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  • That's a true saying, very true. Maybe now, you should take some time out for yourself? You're, I imagine, feeling depressed, heartbroken, upset, unmotivated, the list can go on when it comes to dealing with issues of the heart, I guess. So, maybe because of the way you're feeling right now - you should take some time for yourself and instead of questioning her on things. Question yourself. What do you want? Time? Space? A new start with someone else? Do you want to fight for it all? Could be al…

  • Hey M, So, let me get this right - you are currently 18 and the girl in question is 17, yes? If that's the case, personally, I see nothing wrong with that. It's only a year - it could be a much wider age gap. You also say, she does not wish to persue the relationship at the moment? Well, if I were you - I'd respect that, though by the sounds of things, you already are. Maybe you should talk to her about the relationship - maybe you could be together secretly for a while? Or, you could both discu…

  • Re: my girlfriend isnt experenced

    SimpleGirl. - - LGBT


    Quote from bluebyrd22: “ok so the girl i am datin has never like done anything with a girl and i was thinkin about foulin about with her this weekend but i dnt want her to feel uncomfortable?? so how do i get to do things with her and she feel comfortable????:cool:” Question: do you just want her to feel comfortable for her to actually do something with you, or do you genuinely have feelings for this girl and her being comfortable is a priority to you? Regardless, you need to ask the girl your "…

  • Re: smile

    SimpleGirl. - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Could you handle living together with the last person who texted you? Yes, I could. Do you think you could be with someone for over four years? Yup. Something you really want right now? The ability to read minds, would be nice. Do you get freaked out when you're in the dark? Not usually, no. Would you go on a road trip with your best friend? Well aye. Who are you more like, mom or dad? Mam. Could you date someone taller than you? Have done. Last person you hugged? Laura. What smiley face do you …

  • I didn't fancy it at first, but my girlfriend basically forced me to go see it ¬__¬ but, in fairness, I'm glad she did, because it's a really good film. I enjoyed it - Definately go see it in 3D though! Don't wait - go! go! go!

  • Re: Skins.

    SimpleGirl. - - Films, TV and Books


    Can't wait for Skins! Love the show - Can't wait to find out what happens with Emily and Naomi. Good times

  • Re: COD: modern warfare 2

    SimpleGirl. - - Video Games


    I waaaaaaaaaaant this game so bad Looks immense.

  • Re: :(

    SimpleGirl. - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from munchy: “ but do girls know when they hurt you?” Erm, yes. As for the rest of your post; what? Buddy, explain whats going on, then maybe you can expect people to offer you advice.

  • 1)Crushin’, Interested, or in a Relationship?: In a relationship 2) Are you happy with where you are?: Yes 3) When you meet the right person, do you fall fast?: Ahuh, I think so. 4) Have you ever had your heart broken?: Yes 5) Do you believe that there are certain circumstances where cheating is acceptable?: Absolutely not 6) Would you ever take someone back if they cheated on you?: No 7) Have you talked about marriage with another person?: Yes, I am now. Do you want children?: Maybe yea. 9) How…

  • X Factor (UK)

    SimpleGirl. - - Films, TV and Books


    So, it started last Saturday, what did we all think? I was a bit weary of it being set up like Britains Got Talent, that being infront of a live audience. It's still as funny as ever, but.. I dunno, seems a bit weird with it being infront of a live crowd, especially for the auditions part. [ame=]YouTube - The X Factor 2009 - Sister Act - Auditions 1 ([/ame] They do my head in. As if they said they were going to come back for next years

  • Re: Ugly Betty.

    SimpleGirl. - - Films, TV and Books


    I Ugly Betty! Hope theres alot more seasons to come!

  • I Hollyoaks, but it's a little boring at the minute. They dragged out the whole Ste storyline - badly, I was sick to death of that and glad it's over with, but now it's finished, it seemed to be the only storyline that was going on. But, it always bounces back with a shock storyline or something, so I'm hoping it will liven up soon

  • Re: Any bi/lez girls on here?

    SimpleGirl. - - LGBT


    I'm bi

  • Last time you consumed alcohol? Monday. What were you doing at 8:00 this morning? Sleeping. What were you doing 30 minutes ago? Sleeping. How do you feel about the person who texted you last? Shes really cool Have you ever been around someone who was high? Yus. Do you like your life as of now? S'alright. Have you ever drank with your number one? Yea. Three words to explain why you last threw up? Too much drink. Where did your last hug take place? In a car. Ever kissed someone who smokes? Yus. Ha…

  • 1:15am.

    SimpleGirl. - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    Have you ever licked the back of a CD to try to get it to work? Lol, no. What's the largest age difference between yourself and someone you’ve dated? 1 year. Ever been in a car wreck? Sort of yea =\ Were you popular in high school? Ermm, nah, not really. So so. Have you ever been on a blind date? Nope. Are looks important? To an extent. Do you have any friends that you've known for 10 years or more?? Yus. By what age would you like to be married? Umm.. 40? Does the number of people a person's sl…

  • Quote from charmaine: “I don't know, maybe. If I was single I would be looking for a GF at the moment. But I love guys too, and more importantly I love my guy. Perhaps its a phase, or perhaps I'm starting to lean toward girls?” By the sounds of it - Maybe you are starting to lean towards girls more, rather than guys. But then again, it could may well just be a phase - I suppose if you're still craving after a girl, in say 3 month time - that may give you more of an idea of what you actually want…

  • Quote from charmaine: “We could always have another 3some. But I see what you're saying. You mean my mind telling me that I would rather be with a girl than a guy? (that i maybe in the wrong relationship?)” Yea, thats what I meant.

  • Quote from charmaine: “Yea we're considering having a 3some. I've already had a sexual GF in the past so I know what i'm getting myself into. Maybe being in bed with a girl will relieve some of the sexual frustration I have. But you're right it might make it worse.” I guess you can always try - it might actually do what you said and relieve you, and thats that. But, if you're anything like me and always crave that bit more, it will drive you mental. In a deeper thought; You don't think this is y…

  • Quote from charmaine: “I usually go after guys, but i'm badly missing being with a girl atm. Maybe a phase.” Maybe it is - by the way, I saw you're considering a threesome? Personally, for me, I think that would make me crave more for girl once the deed has been done. But, thats just me. Maybe it will help you.. Quote from Unicorn: “Same here. :)” Yea, I thought it was just me!

  • Quote from charmaine: “ do you prefer guys or girls? if thats not too personal?” I seem to go through phases, at the moment. Right now, it's girls. But, I still like my guys