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  • for a few bucks, you could get it done on a legit site... so relatively easy

  • And also, you could be charged with kidnapping possibly, for housing her. I have seen people try to do it before that I know, but they dropped charges before court. Just watch your step, don't let her run away.

  • Apply everywhere, if you have any interest in that job at all, or even if you don't but you could handle it, apply even if they aren't necessarily looking, because if they decide to look, they already have you on file!

  • Re: Good Drum Parts

    Brad - - Music


    First of all, it's great to hear about another drummer Secondly, how good are you, that will greatly influence what kind of music you should play, like a beginner shouldn't start off on something insane, but a pro shouldn't have to practice something extremely simple

  • Re: Fights && Come Backs.

    Brad - - General Advice


    To be able to respond to things like that right away, it takes lots of practise, and it isn't something a lot of people can do right away

  • Re: Guys, How do I look?

    Brad - - Fashion


    Thumbs up

  • Quote: “Okay, so my question is: what do you think about a relationship between an Atheist and a Theist? I am currently pursuing a very religious Christian girl, and I am an 'Agnostic Atheist', I do not personally believe in a God though I admit I will never be able to say for certain. I believe this girl is an 'Agnostic Theist' she believes in God but accepts this as her own personal belief, and understands that this is a leap of faith and she will never be able to prove His existence. ” I don'…

  • Well even if they are deleted, there are still hundreds of ways to get them, and more than likely the cops will find them somehow... If you get the cops involved, you and your BF are going to get charged for CP and probably both end up in jail, and when you get out, you will be a registered sex offender... They might end up on the internet, or they might just become his personal play toys... Basically if you go to the cops, you better have a very good lawyer, or else jail is in your future

  • Re: Prostitution

    Brad - - Debate and Discussions


    Hell if we let people inhale toxins, and screw their own lives up and all that, then why can't we allow this? I think society is too controlling right now, and should just back off, and as long as it won't hurt others, then let someone frig up their own lives. Same with seat belts, sure they save lives, but why enforce it, wear if you wish, and if you die, it's your own fault.

  • Re: Young love...?

    Brad - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Most people yes have no idea what Love really is, but there are many young people, who are much more capable of love than older people. Love is to feel so passionately for someone that you would do anything for them. Hate to break it to all you who don't think it's possible, but everyone young is just as capable of most things as everyone old. Just because I haven't been around as long as you, doesn't mean I can't love. When someone is smart enough, and actually understands loving someone it doe…

  • 1. Normal, you thought your secret might've been told.. 2. she could be bs-in' you, or telling the truth, hard ti tell with what we know 3. Well once again, we can't really tell, the only sure way to know is to ask her, but she might be a little weirded out by people doing that kinda stuff over her presence, but you never know

  • I sense an anti- sucks to be single thread haha

  • Re: R.I.P. Michael Jackson

    Brad - - Debate and Discussions


    Although he may have made mistakes, oh well. He was a good guy through and through, and he gave us some good music

  • Re: I made this for a boy.. :D

    Brad - - Creative Writing


    Good job

  • Re: Someone has passed away - please read

    Brad - - Music


    Maybe something that was an important song to the beloved. Then it would have much more meaning then any other song.

  • Well she maybe assumed you hadn't left yet... Talk to her about it, but don't be too blunt, women don't like that

  • Re: hymen

    Brad - - Teen Sexuality


    Maybe you tore something inside there, and it is just bleeding out, give it some time... But ifit keeps up much longer, she should see a doctor

  • Re: Guys: has ur girl ever?

    Brad - - Teen Sexuality


    depends on horny level, and what she wanted

  • Agreed Wait, I thought that kinda cursing resulted in an infraction... if it doesn't I am going to be so rotted because I had to edit out all the curse words from a previous post before posting -.- Anyways, It could be legit, but get her to pick a time, and then go, and if she cancels it for something else, ask if you can go. See what she says, don't just let her blow you off, but don't be like a clingy creep either

  • I dated a girl who was older than me by a few months... It was best kind I dated a girl older by a few years... more sexual... I dated a girl younger by only 27 days, it was more like we both knew everything that was on the go, because there was so little age difference I am dating a girl 5 months 5 days younger... I like it better because then you have experience a lot of the stuff she is worried about, and you can answer it and comfort her. I prefer the last one much better,