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  • Title says it all really. :)

  • Two years is nothing, go for it!!

  • Re: What Kind Of Sport Do You Play?

    Chocolatte - - Sports


    I like running, not exactly a sport... so I'd say it'd come under 'athletics', I also play lots of other sports, i.e. hockey, football, netball. Anything, I like staying fit. :]

  • LOL, that actually made me laugh! very funny, haha. erm, keep the signs and stuff coming in. it's all a big help, thanks. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • I know this question is very broad and I havent set any limits for answers, but please just post how you think you can tell if a guy is a player. Many thanks. xxxxxxxxxxx

  • Hey guys, thanks for feedback... Any more is MUCH APPRECIATED!! Thanks. xx

  • Re: Swine Flu.

    Chocolatte - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Liam: “The only people who have died from it in the UK have had underlined medical illnesses.” Yes, and what kind of underlying medical illnesses... A person who died in 1958 died because she was pregnant, that isn't an illness... Not that I am pregnant, just making a statement... Although asthmatics don't have an increase rate of catching swine flu as opposed to anyone else, if they do get it, they can die from it!

  • I think the drums you need to have a natural rhythm to keep in time, at least it helps immensely!

  • I really like the songs, the guitar playing is cool too! I like your lyrics, I have something similar going on - what I mean is, I can hear the lyrics in my head too, so I don't need recording, but obviously it helps a lot. Your lyrics sound meaningful and the structure is really good too. Well done. x

  • Quote from Niceguy7: “It's not hard to learn the basics. You just have to get used to your fingers hurting, press down hard and not mute any strings by accident (that's the hardest part). It's better to start on Acoustic because it's harder. Five chords you must know: A, C, D, E, G SO MANY songs go from those chords. Powerchords too, the basis of any punk song (ex. Green Day) and anything that is rock.” I completely agree, you can't go wrong when you know them chords, it's just a case of putting…

  • Swine Flu.

    Chocolatte - - Debate and Discussions


    At first I thought it was rubbish, but now it's all over Britain and people are beginning to die from it, several schools have been closed from this. What are your views on it? Personally, I don't think anyone should panick too much, but I think we're going too anyways!

  • I personally think you should have that friendship before you start a relationship, I'm sure most people will agree, however I don't think "best friends" can ever have a relationship, well at least you can, but afterwards don't except to have the same kind of best friend relationship to go back too. It's also really awkward when your best friend (of the opposite sex) admits to liking you, it just makes things plain awkward, I know they can't help how they feel, but I think it really does change …

  • The questions in the title! I would like to play the drums, I'm going to learn at the end of this year. Post what you'd like to play. Thankyou.xx

  • He’s a part of my life I can’t live without him I can’t stop missing him I just wanna be with him And I don’t ever wanna fight I can’t help… That you came part of my life Sitting with him, through the warm summer nights Feeling the heat, when the sun shines so bright Hand in hand and on the beach Sitting upon our sandy seats He turns to me and says I love you and my heart beats (You’re my love) You took my hand and held it tight I’d like to get us through the night Our effortless talks and shor…

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “What was it like meeting up with him for the first time in person? Awkward? Had you guys already talked on the phone or been on cam before hand? Dont hear many success stories!!” I agreee! You never hear about this sort of stuff. :]

  • Quote from KP_O: “why r we all fighting :confused: have a nice day :)” I don't know, haha, all because I used a double negative, lmao. Seriously guys, just chill. xo Er, yes, so back to the topic, long distance relationships, keep sending in your views, much appreciated! :);)

  • Quote from ZZ 5: “They can work very well, you just have to understand the downsides of the situation. But if you love him and are wiling to put in the effort then it'll work well. It's all about commitment, trust and attitude.” I agree. Can I ask, just because this whole double negative thing seems to be getting in the way of the thread, what is the correct way of phrasing it? ANYWAYS, leave your comments on long distance relationships. Thankyou xoxo

  • Quote from DareToDream: “Negative + Negative = Positive It's not a double negative. Anyway, long distance relationships only work if 2 things are present: 1) Deep, true feelings for only that person 2) A willingness to work on the relationship so that it survives distance” My mistake, sorry! Keep your posts coming in about long distance relationships please. xo

  • Do they work? Personally I couldn't go without seeing my boyfriend (I must add I'm single at the moment!) for a month, that's just me though. This is completely random, just looking for peoples views. Thankyou. xo

  • Thankyou guys, I'm currently working on the melody, I've been out and about a lot lately, so I haven't spent a lot of time composing the melody, but I have a rough idea, I'll let you all know when it's completed. Any more feedback on the lyrics would be much appreciated! Thankyou once again.