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  • I've heard of people failing breathalyzers for many innocent reasons from eating a glazed donut (approximately .02 alcohol level) among other foods containing ethyl alcohol to a "reflux disease" defense. They're unreliable, time-consuming and just more trouble than they're worth. As for the new law in Ontario enforcing drivers 21 and under (despite their level of experience) to have a 0 blood alcohol level, it is pretty discriminatory despite their "statistics" that validate targeting this age g…

  • I'm new here, so ignore my input if you please however this thread has impassioned me to post a couple of my thoughts. I'll number them in an attempt to keep it organized and brief. 1) I know this is a forum intended for teens, but if you're going to discuss a topic that requires adult maturity, I don't understand why people are more consumed with "being right" or "catching someone in a lie" instead of forgiving their "poor" choice of words and trying to grasp the point or context and respond to…