna get SO stingy, if im gonna get my nails done imma get it like it's supposed to! i've tried doing the home spa thing but it's really not as fun as it sounds.

  • Ways to pamper myself?

    Claire1 - - Fashion


    I'm 16 & im a full time student, aswell as having 2 jobs. I study a lot & then I gotta go work & im pretty much not having fun most of the time. of course i go out with my friends but, im under a lot of stress & i suffer a bit from anxiety. My friend said that I should set myself goals. like everytime i do X amount of work hours i should get myself something to make myself feel better. She says that buying clothes always makes her feel good, but I have enough clothes so I need some other ideas. …

  • Re: Update

    Claire1 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I'm not over him, i still like him, but he did call me. & he did reject me. He doesn't want me & their is nothing i can do to change that, i can just try to get over him cz im getting nothing out of it.

  • Update

    Claire1 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    So as u know i liked this guy, my friend ended up telling him so then he went & asked her all kinds of questions about how long i like him & all that. He then started talking to me online & the entire 3 minute convo was hi hi whatsup good u good yeah & then he had to go. he went to this thing for sports, so the only way i could talk to him was on the phone, so i sent him a text asking if i could talk to him & he said that he was going into a speech & when his out he will call me, its been 6 hour…

  • thanks kevmo u always give the best advice & i think ur kinda right about overthinking about it. but...i dont even why why i didnt tell him, i just didnt. my friend told me to just close all contact with him cz im not gonna be with him anyways.

  • I'm 16 and I liked this guy a full school year, Now I left the school cz i moved cities (it was my first and only year at that school) I didn't tell him for fear of rejection since i think he doesn't like me that way...but when i moved i decided that i got nothing to lose, so i got my friend to tell him..i know its REALLY childish but I just wanted to know what he thought about me but then she straight out told him Emma likes u. this was all on the chat & he thought she was kidding so he started…

  • Re: brazilian wax

    Claire1 - - Fashion


    do not do it at home. i did & got bruised to bad, by the time the burising went away the hair already strarted to grow again & take into acount it takes 3 week for the hair to grow again.

  • Should I give up on bangs?

    Claire1 - - Fashion


    I decided to get bangs about 2 years ago & ever since no hair dresser i've ever gone to has done it properly. ive gone to about 5 different ones & NONE can do side swept bangs! wtf, & ive paid good money to...what the hell? & i always explain to them what i want & they lever listen, also with a side part my head looks like a helmet. but ive been told middle part doesn't make me look good. I got bangs to give shape to my face but it is kinda annoying to pull back all the time. should i just let i…

  • thanks, if it was clothing i wouldnt mind. i just went to another piercer & apparently my damn piercing wasnt pierced properly AGAIN...FUCK

  • i would do anything for my best friend, yeah almost ANYTHING! although...its an online friendship, were supposed to be meeting next year. we have known eachother for 2 years & she is like my diary, im completely honest & open with her...however, she had her first serious boyfriend & she didnt even hint! nothing, although when i had a crush i told her everything that went through my mind. I even forgave her when she says racist comments towards me (idk if u call it racist, cz were both white, she…

  • I'm really sensitive, & please don't make fun of me cz of this but it really makes me sad to the point of depression. not all the time, just every once in a while, hormones...u know. So i had my belly pierced 2 years ago, it was a big mess, got infected, not enough skin, had to take it out & it left a big scar. they say mental scars are worse then physical ones, i guess thats right, cz while i had my navel pierced for the first time i was taking medicine that made my mood radical, i was depresse…

  • ok thanks everyone.

  • uuuugh parents like that make me SO FUCKING MAD! i dont usually swear but seriously! 2 years ago i moved countries & was severly was really really bad, i used to go to sleep everyday screaming & cryiing & wake up crying & my parents didnt care. they did .NOTHING. yeah u heard it .N.O.T.H.I.N.G & they think they are amazing parents, It got to the point where being dead was better, although idk if its concidered suicidal thoughts cz i would never kill myself cz I believe in ghosts (…

  • Im 16 & decided to get a summer job as a babysitter & i got my first job & my mom stole my job! she also wants to go to the woman & tell her that SHE will be working for her & not me,WTFFFFFF! She was the one who wanted me to get this job & she is taking it away from me...i told the woman i had experience, when other then family members i dont, so my mom is like, u dont deserve it, im taking over! wtffff I HATE HER!!! WHY ON EARTH would she do this? & how can i get my job back??

  • thanks everyone, had my audition, went great.

  • I have a modeling audition, well im having a meeting with a really big modeling agency & the 1st impression is the one that counts. & I am pear shaped so my hips/thighs are slightly curvy although i am pretty thin. I cant decide between low riders or high wasted jeans. I don't like the high wasted ones cz i feel like it makes me huge & it looks like mom jeans! but my dad says i look great & that it makes me look thinner, the only problem is that its a little bit tight & makes my ass a bit flat. …

  • I want to model, im not like WOOOOOOW drop dead gorgeous, but i do look nice & im thin & tall. so i sent my pics to one of the biggest agencies in my country (im not from the states) well i was REALLY excited, in my head. i didnt really show it but tomorrow im going to meet them & my dad instead of supporting me is really really bringing me down why on earth is he ruining my self confidence & stuff right before my big audition?

  • i decided to teach spanish this summer. so far i only have 1 customer. So i put a notice up in my town & this guy called me. i dont live in the states & in my country a lesson can cost up to 100! & i charge 40. so on my notice i said the prices are amazing, so when i tell the guy my price he said its not amazing at all, WTF!! 40 COMPARED TO 100?? WTFFFF!! how im i supposed to persuade people to be my students. i already got one student, & she didnt ask for the price she just asked me to come.

  • I put on fake lashes, im a beginner & something is just off...idk what it is, but somethings not right. here is what it looks like what did i do wrong/what can i improve?

  • im going to start teaching a 5 year old spanish (dont ask me why, the parents want her to even though they arent latin) . I am worried about keeping her interested or else i will be fired. so far ive printed colors & pictures of fruit. my dad says that won't be able to keep her interested for more then 20 minutes (the lesson is 45 minutes)