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  • Braces.

    baileyx - - Health and Fitness


    I have to get braces in 3 days... and I need help choosing colors. I have to get them before this huge dance that my school is having, and my dress is pink (its fades to white, so it has about a million shades of pink). Should I get pink bands or clear? Do clear bands change colors with what I eat? What will I expect?

  • I wouldn't watch it. Even though all do harm to someone at some point in their life (weather its REALLY BAD or just telling a lie) I feel that everyone deserves a second chance, even if they do murder someone. You probably think I'm dumb, but whatever.

  • Republicanz rule. MCCAIN<3

  • How about we just answers the questions, lol. 1. Looks, eyes, hair, etc. 2. Most likely! 3. Not that much... usually only if another guy brings it up.

  • I've only used Vista on my friends computer, and I hate it, she hates it, and my dad (works with computers, knows that kind of stuff) really doesn't want me to get it. So I'm deffinatly guessing that I'll like XP better. I don't notice much of a difference... it was just moderinized to my eyes.

  • Re: Favorite band ?

    baileyx - - Music


    Right now: Lifehouse All time: BOYS LIKE GIRLS!

  • Re: Soooo... anyone still buy CDs?

    baileyx - - Music


    Ever since I got my iPod a few years ago, downloading ftw! No use in buying CDs and ripping them off or anything, so downloading all the way.

  • Re: Ever Noticed?

    baileyx - - Education & Jobs


    Opposite from what I see...

  • Re: My friends hate me :(

    baileyx - - Friends and Family


    I'm a little stuck on what to say, but I have been in what seems like similar situation as you before. I doubt your friends hate you. I know at times I get sick of being around some of myf reinds and I tend to show it too, so maybe after a year of going to school they're a bit tired of seeing everyone. Don't let your emotions get to you, though. When school gets out, things will get better, because you won't have to be around them everyday. You have 1 week left, you can make it!

  • Re: Important!

    baileyx - - Health and Fitness


    McDonalds fries pwn Burker Kings.

  • Re: How Tall Are You?

    baileyx - - Health and Fitness


    around 5'8... & taller than 90% of my friends.

  • Re: Are your parents married?

    baileyx - - Friends and Family


    Mine are still together! A few years away from the big 20! There was a time they did split for a few months, but after that nothing 'major' has happened. They have fights, but nothing much.

  • Re: Don't Like Being Home?

    baileyx - - Friends and Family


    I don't like being home. I rather go out and do something than sit an waste away typing on the comptuer or even just watching tv. And I get bored way too easily.

  • Re: Favourite subjects?

    baileyx - - Education & Jobs


    I'm really good at math... but I make all A's in all my classes!

  • Re: Have you drunk/smoked?

    baileyx - - Health and Fitness


    In the title it would be 'drink' not drunk... Sorry, OCD kicking in...

  • Re: GOD: real or fake?

    baileyx - - Debate and Discussions


    Sometimes I question my belifs, but in the end, I do believe in God and an afterlife.

  • There is nothing wrong with alcohol itself, but more of how people abuse the substance. If people did try to make it illegal, there would be a big outcry, and I think things would actually get worse. I think that better actions need to be taken, espically in the young age group. Its your choice. I know I'm not legal of age, and I choose not to drink. Its the dumb decisions...

  • There is nothing wrong with alcohol itself, but more of how people abuse the substance. If people did try to make it illegal, there would be a big outcry, and I think things would actually get worse. I think that better actions need to be taken, espically in the young age group. I'm not legally old enough yet, but I still find myself at parties and drinking. Go figure.

  • Honestly, I think sterotypes get better in the transformation from Middle school to High school. I think that a sence of matturity comes for most people, if not by their freshman year, for sure by their junior. I think that there will be your typical groups, but its different. People don't hate you for no reason, like in middle school, they just choose to hang out with different people, but would still be nice to you. But then again, depends on where you go to school and what your school is like…

  • Re: Paramore

    baileyx - - Music


    I don't dislike them, but they've become too popular for my taste. I enjoy listening to bands that aren't very well known, and them, they just caught everyones eye after Warped '07.