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  • Re: Always horny.?

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    LOL Torn, that was kind of an old dead thread. I just got an email notification that it had been replied to... haha.

  • Re: Humping

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from sage: “You forgot the fucking unicorn. How do you forget the unicorn?” I think that fucking a unicorn would not be fun for a girl.. much like a horse.. unless you were doing the horn, in which case, it would be even more painful... HAHAHA i'm so funny... Anyway, as for the humping question, I have tried humping pillow/mattress before.. It's not very gratifying... It is kind of a rug burn sensation... So no, I don't do it. However, I can see that it would work better for girls. IMHO, w…

  • I"m glad you're not what I first thought you were. And thank you for the advice; Yes, I do alot of reflecting, and if there is a way to regain the friendship, I would be willing to try it. However, the ball is in her court. I've sent her far too many messages that have gone unanswered. If she decides that she's ready to reclaim a friend, I've made it clear I won't turn her away. So yes, I'm willing to be her friend, but I'm not going to push. Hope is good; It often keeps me going. However, somet…

  • Yes, I'm alive, and for the most part, physically healthy. But seriously; do you have anything to add? Or are you one of the people that tells clinically depressed people to build a bridge and get over it? Because there really are people who can't see beyond what might seem to be "simple" problems. Fortunately, I'm not currently one. However, it pisses me off when people tell other people who actually DO need help, and are not venting (As I am) that it's their fault and everyone has problems. Ok…

  • To make a long and unnecessary story short, best friend > girlfriend > broke up on supposedly good terms> she cut communication > as of this point, I don't feel that I'll get her back as a friend. So, I have that horrid empty feeling inside. No, I'm not going to hurt/kill myself, so don't worry about me. I just need a place to vent. Unfortunately for me, I am genetically prone to depression/anxiety. Fortunately, I pass out to blood. No desire to cut/kill myself. Usually music helps take me out o…

  • Re: Are You A Paraphiliac?

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Glad you understand Sean.

  • I like 1 piece swimsuits TBH. To OP, don't worry. Everyone changes, and most everyone's embarrassed about the changes. Don't go and make an alteration, you WILL regret it later. As for showing off your body, it's up to you. If you're uncomfortable with wearing a bikini, there's nothing wrong with it. But whatever you do, do it because you want to, not because you feel pressured. No one's the same; Even my identical twin and aren't. So when you're changing, remember that everyone will, or has gon…

  • Re: Are You A Paraphiliac?

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Bright Wind: “amlord1, I completely agree with you, and you've proven your point very clearly and effectively. Hopefully the message will get through the cynicism.” Thanks. At least it got to one person.

  • Re: guys, are your erections...

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    The size varies greatly. Sometimes I get 6.5+, and 2.5 inches around, other times, it's 4.5, and 1.5-2. As for shape, it's generally penis shaped. But yeah, Sometimes I get a random boner without any cause, and it won't go away. The crazy thing is, once or twice I tried to get rid of it (in the easiest way I know), and even after I got off, it WAS STILL THERE... That may be convenient when I'm married... but not now. Ladies, if you don't think that's a bad thing, try walking around with a 6 inch…

  • Re: Fap Free Feb

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    LOL I should have come on here on the first; I actually was doing pretty good untill 2 days ago. I didn't know there was such a thing. ANYWAY I haven't actually "fap'd", but I did use a vibrating thing. Seriously though, you guys should try using a vibrator. Just not a dick shaped one... if your straight. Well, I guess I'll try to go the rest of this month without masturbating. Good luck all.

  • Well, she may not have 'humped' the pole exactly, but she was humping air; pretty provocatively... Yes, it's kind of sad what she's become.

  • Re: Are You A Paraphiliac?

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    If you want to see how many people the media has misled, search "pedophile" on yahoo answers. It's crazy how many people don't know the difference (between pedophiles and molesters)... and how many don't care. It's scary really. I mean; How would you feel if you had feelings that you couldn't stop; that you wanted to stop; and just because of that, atleast 90% of the world wants the following for you: (real suggestions by real people) life without parole hanging Electric chair public humiliation…

  • Re: Are You A Paraphiliac?

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    LOL Most of you guys crack me up. Did you ever learn to dismantle words to find their meanings? -philia is generally having to do with sexual attractions. para- is generally having to do with abnormality.. e.g. paranormal. So thus, paraphilia is abnormal sexual attraction. Defined, it is something other than consentual heterosexual activity between adult partners. List of paraphilias - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia Yes, if One were to admit to having a certain paraphilias, they would be scorn…

  • All I can say, is be honest. Because by starting a lie, you start to dig yourself into a hole. Believe me, it's easier to tell the truth and get into trouble the first time. It will also help redeem some of your credibility. You made a mistake; but you at least had the decency to be honest about it. Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said. ~Mark Twain

  • Quote from kiwinall: “sleep?” I was going to say that Quote from Sammy-B: “sleep is for the weak. :p and when your on vacation, sleeping is not always the most interesting activity” lol, if you don't sleep, you will die :P. However, long days are fun (long days meaning they stretch into the next). When I'm camping, I don't like staying in bed till 7. Drives me insane. Quote from amilliez: “throw house partys? smoke blunts? drink alcohol? what else is there to do lol” sleep Quote from hheartstron…

  • Re: Diaries

    amlord1 - - General Advice


    Hmmm. I put yes, because I do have a diary/journal; I don't write in it regularly though. I tend to wait a couple months, and then when I'm feeling kind of down, or just have an urge to write my feelings, I recount what has happened since the last entry. It gives me some hindsight.

  • I'm not too much into the 'seeing the future' type of thing. Basically your dreams are a compilation of things you're feeling, doing, thinking, etc. both currently, and in the past. They often contain memories, and sometimes fantasies. I've had some pretty creepy recurring dreams; I'm glad they only lasted a couple of weeks... they were kind of gory... nightmares. Anyway, you might be remembering your old boyfriend, things you did, old feelings, etc. As for James, it's possible that you unconsci…

  • First of all, thanks for the clarification. I mean; I don't go around all day worrying that my wife will think I'm small. Besides, I'm pretty average. If she wants a baseball bat... well, then we can discuss that... NOW for your question: IN MY EXPERIENCE- most guys who obsess over breasts being huge, are just talking for show because the steriotype is that 'big boobs are hot boobs'. Now, sometimes guys really do like huge boobs.. I honestly DON'T prefer large breasts. I mean; I like something t…

  • Re: Do you watch....

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Alucard 117: “That sounds positively sexy. >_>” Quote from BrunetteHeaded: “A mate of mine sent me a link to 2 girls 1 cup a couple of years ago and me being a bimbo didnt have a clue what it was about and was nearly sick watching it. One thing I'll never understand is how people get off eating eachothers shit. :confused: *vomits*” Just some of these descriptions make me want to gag... I don't get why people would want to watch those... There are a whole lot funnier things that you ca…

  • Re: What attracts you?

    amlord1 - - Teen Sexuality


    Hmm.. I would say, that it's not just one feature that is most attractive; but a combination of lots. I mean, a girl could have a certain nose, or certain eyes, lips, ears, etc, and while she wouldn't be ugly I just might not find her attractive. Now, I may have liked certain features, but unless they all fit together in a way I find appealing, then again, I might not find her attractive. Now, we are talking about physical attraction, not personality, so I'm pretending it doesn't exist. I guess,…