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  • Huuuurg

  • Re: Truth or Dare

    RollinRightInuit - - Teen Sexuality


    You should dare your male friends to take pictures of their pps and send them to rmg

  • Re: Pj's

    RollinRightInuit - - Fashion


    I have two or three pairs of pyjama bottoms that I alternate between, and usually wear them with a band t-shirt :p Or a string top if it's particularly warm

  • Quote from jerry: “that looks good! though i'd be afraid to taste it since you probably added some weird vegan stuff to it.” You don't add vegan stuff You just don't use non-vegan stuff :p It's not like you go "Oh, must put vegetables in this", you just don't include eggs, milk, butter, etc. Also, that brownie was friggin' amazing And vegan ice-cream is delicious.

  • Re: Fringe

    RollinRightInuit - - Films, TV and Books


    I LOVE FRINGE Hasn't started back here yet though White Tulip

  • Quote from dusk: “I totally agree with you, I just meant to point out that going after a good job or wtfe isn't the key to happiness. It's almost disturbing how many unhappy people you see, who make a shitload of money. My post was directed at the awkward half and half types who are book smart, get good grades, have a plan, but really wish they could be something else, but they hold themselves back so that they can get a job or whatever, and then realize it doesn't matter at all and they didn't …

  • ^ Ok, don't listen to that :p Edit: This bit was directed at dusk's post, I was just to slow in posting I'm in second year in uni, and I don't drink. Not a big fan of clubs either. I'd still go out with people to them for certain occassions just because the people themselves make it fun :p But I wouldn't go a lot. And I certainly haven't lost my inner child I'm a bloody animation student, I make cartoons for a living :p And I'm one of quite a few people in the course who don't drink. I don't thi…

  • Quote from Heather: “Jordan132 has the most amazing eyebrows I've ever seen.” This :p But seriously, it depends on the eyebrows and the persons taste. I actually like big eyebrows on guys :p Some girls don't though, and sure everyone's idea of what's a good size is different. As well as that, I'm not sure a lot of girls pay attention to guys' eyebrows anyway :p But yeah, don't overgroom them or you'll make them look too girly haha

  • It's sad to see how many TH regulars have had to go through such tough times But fair play to you all for sharing your stories, I really hope they help people.

  • Quote from Raoul_Foil_Duke: “Yes, that's completely possible, in which I would apologize as I mean no offense. However, over the last week there have been multiple people coming on with 2 or 3 posts, all of which look a bit like trolling. They're all quite long, contain several implausible, off the wall fears (babies see my face in their mother's womb and that's why they're born, a family on a reality show that I never have or never will meet will be mad that I "copied" their name, my neighbors …

  • I think you need to look at the whole college thing this way: No-one knows you, so no-one has any expectations of you, so you can just be yourself without trying to think of how everyone else would expect you to act. It's tough trying to fit in somewhere you know no-one, and it's always gonna be hard to start conversations, but if you don't try you can't succeed. You've got the right idea joining clubs and societies, it'll give you a chance to meet people with similar interests to you. And it'll…

  • Quote from Dr.Carter: “That's an extremely flawed way of thinking that is responsible for a ton of problems in the world today. "If someone else is doing it, then I can do it to". France, and really all developed nations, are supposed to hold themselves to a higher standard than the repressive Middle Eastern nations you are talking about. It's not a legitimate excuse to look at their backwards legal system and justify the faults in our own, it's just stupid. You can have a burgeoning economy, a …

  • Quote from David!: “French food is yummy And...what Lisa said. The media is portraying this as discrimination against the Islamic faith, when it isn't. If you look at some of the other French laws on the books, they don't allow Christian symbols in public schools (or any religion for that matter.) Secularism is different from religious intolerance.” Yes Quote from jerry: “It's their customs and how they were brought up to be. It's as if Britain all of a sudden said Christmas is banned. or t shir…

  • Well, personally I don't have any problem with France, and this doesn't give me one, but since you're a female Muslim who lives there.... oh wait.... To be honest, in a lot of primarily Muslim countries, women would be arrested for not wearing a Burka, regardless of their nationality or religion, so if France want to impose a similar law, they have a right to it. At least the French legal system is better than countries where petty theft is punished by cutting off an appendage. And no, I'm not r…

  • I use this bag all the time :p IMG_8844.jpg And I don't care what it does or doesn't match xD It's damn handy for college, big enough for my laptop, and it indicates to fellow nerds that I'm a member of the Assassin's Guild of Ankh Morpork

  • Funnily enough, Larry and Tony were both named after Robert Downey Jr characters Weeeeird And yeah, it used to house my little brother's drums, as well as the bass, flying v, and a couple of other guitars not pictured there And is still occasionally used for my older brother's band practise, so, it's the Rock Shed :p

  • Quote from Aannddyy: “Tony Stark sounds like the name of a male stripper. You shouldn't be shaking your head at a pink laptop, pink laptops are awesome! Way better than the ordinary black or grey or white. You should of named it... Larry. Can't explain. It just would. I'm picturing a leprechaun talking to Matty the laptop and it sounds so cool in my head. :p When I go to Ireland, I'm gonna rock up at your house. It's like the house of music.” We have a shed nicknamed "The Rock Shed" And Larry wa…

  • I picked animation 'Cause it's what I do But I like pretty much all genres of film. Big fan of Sci-fi films, and anything that makes you think. Psychological Thrillers, etc. But I love comedies, even like silent-era comedy films, horror, action, film noir, westerns, musicals, fantasy, documentaries, mockumentaries, whatever. You name it, I probably like it Your list is a tad limited :p Love independent films too, but it doesn't really count as a genre, since they'd all have their own separate ge…

  • Quote from Aannddyy: “Innuendo is fun. Especially when you're improvising a song and lyrics. You know what, that would sound so awesome in your Irish accent :p. I don't name any instruments or computers. Saying "fuck you, you piece of shit" is about as personal as I get with my laptop.” Naming inanimate objects is fun, though This laptop's name is Tony Stark 'Cause the stupid shop people gave me a pink one So I drew Iron Man on it to cover it up And how would that sound awesome in my accent? Edi…