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  • Asexual or low sex drive

    DragonV2 - - Teen Sexuality


    I see myself as asexual and aromantic. I dont see myself with a wife or husband nor do i really see myself regularly having sex with either gender and i just feel nothing to the idea. Sometimes i feel like it'd be nice to have a kid to raise, teach and just help grow up but never saw myself with another partner. Im willing to hug, hold and sleep with a friend purely for comfort or just to show closeness cause i love my friends deeply and if theres some sexual stuff involved like mutual j/o then …

  • Sometimes yeah if i got the time or in the mood but most of the time i just tuck it under waistband and ignore it. even if i have the time i prefer doing something else

  • Dating

    DragonV2 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    probably got banned cause he lasted 1 second before sending pics

  • Naked in front of ther boys

    DragonV2 - - Gay


    Quote from Anwon: “have you ever been naked in front of other boys. Like walked out of bathroom at your house or came out your room naked with another boy there. Did the other boy feel comfortable or uncomfortable. ” Male cousins/siblings saw me naked. Just happens. Cousin was like 4-6 and was like your dick is really big (obvs compared to his). Friends saw my dick but and me just in underwear

  • Confused

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from Judenator: “Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from Starlord: “BPan also includes all the other genders in-between (for people who consider they exist of course, like trans, which I understand you are) ” I'm not sure if I am trans I took different tests on internet one said I have low chances to be so one said I'm 52% trans one said 74% and the last one said I have 83 chances out of 135 not to be... WTH ?? ” I'm sure @Starlord will add on much better advice, but you can't just take a test onl…

  • Trans puberty

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from DragonV2: “Also im happy to help ya. My friends are trans who went thru a lot to be trans/had struggles so ik how it can be a struggle to be discovering yourself or be unsure about yourself. If you ever need someone to rant to or just ask anything then hit me a PM and I'll be there for you Planks look like the image below and i assume you know how pushups work. A lot of guys find that doing pushups/the plank when they have a boner or they're horny gets rid of them…

  • Confused gender

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from Sean2001: “Ok, not speaking from experience here as I am cis gender male, but I wonder if feeling transgender is a black and white thing or a question of degree. ” In the documentary I saw it was about 2 trans girls, after they came out they threw away all their boys clothes and kept only girls so I guess they feel 100% girl For me it's different I dont feel completely girl I still like some boy stuff like new cars tryouts and I definitely dont like romantic movie…

  • Confused

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from Starlord: “Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from xerixio: “As someone whos pan, its possible to like men and women! ” What is pan ? ” Quote from DragonV2: “Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from xerixio: “As someone whos pan, its possible to like men and women! ” What is pan ? ” pansexual just means you're attracted to any genders as in you dont care if they're male/female/whatever other gender they may be. You just care about personality and you just like what you like (pansexual doesnt mean u li…

  • Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from KONnik: “Is it safe to be openly an lgbtq person in your country? If it's safe is it regarded as something normal or as something bad? ” I already get problems at school because I practiced dance and other girl stuff and many assume I'm gayI have been picked a bunch of times for all this and I have fought a bunch too People assume I am violent while I just defend myself If I tell them that actually I feel like a girl and would like to try girl clothes that will pr…

  • Confused

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from xerixio: “As someone whos pan, its possible to like men and women! ” What is pan ? ” pansexual just means you're attracted to any genders as in you dont care if they're male/female/whatever other gender they may be. You just care about personality and you just like what you like (pansexual doesnt mean u like anything)... Basically a pansexual person just go "if i like them then i like them". Gender is nothing

  • Trans puberty

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from DragonV2: “Puberty blockers basically just stop you from progressing/hitting puberty. They aren't perm and if you decide you want to progress through puberty then you can stop taking them. Yes, it'll affect your height. her school told them that if they wanted to change in either changing room its fine but it might be better if they got changed in the bathrooms.. Restroom wise it didn't matter to them either.. Each school is different but more often not they wont …

  • ADHD and puberty

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from notthatchrisevans: “Quote from DragonV2: “In all honesty did anything in this thread helped you?? ” No, not really. (I am not being mean, I appreciate people replied. However, I am answering honestly.)Quote from DragonV2: “I get that you was asking if people experienced their adhd acting up during puberty and having some troubles concentrating which tbh the answer is 60% likely to be yes. One of my irl friends was a mess and convinced his parents to actually get him to see a doctor to…

  • ADHD and puberty

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from notthatchrisevans: “It's kinda funny how the thread keeps shifting towards the topic of delayed puberty, which was not the question... ” Life is funny in many ways. You wrote in the puberty section and mentioned puberty so im not surprised that the topic goes to delayed puberty. In all honesty did anything in this thread helped you?? I get that you was asking if people experienced their adhd acting up during puberty and having some troubles concentrating which tbh the answer is 60% li…

  • Confused gender

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from DragonV2: “Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from DragonV2: “So uhh you got banned so you probably wont see this but yeah. You should look up transgender if you really feel you arent comfortable with being a male and would rather be a female. Do wanna say that doing girly or liking girly stuff isnt bad and it doesnt make you a female. My friends and i watched my little ponies, i like to bake/cook food and i even sewed at one point but im very terrible at it lol. You're p…

  • Trans puberty

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from DragonV2: “Not trans but i have trans friends.. its a bit complicated Trans friend 1: - Started taking puberty blockers at 12 where he (now she) hasnt went thru puberty that much or at all idk - They rarely got erections - voice was still high pitched - chest area was just flat (if she wanted to then she could get uhh yeah) - uses gaff panties to hide their bulge if they ever got any - When they're sure they want to be trans they'd take HRT (its 16 min at UK) Tran…

  • Asking to hug

    DragonV2 - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    The others brought up good points so i'd listen to what they said.. That being said i think when you meet her just say hi, get close to her and touch her hand when you say something intimate or nice, maybe walk by her side and talk then slip your hand in hers and continue.. In terms of hugging, when she says she feels comfortable just try hugging her bye or just when you see her. Be gentle and make sure you're speaking confidently or maybe softly. Respect her boundaries and maybe say "we're both…

  • Cum too thick?

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from jamesfocus: “Hey all. So I hadn’t masturbate for a few days and I came today and noticed that my cum was super thick. Like I know it gets thicker the longer you wait, but this was really unusual. It was thick like paste. I’ve never had that happen before. Am I crazy to think something is wrong? Was it just like old sperm that made it that thick? It was a little chunky too. Thought I was over having issues or questions about my body. ” Perfectly normal if your cum is thick/stringy/a bi…

  • Trans puberty

    DragonV2 - - LGBT


    Not trans but i have trans friends.. its a bit complicated Trans friend 1: - Started taking puberty blockers at 12 where he (now she) hasnt went thru puberty that much or at all idk - They rarely got erections - voice was still high pitched - chest area was just flat (if she wanted to then she could get uhh yeah) - uses gaff panties to hide their bulge if they ever got any - When they're sure they want to be trans they'd take HRT (its 16 min at UK) Trans friend 2 (my friends older bro): - They w…

  • Confused gender

    DragonV2 - - Puberty


    Quote from Vic2022: “Quote from DragonV2: “So uhh you got banned so you probably wont see this but yeah. You should look up transgender if you really feel you arent comfortable with being a male and would rather be a female. Do wanna say that doing girly or liking girly stuff isnt bad and it doesnt make you a female. My friends and i watched my little ponies, i like to bake/cook food and i even sewed at one point but im very terrible at it lol. You're pretty young, think about it and dont feel p…

  • Any one molested when young?

    DragonV2 - - Teen Sexuality


    i was 12, guy stood next to me and started stroking then grabbed mine till i knocked his hand away and walked away. I knew what he was doing cause my friends talked about it all the time but always assume i never really jerk off. He kinda did teach me how to do it but the way he grabbed my dick was rough and i felt guilty cause it felt nice when he grabbed it. I was pretty young when i went onthe internet, some 19 year old tried to teach me how to masturbate and creepy females and boys would sen…