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  • Quote from Tabzi: “If you were 15 years old, and you were made pregnant, What would you do?” I'd have an abortion. By smoking lots of weed and drinking err'day. Because the tax system and welfare is already burdened by spics and niggers leeching off of food stamps, crazy checks, and the government paying for them. I'm not going to have a child that will be a detriment to society. /thread Also,

  • Re: Help!

    Lordoftheinternet - - Friends and Family


    Quote from hurtchild: “this is very urgent! was just wondering if i am in the wrong, or my parents are. hear me out first: i started it all by calling my father "idiot", and he returned the favour by twisting my arm so much and dragged me outside the house (where he always puts me when i'm "behaving bad", even though i'm already 15). it's not only humiliating as the neighbours can see me crying outside, but also hurtful. i have bruises and scratches which are slowly turning into scars from 3 day…

  • Quote from katiekay617: “Well my Sweet 16 is today, && my little sister decided she was going to tell me that my cake was in the freezer, && maybe I wanted to see what it looked like. I got excited && went to the freezer, but before I opened it up she said she didn't know if I would like it since it was a bit out-dated. I didn't think it was going to be too bad, but it turns out my mom decided she would buy me a Jonas Brothers cake for my Sweet 16. I don't really know what to do, I don't like th…

  • Quote from galigator8509: “Back in December, of 2007, on the 23rd my uncle sexually assaulted me. He and I used to have a really close relationship, I could talk to him about anything and everything, and I felt comfortable doing so. We would always joke around with each other, and I was at my Aunt & Uncles house just about every weekend. Now that I think about it though, maybe the conversations, and questions he used to ask me werent so innocent? He used to ask me what me and my "boyfriends" wou…

  • Quote from deserette: “i hate my grandma and my aunt who i am living with coz they really make my college life miserable. they want me to study hard but they cant stand the lights being on too long at night. they want me to attend clubs at school but always hate it when i go home late. i cant concentrate in my studies coz they keep on asking me to accompany them in wherever they are going and their house really is not an ideal one for a student. i could just talk back to them but i dont because …

  • Quote from TundraBOY: “Well first off, me and my 3 bestfreinds since the beginning of HS are 10 days away from leaving each-other for different colleges around the state. Since the end of HS we always planned this as the summer we all chilled and became even closer with eachother. Well for most of the summer it has been great chilling almost everyday, but a week ago that all changed. It changed because of his ex gf becoming single and them starting to hang out alot. Its all good and I can unders…

  • Re: What to do? :/

    Lordoftheinternet - - Friends and Family


    Quote from flutemusician94: “Okay, so I have these friends. One of them I've known since kindergarten, and another one I have known since 6th grade. Both have been like sisters to me since the first day I met them. The friend I've had since 6th grade (Jennifer) has this boyfriend, and the friend I've known since kindergarten (Michelle) is jealous that they are happy together since her first relationship didn't work out. Well, recently Michelle has been talking bad about Jennifer and her boyfrien…

  • Quote from *Call Sign*: “I just started my new Sixth Form College on Wednesday and I don't know a soul. I knew I wouldn't, but I also wasn't expecting everyone else to know one another! It seems like just about everyone knows someone, and that makes sense considering I'm not from the catchment area and they are. These three days have been incredibly boring because, as you know, sixth form gives you a lot of frees, and when you have no one to talk to, and only a few sheets of reading material for…

  • Re: Making friends.

    Lordoftheinternet - - Friends and Family


    Quote from Sar-uh?: “The title, it sounds easy for most people but it's really hard for me. I only really have two "friends" I hang out with and talk to, and they're awesome I guess but they're always stuck together, and I'm feeling kind of like a third wheel. I've always been pretty introverted, and even when I tried to make friends and meet new people I get really nervous and just say the stupidest shit, then they just think I'm weird. I've always been okay with hanging out alone, until the la…