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  • Re: Suggest me a good food

    Stags - - Health and Fitness


    Well it's all about the choices. Lunch meat is bad but things like chicken teriyaki are good for you.

  • I would think any 16+ male would be able to do that with ease. You could always go to the gym (at your school if you're a student) and take a barbell with 100 on it and try it out yourself.

  • I don't know if you're any good with computers but you could try torrents. A friend of mine got P90x in probably 12 hours

  • Quote from ConfusedWeirdo: “I don't know why you'd want to lose weight, you're perfect. A really skinny girl isn't attractive to most guys. And BMI charts are ridiculous, don't use them. By a BMI chart, Arnold Schwarzenegger is severely obese. Like everyone else said, tone up if you really feel you need to do something about your body.” BMI charts in themselves are a great thing. The only problem is that most online ones dont take anything besides height and weight into account. To get a good me…

  • Sushi and pomegranates. Not together though. Or maybe so....

  • Re: Suggest me a good food

    Stags - - Health and Fitness


    Yeah, generally, if you want a fast food fix, Subway is the only way to do it guilt-free

  • Quote from Radioactive_Pig: “I think i'd rather not share. Not because i'm embarassed about it, far from it. But because the idea of a 'perfect' girl is exactly where all these women seem to grow their insecurities from.” Well, your idea of "the perfect girl" doesnt have to be limited to looks, you could share what you would consider the perfect personality for yourself

  • Quote from Sammy-B: “well... first of all your not supposed to be best friends with a girl. Friendship between a guy and a girl is always kinda fake. you can't be friends with a girl the same way you are with a guy (unless she is a lesbian maybe?) There is always one who wants to screw the other. Ok some of you might say: No well i know a girl, or i know a guy, we are best friends, we dont want to have sex together bla bla bla.. I believe you but chances are you friend would like to bang you. An…

  • You have been blessed with the information you have. Most people are uncertain of how their ex feels and are too scared to act on their own feelings. You KNOW she wants you back. Start talking to her again. Small conversations are good. Start sending those cute texts and the stupid jokes. She will realize she wants to be with you again and I can only see it playing out one way.

  • I disagree with the "go with what's simple approach". I'd say always go with your gut. You shouldn't have to settle just for the sake of having a girlfriend. Go after the one that you want. If that happens to be the single one, thats great. If not, and you really like her, don't give up on it just because she likes someone else at the moment.

  • Ah, I dated a girl like that once, I ended up dumping her because she never seemed to be interested. Turns out she was; apparently, she had cried for like 3 days. Give her a chance to open up, I'm sure she really does like you just needs to be more comfortable to show it.

  • Part of why that situation that we have all been in sucks so much is that there's really not one thing that will help everybody. I've heard people say they felt better when they constantly hung out with friends to take their mind off of it, I've heard of people who just asked out someone else and that effectively worked. Personally, I find it most helpful to immerse myself in my hobbies and joys. After spending hours doing what you love, you can't help but feel better. Good luck finding your thi…

  • Quote from Bektas: “Stoopid inbreds. I bet your parents are siblings and you have a cyclops eye and 1 huge finger on each of your 3 hands.” It's one thing to disagree strongly but these people are just being honest about how they feel. There's no need to be such an ass about it. I do, by the way, disagree with incest but thats no reason to be offensive

  • I'd be willing to bet he's straight

  • I was at a party last weekend and there was a huge crowd where two wasted girls were kissing. People were cheering, clapping, etc. I'm curious if ladies find two men kissing as attractive.