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  • Hi, I don't think you can do that. My friend just accesses the internet on the PSP via the wireless router which is also used by his laptop. -FF

  • Quote from Slayer Dave: “"Is it done Yuri?" "No comrade premier, it has only begun" Russia - AK47!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and SKS!” Awesome! Lol, I remember that! :p

  • When someone says Russia, these are some of the things that come to mind: - Russians - Mother Russia - Glory to the mother land! - Soviet Union - Joseph Stalin - Borris - Premier Romanov - Command & Conquer: Red Alert - Command & Conquer: Red Alert 2 - Command & Conquer: Yur's Revenge - My uncle who was in the leather trade in Russia for half of his life Lol, -FF

  • Quote from valatree: “I searched and did not find. Basically i just want to know your views on body modications what you think of them. I am personally very interested in them. I am 15, i have 9 piercing ( tragus, tongue web, side lip, 2 standard cartilage, 1st lobes streched to 8mm, and 2nd lobes. ) and have retired 3.( 2nd lobes ,1 standard cartiagle). i plan to get multiple microdermals, about 15 ( maybe more ) piercings, tattoos, strech some more and possibly scarfication. ” Holy shit! :eek:

  • Wrong sub-forum to post your thread in dude. It belongs here: Ask one of the Moderators to move it there. About the Nintendo DS, just go on their website or google it or something and read the reviews. -FF

  • Quote from SamMan: “Really tough call gotta say i am in between, is it agnostic?” If you're unsure or don't really care, then yeah. Go onto Wikipedia and look up "Agnostic" if you want, or "Theist" or "Deist". -FF

  • Re: Your Opion

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Rorei: “.. what? You... YOU BULLY! :cries:” :p

  • Re: Your Opion

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    Well...anyways... Year 8 was probably the worst year. There were way too many bullies at my school and plus I used to get into a lot of trouble back then. GCSE years and onwards were a lot better, people started getting part-time jobs, matured a lot more etc. -FF

  • Re: Your Opion

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    OMG... everyone get back on topic please. @Kat: Relax! Be the better person and just leave this thread for a while. I'm sorry but Rorei has a point and the more you continue with this, the stronger his argument. Just accept it and move on. @Rorei: I've sold the Opion sorry, but the dealer double-crossed me Peace, -FF

  • I've never had them before, never seen them in the shops. What are they like? -FF

  • Re: Your Opion

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Rorei: “I'll give you a cookie.” Done! :p Address plz -FF

  • Re: Your Opion

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Rorei: “Oh, cool. Share?” It's gonna cost ya, this stuff don't come free ya know :p -FF

  • Re: Your Opion

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Rorei: “I don't have any "opions". Is that a drug? :” It's the shit man, you gotta try some.

  • Re: Your Opion

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    Lol, this thread is just funny. The truth hurts -FF PS. My most cases, bullying is wrong.

  • Re: abstinence is hell

    Final Fantasy - - Teen Sexuality


    OMG! For the love of God please don't do it!! :eek: Okay...seriously, GoddessofJuddecca is right. -FF

  • Re: is God evil?

    Final Fantasy - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from missy_17: “no He is not evil. hav sum respect. He is the reason u r here. grr. end of.” closed everyone -FF

  • Quote from iluvmydog: “Ok, well I have The Sims 2 [not installed on my computer] and well when i try to install it ot stops zat like 62% i try to wait but, it just want install, one of my frinds she has alot of stuff on her computer and it installed for her, i do have alot of stuff on my computer.” Hi, The disk probably has scratches or something, and also is it a copy or original? Also check if you have the right specs for the game, i.e. look on the back of the cover of the game and check that …

  • Quote from motioncityboy: “i'm not allowed to have a gf” Why not? :confused: -FF

  • Quote from xXx In Love xXx: “can anyone give me answers theres this guy i met in detention when i was in year 7 he was in year 9 n we started passin notes and talkin alot but the only time we would see each other was in detention so we decided to meet up out of school we have been friends for about 4 years now n were really close but one minute hes all over me the next minute he just wants to be friends and its really confusing me he knows i want us to be more than friends and he says he wants u…

  • Wtf, hows both your educational life? -FF