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  • Re: Do you have a FETISH ?

    Daniela - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote: “I really want to be caught masturbating by someone ” Nice idea

  • Re: Do you have a FETISH ?

    Daniela - - Teen Sexuality


    I dont know ... it's a fetish ? Asian gay are great

  • Re: Do you have a FETISH ?

    Daniela - - Teen Sexuality


    what's your problem, BRAVE booy ? It's just a topic.... and just a ... doggy conversation A sexy one

  • Do you have a FETISH ?

    Daniela - - Teen Sexuality


    Do you have a fetish? C'mon, dont be so shy about it, fess up. I can proudly say I have a foot fetish:lolz:

  • Shy guy ?'s so simpe...JUST DO IT You'll see.... Or ... dont do it. Just wait and cry.:p

  • Life after death is easier imagined today than ever. If our existence is imagined being as an analog to a computer, we consist basically of three parts: Hardware - the body Program - why we live Data - our sense impressions and memories. Hardware can be rebuilt, duplicated and improved: we can be resurrected in incorruptible bodies. Programs and data can be recorded on countless memory devices, preserved, edited, and transferred into new hardware. Thre is no reason why a higher power, an enormou…

  • Re: Dog walking?

    Daniela - - Health and Fitness


    I like to walk my cat With my car ...

  • Quote: “Everyone smiles and beckons a “Good Morning” to all those on the path. ” Being polite is all about being considerate and appreciative, but for many people, it remains a challenge.

  • Re: Health & Fitness

    Daniela - - Health and Fitness


    Spiritual health must to be first. You can't do nothing without Him.

  • Re: Acne make me crazy

    Daniela - - Health and Fitness


    I have found that the best thing with scarring is to get clear first, then treat the scars. Most of what I have read has said that the dark purplish scarring from cystic acne (the very kind I have been..ahem..blessed with..grrr..) will fade away in 3 - 6 months. See more here: Best Acne Scars Treatments

  • Scars from acne can seem like double punishment — first you had to deal with the pimples, now you have marks as a reminder. It helps to understand the different kinds of acne so you can figure out what to do about different types of scarring: Acne lesions or pimples happen when the hair follicles (or "pores") on the skin become plugged with oil and dead skin cells. A plugged follicle is the perfect place for bacteria to grow and create the red bumps and pus-filled red bumps known as pimples. Acn…

  • Re: Weight Loss Tips

    Daniela - - Health and Fitness


    Prefer eating cereal for breakfast five days a week. Following this, you will consume more fiber and calcium, and less fat than those who eat other breakfast foods. Prefer having meals at home. We're more likely to eat more - in fact, more high-fat, and high-calorie foods- when we eat out than eating at home. Try to eat slowly and put your fork or spoon down after every bite. Drink water often and talk about your day with your partner. If you eat slowly, you would feel contended with your meal. …

  • We've been together for a few months, and it was something he told me a few weeks ago, that I have been thinking about and cannot let go of. :o He told me when him and his cousin (female) was 5 and 6, they used to do nasty things with each other cause they were curious of the opposite sex and so forth (no sex though), but not only that, but nowadays they talk every day almost and I'm thinking to myself if that were me, i would feel weird talking to them as much as they talk. I asked him that I w…

  • I'm reaching out and trying to get male advice and tips no on how to umm romance my guy I guess. And also looking for some ways to spice up our love life! Sex with us is pretty boring and basic .. little foreplay and missionary seems to be the only position we use. :confused: Which may be one reason why I'm not to into it anymore. Now, I'm taking the initiative to make sex better and more enjoyable for both of us.:D Any advice/tips/suggestions welcome! ( as long as there not to crazy lol)

  • I've never given him oral but he has given it to me. Alright. I'll just go for it.:)

  • I don't say " hey baby do you want a blow...job? ":rolleyes: That would kill the mood.:kiss: I also don't know if I should randomly get down and place his cock in my mouth and go to town with it.:p I don't want him to be like ."Hey what the hell are you doing? Stop that."

  • Quote: “But I'm so afraid to entrust him my feelings...” Why ? Is just a boy ( a human just like you ). Stop with that and talk with him. He'll understand. If not... that's life

  • Re: I just had sex with my dog

    Daniela - - Teen Sexuality


    We would like to hear the view of the dog.:rofl:

  • Re: How to draw

    Daniela - - Creative Writing


    2uz5k6d.jpg Thank you for your answears

  • How to draw

    Daniela - - Creative Writing


    Do you like to draw ? 1sguts.jpg