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  • Re: How can I tell

    randomacid - - Friends and Family


    The same thing happened to me. I had a mate who I'd known pretty much since I was born. We used to doo everything together, and would spend days together doing shit all. Then one day we just kinda stopped. After this I spent a fair bit of time getting depressed, and didn't do much for a while, only every few weeks we would go out. We both got new groups of mates, and whilst we still hang out every 2 weeks or so, I have other mates who I spend alot more time with now. My advice is basically to mo…

  • Clashing Parties.

    randomacid - - General Advice


    So basically, a few weeks I was invited to a party from a kid I'm mates with, adn went to primary school with. It's 2 streets away from my house, and all the kids from my area, and my primary school, and the school I went to in years 7 and 8 are going to it. I have already told a fair few people that I'm gonna be there. Then tonight I recieved another invite to one abotu a 25minute drive, from a girl who I don't *really* know. A mate from my current school told her to add me on FB and we have ch…

  • Re: girl help

    randomacid - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I don't think it means anything. It's just like a signoff thing. Whenever I talk to girls on facebook, and one of us is leaving, I say "x0x." It means nothing.

  • Hey, I'm a 17 year old male. I am about 6'2-6'3 and weigh about 205-207 pounds, whcih gives me a BMI of around 26. I'm looking for a diet and/or excercise plan that I could possible use to lose some extra weight (fat.) I'm not looking for anythign crazy, just something which could help me lose some gut, and man-boobs, and maybe add some definition to my muscles. Thanks.

  • Corsage or no?

    randomacid - - Fashion


    [INDENT] Alright, my school's Formal dance is coming up. Although it's technically semi-formal (guys wear dress shirts and ties, girls wear dresses, no limo's or anythign like that). I don't know if I should get my date a corsage or flowers or both. I know you should get the girl a corsage for prom and stuff. But is it necessary for a semi-formal dance? [/INDENT]

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “do guys in ausy call you a shela? and ask for a root? hahahaha bloody australians haha” Ever tripped over a log? how about a root?

  • Nuh, they're acctaully about to start going out now... Looks like I fucked up, yet again...

  • Yeah thanks guys, that makes fair sense, although I'm still a bit scared about overdoing the chat, and possible annoying her....

  • Mixed messages

    randomacid - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I met this girl 2 nights ago (friend of a friend) and after some drinks, got down to chatting with her. At this time we went over to a computer, and she showed me one of her friends and asked my oppinion. Since I said she was "okay" she gave me the nickname of "high standards boy." Continually she called me this throughout the night, and at one point she asked me if anyone in the taxi was good enough for my standards to which I said maybe. She then asked me if I would hook in with anyone in the …