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  • I'm not clear on what you mean when you say "Is this topic too intense for a second encounter? Or good because it's straightforward? Guys, if you were playing her, and she told you this, would you stop wasting your time? Or keep at it?" But, from personal experience I have met many guys who really like when a girl can just be honest with him. You just have to find the right ones. Maybe if you're always meeting them at clubs and parties, you should try to get involved in other things and meet peo…

  • Quote from khatem: “My parents are extremely strict when it comes to dating anybody who is not a muslim or just dating in general. He visited my house to "do some homework" and my parents didn't like him... if telling my parents the only choice then I got no other choice, in other words should we just give up? Although thank you, you made me feel better to know that i'm not selfish :')” It's unfortunately that you're in this situation, but seems like there isn't a way around it. I would just be …

  • Re: Hooking up

    kellylee - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Basically everything Patrick said. Just reinforcing that lots of people do infact like sex with the same person even if they're not together. I guess it's comfortable/been there before/know what to expect. So just talk to them again, and explain that you're interested if they are. Make sure to name your terms. To keep everyone on the same page. Good luck.

  • .... This isn't a debate thread. The OP didn't ask for a debate on whether long distance relationships work. OP: It's really all up to you. You gotta go with your gut feeling. If you love her and want to be with her no matter what, you'll be with her. But if you're just not happy, then change it so you are. Nobody deserves to be depressed. You do you.

  • Re: Womb Shifted

    kellylee - - Teen Sexuality


    It can't hurt to try.

  • 2urxmqr.jpg Buffalo Chicken Dip! And skip-bo!

  • Lots of people have this. One of my really good friends is like this too. She has severe anxiety. She's recently tried some different meds and they have calmed her down a lot. She is so much easier to be around when she's not worrying about everything. Perhaps you should talk to somebody about getting something to calm yourself. It's okay to get help for yourself. People seem to feel embarrassed or ashamed. It's quite alright. Lots of people do the same thing.

  • img_0424-version-2.jpg Tuna Noodle Casserole. YUM.

  • Just keep talking to her. The worst thing you could probably do is never talk to her again, because she probably would think you're goofy. If you keep the communication going with her, she's going to see that you just had an off moment and that you're really a cool guy. Just start up another conversation with her about the class you're in or something small. That should get the conversation going and you should be good to go.

  • Anytime. Glad to help.

  • Well, it's like a package deal. You choose the person you choose her family and friends too. It's okay that you don't get along with her, but you can't force your girlfriend to choose. That's not fair. Just because she's friends with somebody who doesn't have good morals does not mean that your girlfriend doesn't have good morals. You really just have to deal with it or not be with your girlfriend or you're gonna cause problems in your relationship.

  • Hm, well maybe you should just confront him. Ask him what that was all about, but maybe he's just a flirt. He could be really into you and just enjoying the single life. You'll never know though if you just ask him. Otherwise it's gonna bother you until you find out.

  • Yeah, it's really not his place to tell you who you can and can't hang out with. You're not with anybody. You can hang out with whomever you please. If he has a problem with it, then you probably shouldn't be friends with him in the first place.

  • Maybe you should just sit him down and have a conversation with him about everything. Seems like your best situation. He'll know how you feel and you'll know how he feels and everything won't be so up in the cards.

  • Yeah, what Jenna said. Just try to read their body language. Usually you can tell whether you're wanted some place or not, by how people are acting around you. Do they include you in conversation? If you find that you start to feel uncomfortable in the surroundings try find a different table to sit at for a while.

  • Jenna really said it good. She has a boyfriend. It's really not going to be in your benefit, until she breaks up with him. Otherwise, you're just going to be walking dangerous grounds for yourself. With your emotions and if her boyfriend ever finds out. I say, tough love. Move on.

  • Re: New dating website

    kellylee - - Advertising Agency


  • Maybe you could ask to hang out with her? Start to get to know her more and get more comfortable around each other that you could ask her in person or even ask for her number. I wouldn't advise asking her over facebook, it just doesn't look good.

  • I'm sorry you've had a bad past few weeks. But the thing with depression is that it's a lifelong disease. It never just goes away. You have to constantly work with yourself to get better. Everybody has their own niche in life. Maybe football or academics isn't yours and that is okay. But remember just because you aren't good at it, doesn't mean you need to quit or stop trying. Do football, because you like it, you enjoy it. But trust me there is something you're good at. You just have to keep lo…

  • Wow, this is amazing.... I'm so glad you were able to get out and get help and find the right people in your life.