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  • Re: 130 survey

    Subfusc - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1 When was the last time you cried? Couple days ago. 2 Have you ever faked sick? Yes. 3 What was the last lie you said? There's only hamburg and spinach in there. 4 Have you ever cried during a movie? Most movies. 5 Who was the last person you couldn't take your eyes off of? Dave Grohl. 6 Have you ever danced in the rain? I think. 7 Have you ever been drunk? No.:rolleyes: 8 Have you ever tried tried drugs? Yes. 9 Do you smoke? Yes. 10 What's the farthest you've ever gone on a dare? I don't know.…

  • Re: start and end survey

    Subfusc - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    1 Time started: 05:51 2 Sex: Male 3 Birthday: December 29th 4 Siblings: One sister 5 Eye color: Blue 6 Shoe size: 11 7 Height: 5'9 8 What are you wearing: Nothing, seriously. 9 Where do you live: Canada. 10 Righty or lefty: Pass 11 Can you make a dollar in change right now: Yes! 12 Who are your closest friends: I don't know. 13 Best place for a date? Glow in the dark mini-put 14 Where is your fav place to shop: The store 15 Favorite kind of plant: Marijuana 16 Fave Color: Sea green 17 Fave Numbe…

  • Re: 70 Confessions

    Subfusc - - Quiz, Polls and Surveys


    ♥Just for starters... Do you swear to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, so help you God? Absolutely not. What time is it? 05:35am What is todays date? (MM/DD/YYYY) 11/10/2009 ♥Okay lets get started... Who was the last person to call you baby? Some random priest. When you're at the grocery store do you used the self checkout? Most of the time, yes. you return the cart? Of course. What is your relationship status? (single, taken...etc.) Classified. Has anyone ever sang to you? Yes, actually. …

  • Quote from LOLFag: “Your point being? Does a collective, unifying government threaten privacy? Does having an international currency infringe upon personal privacy?” I don't know how you could see it any other way? A collective, unifying government would be communitarian if not anything else and in a community people have to sacrifice liberties and acquiesce with the many things that a community entails.

  • Re: Vaccum Cleaner?

    Subfusc - - Teen Sexuality


    Jesus Christ, I hope this guy doesn't have any pets!

  • Re: Masturbation Survey

    Subfusc - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote: “ 5) In a typical session, how far do you shoot (if you do at all, and if it can be measured; use whatever scale works- if you're shooting onto your chest, say how far up it goes, or if you're shooting into a toilet, say how far back it reaches)?” Jesus Christ... facepalm.gif

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “What about those darn medieval people who contributed so much to global warming in the 1000s-1100s.” I know, aye? Motherfuckers just wouldn't car pool.:wink:

  • Check this out, maybe it'll give you some answers and help you find the root of the problem. [ame='']YouTube - Health Matters: What is Social Anxiety Disorder?[/ame]

  • *Yawn* Animal Scam |

  • People still believe in this man-made global warming shit?:lol:

  • Quote from jaaaaake: “How is it "insane" to disbelieve the official fairy tale about 9/11? That's the problem with you people: you've been conditioned to think anyone who comes close to speaking out about the truth is crazy. WHAT I FIND CRAZY is how people could be defending the very system that wants to set up world dictatorship and tax your every activity.” I agree with this. But there's definitely a difference between opposing the system and accusing it of secretly killing 3,000 of it's peopl…

  • Quote from Oats&squats: “I go out with a new girl every week or so. If I find one I like I will generally keep her around for a little bit. Girls are like ice cream its hard to choose just one flavor.” Not for me. I'll stick to my moon mist and my nerdy girls.

  • Quote from Oats&squats: “Its not so much a manual to girls but a manual to being successful in life. Girls are just one of the tings that come easily when you raise your social value. So dose success in business and all other important aspects of life.” No doubt, but it'd take effort to perpetuate the facade, wouldn't it? I mean, why not be yourself?

  • Re: am I unlikeable?

    Subfusc - - General Advice


    I think you're fucking awesome.:rofl: The Youtube battle video is great. I'd love to hang out with you.

  • Quote from Oats&squats: “Theres nothing wrong with being well liked.” No, I know. But do we really need a manual to girls?

  • You don't have to be sane to get into Congress, you know.

  • Seems like a lot of guys are into this Don Juan shit...

  • Quote from S3CR3T: “You're always gonna wanna 'do' other people. I mean - it's natural. But you seem to really love this girl still so I wouldn't break up with her if I was you. I'd go with Pixelated on this one. Good luck, dude. :thumbsup:” The grass seems always greener on the other sideee.

  • I'd rather a long-term girlfriend then different girls every weekend. Maybe I'm just weird?

  • You fucked up, now try again. There's no sense in hating yourself over it.