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  • Re: Smoking printer paper?

    artizhay - - General Advice


    Quote from ccc1122: “:O will you be extending this offer to the general public?” :rofl:

  • Quote from FallenAngel: “Am I not allowed to express my opinion without someone automatically assuming I'm average and trying to tear down's someone success? What exaggeration is this? It's silly to neg rep me, I wasn't trying to offend him nor was I breaking any forum rules.” Did I say, "Please don't express your opinion here"? I don't believe I did. You expressed your opinion, and now I am expressing my opinion. It's quite the complete opposite of what you're assuming my mindset is. The reputa…

  • Re: school trouble :/

    artizhay - - General Advice


    Your parents don't expect you to do homework non-stop every day, but they are right in being angry at you because of the reasoning for your low grades. If you're lazy and don't do your work, resulting in late assignments, you have absolutely no argument saying your grades are good and they shouldn't be angry. Yeah, school is hard and you want to relax at the end of the day, but it's just school. A controlled environment that tells you exactly what you need to do, how to do it, and when to have i…

  • Re: Learning Keyboard

    artizhay - - General Advice


    I honestly would suggest the Charlie Brown collection of music. There's a book of sheet music with big notes that I have if you want me to link you to it so you can see if you want to buy it. It has bass, of course, and treble simultaneously. It's fairly simple music but challenging enough for a beginner, and it's recognizable so you'll know if you're playing it correctly.

  • Tell her how you feel but make sure you qualify your previous statements so you don't act like you're ignoring the fact you told her you want to be friends. Let her know that you're aware you said you wanted to be friends, but you've developed an attraction because of her intellect and skills, as well as her beauty. Don't just say, "Oh, hey, I like you now." That shows signs of indecisiveness and confusion. She may not want to be more than friends since you already said you didn't want to, so sh…

  • Re: Big gauges

    artizhay - - Fashion


    Hm...I still don't like them too much but I'm becoming more accepting towards them.

  • Quote from NBstunter: “omg the 4 drunk driving accidents was the other driver was drunk! ive never drank or done drugs! does a few harmless very practiced controlled stunts on the street make me a horrible person??” So do you mind if I start a controlled drift on the highway and accidentally slide into you? I mean, I practiced it several times and I thought it was harmless till I killed you. Whoops. My bad. Quote from Radioactive_Pig: “....... Yes. Horrible like Hitler. In fact, i'd say it makes…

  • You guys do know omnivore means you eat meat and vegetables, correct? I think you're looking for "herbivore."

  • But you're too busy getting girls of every ethnicity with your fresh new looks to make out with a guy.

  • Going by the whole each-of-the-7-days-of-creation-was-actually-millions-or-billions-of-years theory, the whole fifth and sixth days could have spanned the life of dinosaurs. So they were there while God was making man, but when man was created, only animals as we know them were left. However, Genesis itself makes the idea of Bible days not being equivalent to present days quite cloudy: Quote: “In the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth, the earth was a formless void and darkness…

  • Re: lookin fly is underrated

    artizhay - - Fashion


    Whoa, look at that comeback! Breakboy lashes back forcibly against Nick! Who will make the next move? I should totally be a boxing announcer.

  • Re: Sexting!

    artizhay - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from OnEMesSduPKiD: “I want to forcibly have sex with as many women as I can find, so there's nothing wrong with that just because I want to do it, right?” You're comparing forcibly having sex with many women to his proposal of mutual agreement to sext between two people. It is the equivalent of consented sex with your girlfriend. There is nothing wrong with that unless you practice abstinence.

  • Quote from Tessa98: “Then this is what you and all the other straight men in here prompting your ridiculous idea, is when ever you go into the showers yell out whose gay? And if anyone responds you wait until they exist so you wouldn’t feel uncomfortable showering with them because god forbid they see your little willy. That way no one has to be segregated and comply with your ridiculous proposal. Problem Solved! :wink:” Is this not why bathrooms are segregated between sexes? God forbid guys see…

  • Quote from Treebark2268: “Quote from kopite: “im pretty sure it takes 365 days for the earth to orbit the sun!! Ahhaaa i ment like... rotation, not orbit.. but same difff:shifty:” "I'm sorry you ended up in that black hole. I meant 9.8 lightyears, not 9.9. They're almost the same thing."”

  • Maybe no one wants to date you because they know about your 8 traffic tickets, 10 days in jail, thousands of dollars in fines, and 4 drunk driving accidents.

  • Re: lookin fly is underrated

    artizhay - - Fashion


    And don't refer to girls by ethnicity. Oh wait...

  • Re: driving record = insanity

    artizhay - - General Advice


    That is a very immature way of thinking. If you're getting 8 tickets, you have no right to be criticizing anyone else in comparison to what you have done. I personally think you should have your license taken away. If you can't get it through your head the first time that drinking and driving is bad, and you continue to do it three more times, I think you have a serious problem. Especially when each of those times involved a wreck. Remember when you were a kid and you said, "Mommy, why can't I d…

  • Quote from Lunatic: “ - I'm not trying to push a relationship on her otherwise I wouldn't be here. - She's my ex because she dumped me for no given "reason". - If it means I loose her as a friend because of my selfish needs, so be it. ” Quote from Lunatic: “If I cannot have more, then I do not want anything.” This is pushing a relationship, regardless of whether you've told her this statement or not. "Hey, you're either going to date me, or you don't even get to be my friend." That's what you're…