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  • Re: favorite movies

    rosenrot - - Films, TV and Books


    Is that the one based on John Dillinger? I haven't seen it yet no I think I prefer the English gangster movies, Rocknrolla is another one, Guy Ritchie does them best!

  • Re: Rock Dying Out?

    rosenrot - - Music


    Definitely not dying out, sometimes you just need to know where to look. Theres an awesome new .. well "new" band that is about to release their first album next month called The Gracious Few. They're members of former 90s bands Live and Candlebox, they're really bringing the rock, I love it! [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Re: Axis of Awesome, Four Chords

    rosenrot - - Music


    Saw these guys before, very funny although I think my favorite songs they do is Birdplane and The 2007 election song: [ame='']YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.[/ame]

  • Re: Command & Conquer

    rosenrot - - Video Games


    Generals was balls, it was made after westwood got bought up and basically they just made a random RTS and slapped the Command and Conquer name on it .. storywise it doesn't fit in with any other game .. not very good. But the rest I love .. probably Tiberium Wars is my favorite .. just. Although I probably got the most milage out of the first Red Alert .. I remember the map editor where you made your own maps easy enough and could play on them. Red alert 2 and 3's game play wasnt that great, es…

  • Re: favorite movies

    rosenrot - - Films, TV and Books


    Lock Stock and 2 Smoking Barrels Layer Cake Casino Goodfellas Scarface Godfather trillogy Snatch ...can you see a gangster theme?

  • Re: The inbetweeners.

    rosenrot - - Films, TV and Books


    Cant wait! We dont get it down here in Australia so I have to download it! I heard a rumour there was going to be a movie next year, anyone heard more on this?

  • Re: disturbing

    rosenrot - - Music


    Tough one ... "Dalai Lama" by Rammstein is a bad one. it's based on a true story of a man and his child on a plane trip when they encounter a whole lot of turbulance. The man is deathly affraid of flying so whilst the plane is shaking about he is clutching ahold of his child. He's in a complete panic but the plane comes out through the storm just fine, but he then realises he was holding his child so tight he strangled or suffocated it to death and his fear was the only reason the child died. It…

  • I'd definitely be looking for non public facing jobs. Stacking shelves at a super market or like someone mentioned the cook at a mcdonalds rather than on the front line. Maybe be upfront with people in interviews and say that you know that given your speech problem that you wouldn't be best "on the front line" so to speak, but that you're really eager to still get in there and that you have no other reason why you cant work and something "behind the scenes" is what you're after. You'd be surpris…

  • Tough to answer, I'd probably look more at why you feel you can't trust anyone. You'd be surprised how many people would feel the same. I've felt that way, and eventually you'll learn there are people you can't trust cos they're asses and there are people you eventually would stick your life in their hand. If you're the sort of person who doesn't suffer fools gladly and finds it hard to let people in, when it eventually happens, you know those people will have passed your rigerous screening test…

  • Re: How can I talk to her?

    rosenrot - - General Advice


    It should be pretty simple, I've had a similar situation before, here's what I'd do: Approach about something completely unrelated, just general talk .. rather than walking straight up and going "hey hows it going!" just make a comment to get the ball rolling, something like .. I dunno "man this day is really dragging huh?" When she replies she might say something like "hell yeah, cant wait to get home" .. you're off then, then just as part of the convo add in: "Hey you know this might sound cra…

  • Re: Red Dead Redemption

    rosenrot - - Video Games


    The game was decent .. Dead Eye made some of the fighting way too easy. I kind of miss the rockstar GTA humour that was so present in the GTA games. But still, awesome game! Didn't much like the end where you play as the son though .. he had some real issues when his dad dies. He shoots animals and says "this is for mah pa!"

  • Re: Whats your top 5 games ?

    rosenrot - - Video Games


    Command and Conquer 3 Company of Heroes GTA: San Andreas Resident Evil 4 Mass Effect 2

  • Re: Mafia II

    rosenrot - - Video Games


    cant wait, this is released on friday here .. loved the original. held up so well over time unlike some other sandbox games. GTA3 for example was amazing when it came out, it just seems kinda dated now. Mafia still holds up, so this will be amazing!

  • Re: Who Loves Lady GaGa?

    rosenrot - - Music


    Used to not be into her for ages. I guess I just over looked her and didn't bother, thought she was meh. Then saw her performing just with piano and singing on youtube .. blew me away and I just started giving her a chance and listening to more .. absolutely love it now!

  • Re: Your Favourite Band/Singer

    rosenrot - - Music


    The Smiths Rammstein Live Ween Pixies

  • Re: Masturbation Routine

    rosenrot - - Teen Sexuality


    usually get hard, rub myself through my jeans a bit, might pull them down and stroke a bit whilst watching porn then lie down on my bed to finish off .. i guess.