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  • oh all that romantic stuff is hard to find. actually, you'll probably need to watch out for the romantic men =D oh well, give it sometime, don't expect so much from him. It's a first time for both of and as you get used to it, he'll get to know you better and it'll all work out. But you can drop hints or something, but i dunno if that work.s Or talk to him striaght away and make him think you're nuts or whatever..Or you can do it yourself like Doughnut suggested

  • Re: Clueless!

    bonkers92 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    You should talk to him. Since you're good friends too, that level of mututal understanding will be there and you can trust him to respect your feelings. And try and chill, whatever has to happen will happen, just give it your best shot and keep your fingers crossed!!

  • yeah, give it some time. do you want to make her think you're desparate? and when its crunch time, just tell her that you really like her and care for her and it would make you beyond happy if you could get together. and then a simple "will you go out with me?" or something. don't over-do it. If she likes you back (she probably does) she'll either be nervous or something, so make sure you guys are comfortable. BUT, try to find out about her past with guys. you know what I'm talking about...You g…

  • 1st girl should be kept at a safe distance my friend. And the 2nd one....either you wait for her to develop some feelings for you or take some sleeping pills and try having a dreamless sleep. Or just try harder to get over them. For the 1st gal, just think of all the bad stuff when you think about her or try and avoid thinking about her completely

  • Re: Why?

    bonkers92 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    lol yea you do. we're crazy alright, but you're not the only ones with stuff going on in their lives. i mean, we get confused sometimes and we're only human; we might end up making mistakes. Try not to make it a big deal, it'll be over b4 you know it.

  • Re: wots ur fav movie???

    bonkers92 - - Music


    all the pirates of the carribean movies....iam addicted!!!

  • Get yourself some hobbies or something...go play a sport or do what you like wioth someone else. Some people who you're not close friends with, but you enjoy yourself with them. Like some random school friends. Helps in keeping your mind off things...

  • Re: Help!!!

    bonkers92 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    thnks guys =) il talk to him and sort things out

  • Come on, everyone gets dumped sometime or the other. Ask her out, if she says no, go find someone else. If you make a big deal out of it, it'll hurt. Chill out about it, you aren't going to get married!!

  • Yeah, and if he IS your best friend, he'd understand. Plus she doesn't want to go with him, its quite clear he's being ruled out

  • Go find someone else buddy, before you get more obsessed with a virtually non-existant person...fill your heart with someone else who'll be there to be with ..

  • She could like him and he could like her. its too casual between them, only a little playfulness by the sound of it. But keep an eye out, don't rush and see how things turn out.

  • Actually, it doesn't always mean she doesn't like you. I liked a guy and when he asked me out I told him to wait. Its a different thing that a week l8r I said yes and now I'm really regretting it....

  • Re: Help!!!

    bonkers92 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I WISHED I wasn't in a relationship...I wanna fool around, this whole offical thing pisses me off...I want to tell my bf to stay away, but I dunno how to do it without hurting him. God, I barely know him!!! I don't know even remotely what might be going on in his mind, I'm not all that comfortable around him and I liked him for about a week, I don't even know if I like him anymore...It's only my first relationship!!

  • He could be busy, could have lost interest we don't know. Either way, you could try meeting up with him. See how it goes. If its smooth, good and if it isn't, too least you'll have more space XD

  • confidence issue, yeah. I agree with daishy. Used to happen to me. Started happening again, I'm just so confused, I keep trying to say the right thing or something funny. The problem is, I think too much. And I find it hard to loosen up...!! =( I'm living with it though. Crossed my fingers

  • and I agree with Robb

  • You know what? Whatever you do, both of them are going to do exactly as they please. Trying and not getting what you want is just going to make things worse. Just keep a cordial relation with both of them; ignore them for the most but make sure you don't completely lose them. It'll be hard but you have to get over it!! and hanging out with them is just going to make it worse!

  • You should stay away. Yeah he's made mistakes and he could be regretting them, but if you do give him a chance you'll get dragged into the mess unnecesarily.

  • Oh man..That happened to me once XD