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  • Do something -- anything. Sometimes, laying down in bed with your eyes close don't help. You're mind is very creative at night, so it's better to read a book or something to let you energy out. If that doesn't work, and you give up, go to bed and close your eyes. At least your eyes will get some rest, as well as your body -- even if you don't feel like it does.

  • Hey Killertu. I'm sorry that your first relationship didn't work out -- very few do. You may think that this girl is the one, but keep in mind, that it was the first girl you've dated. Right now, she's really focused on doing well in school, let her. When the time is right, you guys will meet again. If everything is supposed to fall together, then in the future, you two may bump into each other and may the fire rekindle. Also, being the first girl that you've dated, you haven't expirenced much w…

  • You didn't mean it. In your shoes, you probably think that you have disobeyed your friend's trust. Though you've told him about her and her cheating -- well first off, you didn't mean it -- it's not your fault, you didn't know. She shouldn't have done that in the first place. It seems like she's trying to blame someone else for her own fault because she can't take her own responsibilities. She's blaming you because her ex found out. He would've found out eventually -- it was bound to happen, you…

  • Why are you letting this girl come between you and your bestfriend? Are you in love with the girl? She doesn't seem to like the fact that you have a bestfriend, huh. She really should learn that she can't always have her way. Who is she to you, anyways? A friend? You're letting a 'friend' threaten you? .__. She seems.. inter- esting... crazy >.> Pfft, get rid of her. You and your bestfriend doesn't need to go through all this crap just because the 'head girl' doesn't get her way. And no, people …

  • Cookies and Cream

  • LOL. I walked into a pole.. T-T I was with my sister and we were shopping. I wasn't paying attention.... and... yeah. This girl came up to me and helped me up, but then started laughing. Then we started talking and now she's my best friend

  • Hey Ryan! Aw, you must have really strong feelings for her and I think she should know Even though she knew before, she didn't take you seriously. Next time you walk her home, you should just tell her, and be sincere about it. She's lucky to have someone like you around ! Someone who cares, even after admitting that she had unpro- tected sex with someone. You are someone special, Ryan. Try and hold her close, not just put your arm around her. Take every step nice and slow, eventually, you should…

  • Hehe, it'll be okay! Just let everything out to your doctor! They won't disrupt you or anything. They'll just listen. You'll feel better once you're able to just let everything that's been bothering you, out. Humans need to let things out, cuz if they don't, the stuff that's bottled up inside will start eating them out. Trust me, you'll feel much better. Everything will be better once you go to the doctor. There's nothing to worry about ! You'll be uncomfortable at first, but afterwards, you'll …

  • ^ I agree. The problem was, with the first girl, you didn't give her a chance. You didn't exactly think through the whole situation, but instead, jumped to conclusions. Obviously, the feelings haven't gone away, feelings that girl #1 had for you. She just happen to leave at the wrong time, it happens. As for the e-relationship with girl #2, you can't really know who they really are. I'm not saying that they're lying, but there's always a chance. On the internet, you can be whomever you want to b…

  • Just relax a bit. It's just a picture, you know? Your friend probably thought it was just funny, don't worry about it so much. I was caught in a stupid picture plenty of times, just laugh about it. It makes the picture so much better if you're able to just laugh at yourself.

  • Even though it was uncomfortable, at least you got your boyfriend to realize something was wrong. Don't worry about talking to a doctor, they're understanding and everything said will be kept between you, your doctor, and your parents. Just hang in there!

  • I think you should ask her why she wanted to break up with you, and what changed her mind. Other than that, I think you should follow what she said and don't worry. Just continue on with the relationship. It'll be alright

  • Re: My 'Friends'

    ImNotATree - - General Advice


    Oooooh, High School Hehe. Believe it or not, people around you affects who you are and who you become. If you think you're a nice person, but hang around with the wrong crowd, then of course people will think of you differently -- despite your true personality. It's just the way people judge, even if it's not right. You aren't a 'douche', but it may be wrong taking advantage of girls, you know? Just remember that the people you hang around really affects who you become. Also, try to stay out of …

  • Re: My party outfit, opinions?

    ImNotATree - - Fashion


    Awwww, it's cutee! I hope you enjoy your party!!

  • -gasp- OF COURSE ITS CUTE! A lot of girls would love to be kissed in the rain :p

  • Hehe, Doctor, have you been reading a bunch of cheesy romance novels? :rofl: Just Kidding Doctor Nice advice! As for the snazz that's been going on in this thread, please learn to stfu.

  • Hey x-effy-x! It'll be okay. Life tends to question the the person who has it in hand. Whether they belong, the purpose... but isn't that what life supposed to do? Ask you questions so you can find the answers yourself? Anyways, that's just something to think about. As for you not getting out of the house with the excuse of 'No one inviting me', you should try to step up your game girl! Get out there, take a chance and invite other people! Everything won't come easy, and sometimes, you just have…

  • I usually stay quiet and listen to my ipod until I'm calm and singing along to a song Or I'll run a mile or something to tire me out so I don't have to energy to be angry. Or I'll just talk it out with someone for moral support. Either way works and helps me calm down

  • Hey Sarah! Ah, sisters. Hah, I know what you mean, even though I have an older sister. I do usually get my way as well when my sister and I fight ._. Oops. Anyways, I didn't know what I was doing, all I remembered was that I loved to annoy my older sister and do anything just to get my way. Now that we're older, we don't bicker/fight/argue much anymore. It's just a phase that you and your sister are going through, at the moment. Eventually, you two will be really close, even if you don't agree o…

  • It can be hard to survive the summer without seeing your boyfriend, but it's not impossible. You should just keep as much contact as possible with him with phone calls and talking to him online, you know, stuff like that. As for the constant little arguments that occur, people fight. You guys can get through it. Or... maybe it's time for a little break for the summer, and resume in the fall, or when he comes back. It's your call either way on the situation. If you really want to try and get thro…