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  • Re: Glory Hole

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    I made a glory hole on my room at home, but my parents sleep in the room next to mine, so it's kinda strange.

  • Re: Anal sex?

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    It's never really appealed to me.

  • Re: Fck Buddy

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: Glory Hole

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    How about you put your dick back in your pants and stop trolling? Zing.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    me baby :cool:

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    Someone who sees sense, you deserve some rep.

  • You're trying to tell me that isn't a normal conversation?

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    It seems that you think suicide would be a normal way to deal with such a thing. For every 1 person that commits suicide due to something like this, there are 1 million people just dealing with a mistake they made. So yes, that's what I'm saying.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    No, they shouldn't, but what I'm saying is that things are interpreted differently by different people. If someone has it in their mind that they're going to kill themselves, there isn't much you can do to stop it. Back on topic: I don't see the problem with sexting, me and some of my ex girlfriends have done it. No one else has seen any msgs or pictures we've sent, because we have respect for each other. If someone is stupid enough to send a dirty text/picture to someone who can't be trusted th…

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “No it means we should stress to teenagers and young adults that the consequences that sometimes come with marriage and pregnancy are much more serious then the discomfort they feel living in such situations. You honestly think it's just another event that a kid committed suicide because his parents broke up?” I think that generally, people who commit suicide were mentally unstable before, and any event could be the trigger.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    People commit suicide over a lot of things. If you want to use that as an argument pretty much everything should be illegal. I know someone who committed suicide because his parents divorced. Does that mean we should force people to stay in a marriage that no longer works?

  • Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “Sexual addiction is a serious disorder. I don't know why I should even have to explain that to you.” Some people just assume a mental disorder means you're retarded.

  • Re: Second Date Troubles

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    I think you should chill and go out with him a few more times, if he tries to pressure you into anything just tell him you want to take it slow.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    Oh ok, you just quoted me for a laugh then.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    But you said I'd have problems in the future, merely because I have a different opinion to you.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    No, I won't have problems in the future, because I'm not retarded.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    No it isn't.

  • I think a lot of people want to see sex, since it's a huge multi billion pound industry.

  • My boyfriends penis is 27.888 inches long and 1 inch around.

  • Re: Sexting!

    Bastard - - Teen Sexuality


    In my country, people under 16 are considered minors, not under 18. So you're wrong.