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  • Re: Hairstyle

    Nicole91 - - Fashion


    Well the next tim you go for a cut I would go for a change and try shorter hair until then, hmmm could try straightning it..but not too uch so it goes iover your eyes an you look emoish, just to flatten out those little wavy curls. I think the long hair makes you look quite young

  • Re: Thick Hair that be unmanigable!

    Nicole91 - - Fashion


    I know if women have thick hair, it's easy to get it cut with layours which thins it out, you could go to your hairdresser and ask for some style that might thin it out, Straightning hair is a good idea, usually when I dry mine it's fluffy with a lot of volume, thn when I straighten it it seems a lot thinner and obv straight :p

  • An obese person is just lazy. Anyone can exercise if they wanted to, with a combination of eating healthily it's not too hard to lose the weight. In my opinion there's no debate really, if you don't want to be obese then act on it to gt rid of it, you can be "fat" or "overweight" without being obese.

  • So you're not in a relationshhip with her but good friends? do you like each other? you say "we're both aware of our felings for each other." Well what are they exactly? if she likes you as more than a friend maybe she is confused and needs time to think about what she wants. If you've given her space and she still won't talk to you I would try giving her a text or message on facebook/msn, that way she can see what you want to say to her and it's upto her whether or not she replies.

  • Quote from Kazaman: “If they actually use two seats, then sure, charge them for the two, because they are using them. But just because their size makes it uncomfortable for the person next to them does not warrant a disguting show of discrimination through forcing them to pay double what anyone else would for their seat.” Might be seen as discrimination but I think it's rude to pay for one seat then use 1 and a half say, if it makes people uncomfortable then it means the person next to them obvi…

  • My friend just came back from holiday and on her way back had to cram herself between to very obsese people apparently..very uncomfy for a 14 hour flight. Personally, I think it's unfair and obese people should be made to pay for x2 seats if they don't physically fit in one. Sure, you get the odd arguement where, health complications make it not viable to lose weight but in the most circumstances it's possible. Why should people who are able to fit into one seat, have an uncomfortable flight and…

  • Needing someone who maybe goes to those uni's? the UK. I want to study law, maybe at one of these...Surrey is a nice place to live but very expensive as just outside of London...Sheffield, hmm bit of a dump so I don't really want to be there, Southampton is far away from home, but nice place and Warwick..would be hard to get into but rated very highly. Will anybody be goign to these Uni's? or interested or even go there. I want to know more about like..the nightlife, the areas, the actually …

  • Re: Advice anyone?

    Nicole91 - - Education & Jobs


    No problem! I wouldn't worry about it too much, if it's your last year they probably make everybody sort out their uni stuff and push people to find out these things, it'll be alrright

  • Re: RIP sir Bobby

    Nicole91 - - Sports


    We watched the game they played for him...sad loss.

  • Re: Advice anyone?

    Nicole91 - - Education & Jobs


    Do you have some sort of education help person at school you can go to, to ask a lot of these questions to? you say your not sure where to go...use the internet, look at their websites, do research and save it. 1- I don't know what the rules are in Texas, here they go off your household income so yeah if your dad earns a won't receive a lot, there are other options though, but like I said, may differ to where you live. Have a job? every little helps... If you stay round home it would be…

  • Re: New Friends

    Nicole91 - - Friends and Family


    Quote from tutorgirl: “Ok Hi I'm new well um call me Kimmy LOL. Ok I'm a freshman in college and I dont know I feel so outcasted at school. I feel so out of place and I want friends but sometime I miss my old friends way tooooo much. I dont know my friends tell me I'm a great friend meet some people but I dont know!!! Help???” I'm a fresher too I love college, and I've met so many god damn peopel it's unbelievable ha I can't even remember all the names... I'm sure you'll ease into need t…

  • I haven't got plans as such to get married, however if I did, the perfect age for me would be 22-26

  • Phone signal

    Nicole91 - - Technology and the Internet


    I know there's nothing you can really do about network coverage on a phone, but I hardly gget any in this area! it annoys me so much! I literally have to move to the corner of my room to be able to hear people clearly on the phone. Apparently a new mast was built in this area too, yet I have NOTHING? uughh annoys there like a signal boost thing you can buy? if so..I want it!:mad:

  • Re: How many pushups can you do?

    Nicole91 - - Sports


    2? :p lol I can do the girly pushups, but the manly pushups..god help me

  • what? :s just do it whenever/wherever you doesn't matter. I really doubt the police will turn up at your door...."excuse me sir, your daughter has been kissing her boyfriend..lock her up!", not going to happen. Do as you please and kiss wherever you are. Your parents can go swivvle if they don't like it.

  • drink lots of water, shower regulary, and keep using your deoodrant.

  • Re: Freshmen

    Nicole91 - - Friends and Family


    Freshmans sound like our year 7/8's....umping round on the bus blasting out crappy music, seriously I go on public transport to get places, I don't want screaming kids jumping around everywhere....soooo glad I don't have to endure that ever again.

  • Where do you live?

  • If you realy need to ask that question then you got some serious thinking to do. It's ugly and another word for violent, who on earth would want their partnet to be violent?