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  • Re: Older guy :S

    Doubt - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    He's ...*grimace*...ten years older - but that's not HUGE right?? It's not 20 years! and I could contact if I wanted yes - but through a mutual friend

  • Older guy :S

    Doubt - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    On holiday I met a guy who I really liked - I only managed to see him for a couple of days and I was with my family - so I never got to send more than a few minutes alone with him. Nothing happened exactly but he was so nice I had a real crush on him. Thing is he's a lot older than me and lives far away. I don't even know why I keep thinking about him - but I've never had my heart speed up so much when I catch someones eye or if I get to talk to them one on one!! I know it sounds crazy and will …

  • I'm seventeen but I've never had a boyfriend/girlfriend. What am I doing wrong? It hasn't bother me, but now all my friends are pairing off! Am I doing something wrong? I'm quite a shy person and don't have many male friends, but as I've no dating experience I'm starting to feel scared of the idea! D:> Please give me some advice! I'd really like to attract friendly guys who won't mind a shy, silly girl like me!

  • friend x boy x sister

    Doubt - - Friends and Family


    What would you do if you had name a new friend this year and in the course of this year she started a dating a guy in the same class as the both of us. Their relationship is very private and they don't openly kiss and cuddle all the time but I get the impression they are both very close. Then their are rumors all over school that your sister is sleeping with this guy. Your friend confronts you in a state and asks if this is true. You answer - honestly - that you don't know but you definitely don…

  • I THINK i like someone that I don't want to. There was this whole mess a LONG time time ago here he liked my sister. She rejected him. Now I think he likes me - at first I think he was just trying to get over her with someone similar - but I don't think it's like that anymore. But I still find it weird and my sister might if we went out. He's also a good friend and I don't want to screw things up. The glowy feeling I get with him could just be cus he's a guy. I don't hav many male friends and I …

  • Re: Song I Wrote

    Doubt - - Creative Writing


    It's great!! Well done! You should write more. i'd read them.^-*

  • Really? ..I guess. That must be it. I mean, she was like my idol. So maybe I was just tasting..possesiveness for the first time or something? Thanks a LOT I was just looking through old pictures tonight and I got really worked up cus everytime I saw a picture of her and me. Or just her. I felt like cryingT.T how lame haha. Really thanku. i feel much beta^-^ xox

  • u think? I really hope it's just that..I just wish I knew what to do about it. i've never fallen so deeply into a friendship before so quickly..T.TI feel like such a freak. I just want to move on - that way maybe we'll end up being friends again? But I just don't see that happening now. Especially if i'm this attatched to's weird:S

  • Re: Adventure

    Doubt - - Debate and Discussions


    haha love ur thinking ---------- Post added at 10:02 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:00 PM ---------- ---------- Post added at 10:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:02 PM ---------- Thanks for the support guys! It means a lot. xRC - I totally agree with u. *sigh* AccessDenied - I'm jealous, sound like uv got a great life:) That's what I'd like to do - travel and meet people along the way. Without "belonging" to a government or anything. Nice to know I'm not totally crazy for dreaming…

  • Ok. Well i have a bit of an odd problem. I wasn't really sure what section to put it in. But i think friend is most relevent. ok...well I have this friend who is a girl and she and I use to be best friends when we were a little younger. She's just so incredibly pretty and nice and talented and funny and generally awesome. But we had this weird kinds...fall out. Only it was more like we just difted apart and did nothing about it until it was too late and now it's awkward and difficult to even car…

  • That sounds awful for you to have to watch. It's horrible when you feel powerless to help people. It sounds like there isn't much you can do for him if he keeps rejecting your help. But he does seem to care about u. If u show him how much it's hurting u then he'll stop. If it's gone too far and he doesn't even stop for u then there may be nothing u can do. I'm sorry. He'll probablt look back at some point though and see what he's done. Come back to fix things. If he's a decent guy. Which he does…

  • Adventure

    Doubt - - Debate and Discussions


    This will sound childish but I've always wanted to just abandon life and go discover somewhere new with a group of close friends. It's probably just something in me wanting an easy outlet, but I really...I dunno I just wandered if other felt the same way or if I'm a total lunatic for being so wrapped up in my imagination?:angeldevil:

  • Re: What to do

    Doubt - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    It sounds like a win win situation to me. You obviouslt like her and it sounds like she likes you. Try to spend as much time with her as possible. Just be a really good friend to her. If she already likes you - then u won't fall straight into the "friend only" catagory. Even if you do, then u'll know for sure. Don't torture yourself wondering or someone else might ask her out first. Just be yourself and don't get into trouble for her. You'll just make her worry. Good luck. Don't panic.^-*

  • it's tough. that's the bottom line. on the one hand u cud hold onto that person and change their mind if you can. But if there is nothing you can do - don't depress urself OR guilt the other person. Maybe if you focus on something else in your life. Ur friends? Or a hobby? Give the one u like sometime to consider you. If u smother them - they'll just freak out and reject u even if they like u, maybe? Good luck. Don't panic.^-*

  • Re: shy

    Doubt - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I know what it's like to be shy 'Ineedhalp'. Don't feel bad that you can't talk freely with her yet. Perhaps she realises that you're shy? It's probably a good sign that she keeps trying to talk to you. Maybe you could start off slowly - I'm not trying to be patronising - but you cud just like, extend your sentenses a little each time. And ask her about herself - then she'll do the talking and you'll learn about her. Perhaps find a common interest to talk about? Don't worry. Don't panic.^-*