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  • Learning Keyboard

    Alex95 - - General Advice


    Hey there, I've just started playing a *little* bit of keyboard, I need some suggestions of very easy songs to learn. I'm a beginner and can just about handle SOME chords Any ideas? Just something simple yet recognisable.

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    Alex95 - - Music



  • Re: Good Rock Music?

    Alex95 - - Music


    Quote from FallenAngel: “Because there's a music section :p” ... Good point. Shhh

  • Re: Good Rock Music?

    Alex95 - - Music


    Blue October are really good :O

  • Re: sometimes my sarcasm...

    Alex95 - - Teen Sexuality


    hehe yeah, I'm waayyy too sarcastic, in fact my friend recently commented on how he couldn't tell between my normal voice and sarcastic voice anymore...

  • Re: Good Rock Music?

    Alex95 - - Music


    How is this the wrong section?? It can't be it's the cafe - anything goes here! xD Thanks guys

  • Good Rock Music?

    Alex95 - - Music


    I've been listening to a lot of 80s/90s maybe even 70s rock music lately, I think it far exceeds most of today's music I really want to 'explore' this genre more, have you got any suggestions of good rock music from those time periods? I'm going through a phase of just 'trying out' a lot of different music at the moment lol. thaaaanks

  • Aw Thanks x

  • I have the same problem! Only maybe a little less severe. I too always imagine a dead girl dripping blood and crouching in the corner etc. I constantly have to turn my light on at night to reassure myself nothing's there, normally i just really try to ignore it... there's nothing i can really do.

  • Christian Girls.

    Alex95 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Hey! There's a girl at school - she's in like 2 of my classes We are always talking and stuff, it's a bit (and I stress that word) flirty. She's a Christian and I'm not, as far as I'm aware Christians aren't allowed to 'date' anyone but other Christians. Is this right? She's really nice and I think she thinks the same way (hopefully) Should I just leave it to avoid any religous... issues?

  • Hey, Savannah, you're not nearly as ugly as me! You have NOTHING to worry about in the looks area trust me

  • God Stuff.

    Alex95 - - Debate and Discussions


    Hey there, a lot of people say things like "If God exists then why did he* make war?" or even "Why did he give me acne?!" (... You get my point) If you're a Christian and have a good answer for these types of questions then please feel free to explain In my opinion God doesn't exist, but if he did then why would he let such bad things happen?** (OMG pimples!!11!!) Many global tragedies and poverty, cancer. All these things which not just kill people but affect so many more. Is it just some kind …

  • Re: Is my chest... normal?

    Alex95 - - Health and Fitness


    Thanks guys this is why I love Teenhut

  • Re: Is my chest... normal?

    Alex95 - - Health and Fitness


    Thanks I find it really hard to gain weight, I can eat anything and stay the same. :/ ---------- Post added at 07:46 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ---------- btw... your animated signature actually made me lol :') Ok, I guess it's just a weight thing then?? I'm really self-conscious

  • Is my chest... normal?

    Alex95 - - Health and Fitness


    Hey there, I'm 15 and pretty thin (my BMI is about 17) I've taken a picture of my chest area just so you guys can assess it It seems to go in a bit and it's really boney like the rest of me xD p1010401i.jpg p1010410.jpg] You can see like part of my rib cage or whatever it is, really 'poking' out haha. Is it too weird?

  • I know EXACTLY how you feel, I mean I'm only 15 and have no interest in sex at the moment, but I know when the time comes I will be in your position. I'm just so embarassed

  • Ohhh right yeah, thanks

  • This is gonna sound so lame but... where is the apps tab?! can't find it anywhere xD Nice pic btw

  • Hey there, I was wondering - If I were to buy a new iPod touch (with no apps on it) to replace my old one, how would I get my apps from my old one onto my new one? I see no way of doing this on iTunes.

  • Re: Cutting

    Alex95 - - Depression, Self Harm and Suicide


    Wow thanks everyone who commented. Thanks a lot. Anastasia Salikhova (nice name, btw) your reply made me smile and he wasn't just a friend to me, I liked him a lot, if you know what I mean. I ended up cutting another two times after that but... I don't think I will anymore. don't worry 'bout that All your replies were right, thanks again