Search Results

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  • Do you and your parents like any of the same bands/singers? Me and my mum do Is there any food in your bedroom? What? An apple and a banana :} Do you know anyone who has road rage? Who? My dad lol and my sister a bit How expensive is too expensive for a pair of shoes? Over £60 How far away do your grandparents live from you? Not far but not same town What kinds of cereal are in the cupboard? Lots Is there anything related to cats in your bedroom? Animal campaigning stuff What�s the last thing yo…

  • Re: Google search

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Type in "[your name] needs" in the Google search: Jess needs a bath Type in "[your name] looks like" in Google search: Jess looks like the floppy, insecure little sister Type in "[your name] is " in Google search: Jess is MORE Type in "[your name] has" in Google search: Jess has to pee Type in "[your name] likes" in Google search: Jess likes shrooms a lot Type in "[your name] wants" in Google search: Jess wants Stephen's pictures Type in "[your name] gets" in Google search: Jess gets crafty Type…

  • Yeh, dont let her know that shes getting to you. Just be confident with the knowing yourself, that you get good grades, physically fit and can get a girlfriend. Explain to your parents that your sister is not driving you to suicide because you have more inner happiness than her. I don't see why you envy her life if you can see that it isn't fulfilling and that you're happier living your own life. Just be yourself and be happy with yourself.

  • Been to the beach yes Swam in the ocean yes Played paintball no had surgery no been in the hospital yes had sex no made out with someone in the shower no taken over a hundred pictures in one day probably been grounded no been beaten up no beaten up someone else no bullied someone no been bullied not exactly gotten a piece of gum stuck in your hair probably failed a grade grade? failed a test yes spent more than 4 hours online at once probably broken a bone no broken a glass think so been drunk n…

  • Do people spell your name wrong very often? no, but sometimes my surname, always my middle name Who will your next phone call be with? i dunno! Would yo rather be taken or single? depends who i would be taken with, it if was just for the sake of being taken id rather be single Do you plan to move any time soon? nope Would you rather have pink or green hair? erm pink, but neither lol Do you miss anyone's smile right now? yes Do you want kids? maybe someday but only if i find the perfect partner D…

  • 1. Why are you taking this quiz? because i have nothing better to do at this hour 2. Are you liking it so far? er yeah.. 3. If you had to eat a human in order to survive, would you? ew no way! i really couldnt bring myself to 4. What's your favorite smiley on teenhut? 5. What was the very first cell phone you had? some samsung thing with a window on the front :') 6. Do you eat raw eggs? no.. 7. GIMP, or Photoshop? photoshop 8. Firefox, or chrome? dunno... 9. mac or windows? windows 10. Favorite …

  • Folded a dollar bill in hopes of doing a trick No Used a hotcomb or curling iron on ur hair Yes Prayed Yes Got ur ears pierced Yes Got a tattoo No had anything from Aero Yes had anything from AE No? had anything from hollister No had anything from abercrombie Dont think so bought clothes from walmart No put alluminum foil in the oven No picked up a coin u found on the ground Yes memorized a Verse from the Bible Yes been on a diet Yes (sort of) seen a friend in there underwear Yes eaten peanut bu…

  • Any movies coming out soon that you want to see? Eclipse! Have you ever heard of Dana Carvey? nope How often do you say 'rad'? never Do you like beer? ew no Do you sip your shots or down em all at once? dont drink shots Have you ever counted your scars? yeh lol What's the best thing about waking up early? longer day :D What was the last fear you overcame? ermm not sure Do you drink tea? nope Cappuccino or frappuccino? none Have you ever hurt yourself trying to crack a body part? no lol Any songs…

  • what time is it? 2:35pm aaand what time zone are you in? erm dunno, i live in western europe what are you wearing? a little miss sunshine t-shirt and skinny jeans what is the last thing you ate? sandwich drank? apple juice what was the last pill you took? cant remember have you been on vacation yet this summer? not yet, next month! do you drive? if so, what kind of car do you have? no what is your worst habit? cutting :/ what is something you're putting off doing? getting out of bed? haha how di…

  • Re: Long

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    How are you feeling? alright i suppose Do you get along with your mom? most of the time Do you get along with your dad? nope Any siblings? yes, 3 Do you get along with them? depends what mood we are in haha Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? no Do you like being single? not if i like someone Are you happy with your life? half Do you like the band KISS? ? Do you know any songs by them? no Do you buy water bottles? not if i can avoid it Do you have caution tape in your room? no lol What color is …

  • Re: True or False

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    i avoid some people on purpose. True ive cheated. False i hate the way i look most of the time. True ive been swimming in an ocean. True ive been swimming in a lake. True i have siblings. True i have pets. True ive been on vacation recently. False i love meeting new people. True i am insanely shy. False im on a sports team. False i dont remember the last time i mailed a letter. False i talk on the phone every night. False i drink milk almost every day. True ive kissed someone in a bathroom. True…

  • bold what's true

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    I am a perfectionist. I am an only child. I am Catholic. I am currently in my PJs. I am currently pregnant. I am currently suffering from a broken heart. I am left handed. I am married. I’m shy around the opposite sex. I bite my nails. I currently regret something I have done. When I get mad I curse. I don’t like anyone. I enjoy country music. I enjoy jazz music. I have a car. [B]I have a cell phone.[/B] [B]I have a pet.[/B] [B]I have at least one brother or sister.[/B] [B]I have been to another…

  • disorders survey :)

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    ANOREXIA: [x] You have dry skin. [ ] You eat one meal. [ ] You’re very weak. [x] You hate yourself. [ ] You starve yourself. [x] You have low self esteem. [ ] You use laxatives. [ ] You need to be more skinny. [ ] People always say you’re skinny, but you think you’re fat. [x] People think you are too skinny. Total: 4 ATTENTION DEFICIT HYPERACTIVE DISORDER: [x] Your mind is all over the place. [ ] You are hyper most of the time. [ ] You barely pay attention to anything. [ ] You can’t cooperate we…

  • Re: are we alike?

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    you'd like to go to NY Yes you're female Yes you like someone of the same gender No you're going out with someone younger then you No you LUV one particular genre of music Yes you're birthday's soon Kind of you're the oldest child No you have half siblings Yes you have tarot cards No you think shane dawson is some of the funniest shit ? one of your cousins wants to marry shane dawson No? you kinda wanna kiss your new bf/gf I don't have one you like davedays music videos and music ? you know how …

  • What did you dream about last night? This weird lesbian girl who told me to kiss her in a jail cell in a library but then when we got there, there was 3 kids in the room and by the time the last one had left she was asleep and i could sneek out :') how odd What's the most unusual thing in your bedroom? hmm maybe a rocking horse, considering im 16 Look to your left, what can you see? side of the couch and the remotes How about your right? other side of the couch and my cereal bowl Have you ever s…

  • Hairy toe

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Time started: 5.10 NAME jess Single or Taken: Single Sex: Female Birthday: 1. September Siblings: 1 younger brother, 2 older sisters Shoe size: 5 Height: about 5'5 What are you wearing right now: jeans, t-shirt & cardy Where do you live: UK Righty or lefty: Righty Fingers: what? Breakfast: cereal yummmm Aftershave/Perfume: coco chanel <3 Favorite cartoon character: Dont know Have you ever........ Given anyone a bath: Only dogs haha Have you ever smoked: No Bungee Jumped: No Parasailed: No Made y…

  • Have you ever laughed at someone because they had a funny name? Dont think so Speaking of names, why do celebrities always call their kids stupid ones? Attention? If you have a problem with someone, will you confront them? Sometimes How do you like your tea? I dont drink tea Do you get car sick easily? Not often What did you want to be when you were a kid? Vet/teacher/author Do you think you're a good conversationalist? Why is that? Im not sure.. Are you more likely to be called a hard worker or…

  • Are you a good babysitter? Ive only babysitted for my sister a few times, but i guess (: Do you even like kids? Only some Have you ever daydreamed about taking over the world? Er nah Have you been known to have a 'possey' or a 'gang'? What? Have you ever used the word 'rawr' in an actual conversation? Yeh haha Ever been hiking? Yep What day of the week is your favorite television show on? Sunday mostly Can you cross your eyes? Yes What size drink do you usually get when you order fast-food? Medi…

  • do you like to watch sports? depends what it is have you seen the movie Space Jam? nope have you ever taped your fingers together? probably lol do you wet your toothbrush before putting on toothpaste? yep do you like rice? yes where is your perfect partner? not sure (: does it snow where you live? most winters do you live near any beaches? yes, i live on a peninsular so lots! have you ever made a clay pot on a pottery wheel? nope what is your favourite flavour of chips? hm not sure, dont really …

  • Re: kinda long

    ...Jess... - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Have your parents ever caught you drinking? Nope Do you love the last boy/girl you were talking to? Yes What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Cleaning out my guinea pigs (: Honestly, who was the last person to tell you that they love you? Mum lol Last restaurant you went to? Pizza Hut Who are you constantly with? Jenny Who's the ugliest person you know? Im not that mean.. How much money did you spend today? Zero Have you ever wasted too much time on a boy/girl? Yes Is your best friend a slut? No! …