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  • I have seen a few colleges that allow it. I dont know which ones though.

  • Re: homework help

    Sidewinder - - Education & Jobs


    They didnt get consent to use her likeness?

  • Quote from Woodstock: “Hmm... To tell you the truth, I don't really care. Religion, God, Jesus, etc. doesn't really matter to me, at least not now. He exists or he doesn't, either way I got better stuff to do that to worry about it all day.” This ^ To me, He may exist, he may not. I don't really think anyone can prove he exists definitively beyond a doubt. I like Science

  • Quote from Goddess of Judecca: “How to Flirt - wikiHow ? Honestly I never stop flirting, so it's hard for me to tell a person how to do it. ~Maggot” Haha, I watched that. I am awful at flirting

  • Lets Agree that they both sound awful?

  • Quote from Linda: “Well then you must be a very insecure boy, and someone who isn't very experienced in relationships. There is no "dominant" person in a relationship, you both give 50% and take 50%, no one has more control, say, or freedom then the other. This is 2010, girls DO ask guys out now a days, its not the 1800's anymore. I don't expect my boyfriend/husband to pay my bills, I don't expect him to bring home all the money while I just sit at home and do nothing, that sounds like a very un…

  • Quote from ivaiva: “What??? :confused: I really doubt you can compare it. Did you ever see guy screaming in pain and bleeding for hours from being kicked in balls? Childbirth lasts few hours, sometimes more then 12 hours or even a day!! Women bleed, vagina has to be cut a little, hip bones are spreading, womb is clenching - for hours! I don't believe kick in balls hurts so much.” I have never been kicked in the balls but Ive gotten hit there kinda lightly and it just makes you want to curl up on…

  • Re: Blushing.

    Sidewinder - - General Advice


    My cheeks always seem to just be red, so I look like I am blushing.

  • I dont know about the click wheel. But that stuff is awesome. It is a little thicker then those other covers though.

  • Re: rainbow parties

    Sidewinder - - Teen Sexuality


    I was kinda curious, but I have never heard of one really happening.

  • Re: Unimportant?

    Sidewinder - - Friends and Family


    I feel pretty much the same, but I am a guy. So your not alone in feeling that way

  • Re: iPad

    Sidewinder - - Technology and the Internet


    Quote from Fashion: “I have an android phone. Um, i hope the next one will have flash! Some really useful stuff, ty guys:)” Dont get your hopes up. Steve Jobs has professed his Hate of Flash. We are more likely get HTML5 video over flash.

  • Quote from Emily Two: “ The marketplace is pretty big in selection and a majority of the apps are free but put a free virus scanner on it bc my bf told me like 1 in 3 apps had malware on them and stuff.” That is just wasting battery and may be malware itself. Just be careful on what you download and what the phone says an App will access when you install it and you should be fine. Like a free game should not be trying to access your text messages.

  • They are free with the 24 month over the 12 month because they make more money over those months to make up for giving you the phone for free. Just look at Verizon, $30 a month for just the data. Over 24 months that is like $720, they easily pay off what they covered on the phone. Windows Mobile is crap, Android FTW. But HTC does have good build quality. But if your going to pick look over function, dont complain if it is slow. That is just a thing that bothers me, picking a piece of tech becaus…

  • Re: iPad

    Sidewinder - - Technology and the Internet


    You think you dont use flash that much? Any kind of Video you watch online is most likely flash, there are plenty of websites that are flash only. I dont think I could pay that much for an iPad, also, you would have to get the 3G one to browse anywhere. Its like $30 a month in the US. What kind of phone do you have? If you dont have a newish Android phone or iPhone, the browsing experience on those devices is NOTHING like what you have.

  • I guess I am Slow. Short makeout with 2 girls when I was 15 in Argentina.

  • I feel the same, I am in high school so its a bit more awkward. I went to Argentina for a year and drinking worked for me, and everyone would want to talk to me, but back in America, that doesnt really work to well. So Ya, Drinking works for me.

  • Go for it, she might just be nervous

  • I am 16 and never went on a date. Never had a girlfriend either. Bothers me too, being a senior and never done any of that.

  • Re: Spanish - tips?

    Sidewinder - - Education & Jobs


    Ya, Exchange is the best way. You could try listening to spanish music, learning what all the words mean and then listen to it. I think it is best that when you practice speaking, dont worry about messing up, just go with the flow.