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  • Quote from babyblue17: “Welcome to Teen Hut.People are different.My brother didn't have his first wet dream until he was 15.I have always woke him in the morning and he has had boners every morning since he was 12.I don't know if he masturbates but I did catch him fondling his penis and his balls when he was real soft.He wasn't masturbating when I caught him.He was just wiggling his soft penis around with one hand and rolling his balls around in his ball sack with the other hand.U had a wet drea…

  • Hi so I got my first wet dreams around a year ago and since then haven't had any. And I also don't masturbate ever. Is this bad since I know wet dreams are supposed to release excess semen and so if that's not happening maybe that's not good. Any insight is welcome thank you!