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  • bloody coldplay. radiohead, anything from the more recent muse...pshhh iron maiden.

  • Re: What song is stuck in your head?

    morphine - - Music


    [ame='']YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.[/ame] cracks me uppp

  • Re: Pj's

    morphine - - Fashion


    it's cooooold now, so i wear pj bottoms and and vest top, with these really thick purple socks i have and if it's REALLY cold a hoodie as well. snug as a bug ;] in summer shorts and a tee or just a baggy tshirt.

  • yeah, why the hell not? go for it.

  • tomato soup at lunch.

  • You Are a Granny Smith Apple You are sweet, but you aren't overly sweet. You let your tart side show through sometimes. You can be a bit uncompromising and high maintenance. You know what you want, and you're going to get it. You are durable and sturdy. You have both a lot of physical and mental strength. No matter what, you don't lose your edge. After all these years, you still give people a bit of a shock.

  • Re: David Guetta

    morphine - - Music


    I think he's kinda overrated.

  • Re: What attracts YOU?

    morphine - - Fashion


    tall, probably dark, confident but not arrogant, funny, rebellious, unique,and with full sleeve tattoos.

  • grey

  • Re: Womb Shifted

    morphine - - Teen Sexuality


    you need a womb transplant.

  • Re: The Tea Oracle

    morphine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    ou Appreciate All of Life's Moments You speak your mind and tell it how it is. You don't hold back when the truth needs to be told. You have a well formed personality. You love who you are, and you wouldn't change a thing about yourself. You love everything about life, including the sadder and darker parts. You appreciate every emotion. You are usually pretty low energy and serene. Even if you become excited, you try not to get worked up about things.

  • You Are an Eyebrow Piercing You are unique, quirky, and more than a little eccentric. You cultivate the weirder sides of your personality, and you don't mind sharing them. Ever since you were a kid, you've had strong opinions. You've never been like everyone else, and you're okay with that. And you've always been able to tell people exactly what you think - even when they don't want to hear it. You love to create, dream, imagine, and communicate. You live in your own universe. And unlike most pe…

  • Your Orchids Say You're Very Elegant You are exotic and intricately beautiful. You possess a unique grace that's both delicate and strong. You are thoughtful and refined. You are the definition of class. Some people may find you unapproachable, but it's only their lack of confidence speaking.

  • You Should Stay Away From Black You are a compassionate and caring person. You are big on forgiveness. You try not to get weighed down by the world's problems. You do your best to help, and that's all you can do. The color black sometimes represents oppression and even hatred. You don't want anything to do with that. There is also a cool meanness to black, and that goes against every fiber of your being.

  • Re: What is sex like??

    morphine - - Teen Sexuality


    the get pregnant and die bit is.

  • Re: What is sex like??

    morphine - - Teen Sexuality


    ^ plus you WILL get pregnant, aids and then die.

  • Re: How Daring Are You?

    morphine - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    You Are a Dare Devil For you, life is one big dare. And you're all in for any adventure. Others find you exciting, inspiring, and a bit intimidating. You're biggest challenge at this point is trying to top yourself!

  • You're Fun Cute People find you cute because you're easy going and naturally content. You are truly happy. You are a soothing influence on others, and you forgive people for their mistakes. You don't expect perfection. At times, you can get a little too passionate about the world. You care deeply about animals and the environment. Once you get on your soapbox, it's hard for you to get off. People understand where you're coming from, and they find your passion endearing.

  • What is the color of your bedroom's walls? Blue. Soon to be pastel purple. Who is your favorite disney character? Mufusa! How has your day been? It's still morning. Pretty chilled sunday ahead. Last place you went shopping? Sainsburys. haa Favorite nickname? raggle Who was your childhood best friend? joleneeee Where do you like to be the most? on a beach, please? Least favorite song? mika. his voice kills my ears Last place you traveled? spain Got any brothers? 2! What sport team do you root for…

  • Your Personality Is Like Acid A bit wacky, you're very difficult to predict. One moment you're in your own little happy universe... And the next, you're on a bad trip to your own personal hell! At your best: You understand the world completely, and every ordinary experience is sublime. What people like about being around you: You say and do the craziest things. You're very entertaining.