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  • Re: Fck, Kiss, Hug, Pass

    TeenDevil - - Teen Sexuality


    All of the above......:D

  • Re: Feeling horny

    TeenDevil - - Teen Sexuality


    Sure am lol Im always horny......:wink:

  • Re: My addiction...

    TeenDevil - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from mellow: “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHA Rofl!” Quote from mellow: “HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA pimped” Quote from mellow: “hhahahahahahahhahahahaahahah lmao” Quote from mellow: “again: HAHAHAGJAHAHAHAGJAGAGAGAGAGAGA” I Agree With MELLOW LMAO:lol:

  • I think smile, eyes n hair and personality, but if shes HOT! then im probably goin 2 be attracted 2 her anywayz lol

  • Re: kinda new

    TeenDevil - - Friends and Family


    Hey welcome im into most of the same thingz but i spend most of my time racing cars......Anywayz PM me anytime if ya want Catha L8R:cool:

  • Re: Abortion

    TeenDevil - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from FutureNavyMan08: “The law protecting the right to give a child up for adoption is crucial and should be protected. There is no movement to remove it. I don't understand what you're trying to say TeenDevil. Adoption is the best choice for all involved. Abortion is a dangerous, sometimes deadly process for the mother. After all, doctors are waving knives and poisen inside a sensitive area of the body. Plus, serious health and mental problems often occur afterwards. It just doesn't work …

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    TeenDevil - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from godless_musician: “That's impossible, heathen. The devil is my gay lover!” LMAO, thats a bit of a worry lol

  • Re: new guy

    TeenDevil - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Strawberry_Wine: “"Emo Music" is the biggest waste of electronic recording. EVER.” Disagreed!

  • Re: Abortion

    TeenDevil - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from FutureNavyMan08: “But they aren't forced to keep it. They wanted their kids and kept them voluntarily.” But if the law was changed then they would be forced to keep it wouldnt they!

  • Quote from godless_musician: “God is fake because: 1. There is no evidence of his existence or reason (beyond pragmatism) to believe he exists; 2. Although the majority of the world believes in a god or gods there are several clear motives for them to believe this whether it is true or not. 3. Depending on how you define "God" he may logically contradict the world we see around is. For example if you believe that God is both all-powerful and all-loving, then you run into the problem of evil. So …

  • Re: do i suk

    TeenDevil - - General Advice


    i dont think you suck n who cares what other ppl think, just remember in your eyes you should be the most important person, look after yourself. you have me curious now to what you did to make you think that you suck lol.:)

  • Re: A little help

    TeenDevil - - General Advice


    Maybe you should let it go for now if hes not really hurting anyone and if your mum dosnt seem to have a problem with it, but if you think you could talk about it with him then maybe thats the best solution to put your mind at rest.

  • Re: T-Shirts or Shirts

    TeenDevil - - Fashion


    im a guy n i prefer t-shirts as long as they arent 2 tight lol

  • Re: Opinions Wanted?

    TeenDevil - - Fashion


    I dont think skinny jeans are bad as long as the girl is Hot in what she wears than thats all the matters lol

  • Re: new guy

    TeenDevil - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    hey new guy welcome, im a bit of a emo n into rock but spend most of my time racing cars n surfing(well trying 2 surf lol) Il be ur friend if ya want add me:wink:

  • Thats so sad, im sorry to hear that, i think that if you dont cry because you think it makes you less of a man there is somthing wrong with you, so its good for you to cry its normal and im not a gangsta but i am pretty sure ur not the only gangsta who has cried. "RIP"

  • Re: I need some friends!

    TeenDevil - - Friends and Family


    Im not from the US but i wouldnt shop at Walmart Myself, But i dont judge ppl either for what they wear or where they buy it from, you could shop at the second hand clothing shop n i wouldnt care LOL, Ignore the bitches n be urself:) Anywayz il be ur friend, send me a message anytime

  • Re: Abortion

    TeenDevil - - Teen Sexuality


    I understand both sides, however i support abortion in a controlled use and i think it needs to be treated case by case as everyone is in different situations. but you see these people in the news that abuse and murder thier kids. it makes me wonder if parants dont want a child when they get pregnant and a forced to keep it, how will some(not all) treat thier children as they grow up? We have way too many children in this world that suffer from poverty and abuse ect....:(

  • Quote from peachypotpies: “I'm the states, actually I know what Holden is... Too bad GM doesn't sell them in the US. They look loads better than the other GM's here. Hmm I'm also thinking about getting a used BMW or Mercedes-Benz, but my dads not too thrilled about the entire buying used idea. So unless I can find a nice, low mileage (by low I mean under 50k...) MB or BMW for under 19k. I'll have to buy something new.” yeh i wasnt sure about how much you guys know about holdens as the americans …

  • If it was my GF Id get naked to n just go wit the flow:wink: