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  • No because I think that would destroy her life...My mom isn't getting any younger anyway...(Sorry mom) ...Besides, my dad is a wonderful man but um, well, he...just...doesn't...isn;t...(throws up)...

  • How do slutty people live with themselves? Like normal people don't they? Promiscuity is a very subjective thing, what you think is slutty might well be prudish to someone else!!! I like to think I'm quite reserved compared to some people I know, though that hasn't stopped other people calling me a slut...merh, how do you quantify sluttiness??? Is there like a unit of slut?, hey everyone! I have a slut value of...yesssss...

  • Re: bad choices while drunk

    dawoel - - Teen Sexuality


    Is this necessarily sexual stuff? Cos I've done some amazingly stupid non sexual things whilst drunk...but just to go over the sexual stuff...uh... - Lost count of the amount of guys I've made out with whilst drunk even though I'm strate, I think...well...90% strate...(sorry guys but girls are just waaay hotter than you) - Been jacked off in front of people at a house party, albeit she was drunk also... - Plenty of strip poker moments, and naked twister... - Performed a strip tease in a bar duri…

  • I say again... As for the more ethical side of things, I would have been better if I had got consent albeit I had people emailing me left right and centre to get on with it and thus I was very pressured for time and thus could not ask everyone if they wanted to be reposted, which I appolgise for. Ultimately the ends where positive as nobody wanted their image removed and most people seem to appreciate the work, so it all turned out all right bar a few complaints from people like yourself whom, …

  • Re: Question for guys......

    dawoel - - Teen Sexuality


    I'm not even gonna bother with this troll!

  • Re: Yiffing

    dawoel - - Teen Sexuality


    Agh! Furries run!

  • "Why should it be any different?"...because there are laws that is why. If you came to me with a signed documented contract saying that this image was officially yours and patented such that nobody was legally allowed to replicate without your consent, then not only would you be within your rights to be angry with me, but you also be within your legal rights to prosecute. Given that the sites terms and conditions mentioned nothing about copyright law, I very much doubt you have a contract, which…

  • kinda why I posted this thread, to move the argument to a different field so that the cleavage thread could actually get back to normal again...and also to express regret for causing such trouble, I don't like causing trouble...I like to entertain people, but not everyone wants to be entertained unfortunately nor do I always accurately predict what will be appreciated. poor market research on my part... However, none of the girls featured have actually complained as yet and most of the feedback …

  • Quote from heresthething123: “this is stupid! people have morals to protect peoples rights! and i dont CARE if i sound self righteous, what about courtesy? are you that petty that you truely care about being asked to keep your opinions to youself when they are offensive, it is not self righteus (i can spell that) to stand up for people, theres a standard, a minimum level of respect, a way all people deserve to be treated and i for one admire anyone with the courage t stand up and demand that sta…

  • Re: Vegetarians.

    dawoel - - Debate and Discussions


    This is way more complicated than both sides make it out to be...It's not a simple matter of us feeling like eating it and thus eating it...nor is it a simple matter of not getting the protean we need! Argument against non-vegies: Ok, Vegies are totally correct when they say meat is not required in our diet. It has been the subject of loads of biological research, and they have found that it is perfectly possible to replicate the meat suppliments without eating meat...albeit it takes a lot of be…

  • Not if your like me and my friends who talk through it and piss everyone off! :rofl:

  • LOL...this is a good question actually...technically they are one person...but technically they are taking two seats! I think they should...because at the end of the day your paying for your space on the plane, so if you occupy more space your paying for more space...more space...more money...because why should other people be made to pay as much as you and get half the space? More to the point by taking up an extra seat, that's one person less that can be transported...which is financially bad …

  • One could always get a doctor to perform an operation on the culprits brain which results in total then condition the person with a new set of memories and set them to work happily doing something productive for society...that I think is totally against there will but is nevertheless a prefered alternative to execution. In sicence fiction they call it "death of personality. I'm not against the death penulty on principle because there are rare cases where rehabilitation is clinicall…

  • Just out of curiosity has anyone here actually defined the properties of "god"? If not what are we actually trying to find out exists or doesn't exist? Just a little idea to pique your interests...:cool:

  • Re: Religion And Fucking

    dawoel - - Debate and Discussions


    To wear! Or not to Wear? That is the question! :rofl:

  • Which is double ironic because here I am ranting about the self-righteous which is, in itself slightly self-righteous...gee thanks! LoL... Yes indeed...

  • In regards to the recent battle I'd like to formally appologise for causing such unrest...The idea was, since I had nothing to do for 3 days, I logged on and saw how many people where annoyed at the sheer volume of pages and lack of image posts per page...sooo, I thought it would be rather nice of me to solve the problem by going through said 600 pages and picking out all the best images so that people wouldn't need to rummage around for days looking for what people had posted. It seemed like a …

  • Why are people so Self-Riteous?

    dawoel - - General Advice


    What does one do about people who are so obsessed with lording their morality over everyone? Besides the obvious turn round and give them the finger that is? Am I the only one who grows tired of having people say "you don't have the right to do this" and "you don't have the right to do that", when you know perfectly well that right has nothing to do with it because they are not actually justifying themselves, they are merely wanting you to do what they want...which they have not the right to do!…

  • Re: I hate gays because...

    dawoel - - Teen Sexuality



  • Re: I hate gays because...

    dawoel - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Izzie :): “I thin girls are a bit worried to do that, I know I would, I'd be scared the boy would be like .. "eww... get lost bitch" or something :p” Yeh I know...It just seems a bit unfair that its always the guys who are expected to be the courageous ones whilst the girls sit there looking all mystical and unattainable :rolleyes:...still, I guess that's the difference...god gave us balls for a reason! :rofl: