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  • One of my closest friends, who I've known for 10 years, is going through a really tough time. Her mother died of a car accident on Saturday and I was with her in the hospital when she found out. She was so shocked and confused until her dad came and took her home. I can't even begin to imagine what she's going through at this time, and I want to help. I know that right now the pain is ripe, so that I need to give her some space and leave her with her dad for a while. But I want to find out how t…

  • You're so lucky you have extra time. If I were you I'd spend a lot of that time on the piano. It's beautiful making music, it's everything, at least to me. But of course, I could spend a couple hours staring at the sky, so I'm not the best person to ask if you actually want to do something. But it really depends on what you love the most. Do what you think you should do.

  • Hmm... To tell you the truth, I don't really care. Religion, God, Jesus, etc. doesn't really matter to me, at least not now. He exists or he doesn't, either way I got better stuff to do that to worry about it all day.

  • Wanna Be a Rockstar

    Woodstock - - General Advice


    I've never told anyone this before because I'm afraid to, but I want to be a rockstar. Seriously. This isn't one of those childhood things, like becoming a princess, or a teenage dream. I'm serious. And I'm not doing it for the fame or the money. I look at all the classic legendary musicians (Bob Dylan, Beatles, etc) and I think "What happened to all of that?" I want to be a rockstar because I want to be legendary like them. I want to make my generation proud, so that we can hold our heads up hi…

  • Re: AP (Advanced Placement)

    Woodstock - - Education & Jobs


    Wow. Thanks guys, you really just eased my nerves there. I'll be sure to follow all your advice!

  • AP (Advanced Placement)

    Woodstock - - Education & Jobs


    Hello, peoples. I am a sophomore in high school and I just recently got accepted into an AP for environmental science. It's on online course, so I do it all from the computer. This is my first ever AP, and it won't be my last. My principal has already filled me in that I'm practically a shoe-in for other AP's in the next two years. But, I'm nervous. I don't know what to expect. So, if any of you have ever taken an AP, It'd be much appreciated if you could tell me a bit about it, so I am at least…

  • Re: Love VS money

    Woodstock - - Debate and Discussions


    I would have to choose love. In the end, even with all the money, I know the thing I'd really want is someone to love and love me back. A soul mate. Quote: “” "It's weird that whatever else is on your mind, whether it's the downfall of global economics or terrible environmental troubles, the thing that always gets you most is when you fancy someone." -Chris MartinQuote: “”

  • If you really knew me, you'd see that I'm just a daydreamer. I'm an escapist. I'm always trying to run away in my mind, to get away for a little longer. You'd also see that I wish these were not just dreams. I wish that I could finally get the guts to run away and start my life somewhere entirely different, start from scratch so that I could make myself and change it as many times as I saw fit. But that's just another daydream.

  • Yes, technically you are. But it depends on you and your beliefs. Some people think that once the hymen is broken, virginity is lost. So if you broke your hymen, then in some cases, you would have lost your virginity. But scientifically speaking, you only lose your virginity when a penis is inserted into the vagina, so you're still a virgin.

  • I don't know where to start. I'm new here. I started this because I thought I can help other teens with depression, and that somewhere along the way, I could find help with mine. I don't know why, but I can't trust people. I just can't. There hasn't been a specific moment of betrayal or any part of my life that would make me feel like this, but I do. I want a friend, a real friend I can talk to and tell them how I feel, so that they can help me. But then I think that I don't deserve it. They're …

  • For me I only ever cried in a movie when I was watching Seven Pounds. Seriously, there's something about Will Smith. I think it was growing up watching Fresh Prince & Bad Boys. :p

  • People need to just calm down. You can't blame all muslims and their religion for terrorists, just like you can't hate all Germans just because of Hitler. They can build a mosque wherever the heck they want. So cry me a river, build a bridge (and a mosque), and get over it.