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  • To each their own hun, everyone has a personal fantasy. It may be weird or fucked up to others, but it's completely normal for some people. And yeah wtf that makes no sense haha. Still nothing wrong with a bit of rape roleplay

  • Lmfao hell yeah! I really shouldn't laugh about that subject but I can't help it. People always say their biggest fear about being raped is pregnancy. Implant = IMMUNE TO BABIES

  • Quote from clavicle: “that's one of the reasons i want this, but didn't say anything for fear of someone attacking me. condoms hurt me. they always have. they make it hard for me to become aroused and it creates a bad friction problem. i hate them. even ultra thin ones. the guys penis becomes extremely hot in a condom too and with the friction even if i manage to stay aroused, it becomes hotter and begins to hurt. aaagh i'm excited for this” So you should be haha And screw it if someone attacks …

  • You are more than welcome. I suffered terrible cramps and heavy bleeding. It was horrible. That and I can't stand the feel of condoms :S. So yeah, the implant is a major life saver I hope you find it as helpful as I have.

  • Re: raindbow kiss

    mixandmatch - - Teen Sexuality


    I know how ya feel on that one.

  • Quote from kckstartmyheart: “i think ill just get over it he is my best friend after all” Good tis the best way to go about it. I am still curious as to what it was though.

  • Well yeah he's 18 and you're 14. It's bound to gross you out anyway. And just bloody ignore it. It's not a big deal if you only find it gross because he's your friend. Get over it

  • Re: bi wannabes

    mixandmatch - - LGBT


    Quote from Shikii: “I love you xD To the other girl. The one that got used as a basketball as a child so is now mentally defecive... Bi is also guys with guys, it's not just the physicality of it. Also, why are you in the glbt part of the forum using a derogitory word like dyke, don't you have anything constructive to do than try to dictate what people call themselves? Your opinion is obviously bias, plus you can't form a sentance any better than my 5 year old autistic nephew. Now please, go cou…

  • Re: bi wannabes

    mixandmatch - - LGBT


    Thank you Atleast someone round here has common sense.

  • Re: bi wannabes

    mixandmatch - - LGBT


    I'm not retarded either, although you probably wouldn't grasp simple things like that would you. Bloody hell you are devoid of braincells aren't you deary. And I fail to see how you can call me a dyke. I am straight thanks. Go read a dictionary or something. You need one hell of a knowledge boost.

  • Re: bi wannabes

    mixandmatch - - LGBT


    Dumb means deaf, blind and mute fuckwit. And I have a cunt but I'm not one thanks, would be quite an achievement if I was, I would make alot of money out of it Thanks for the lols though.

  • Re: bi wannabes

    mixandmatch - - LGBT


    Quote from beverly killz: “lol no there calling themselves that to fit in with the trend whats it to do with you me making threads?:rofl:” The fact that I can see them constantly popping up every 2 seconds. And how would you know? Are you inside the heads of every person with these thoughts? You fail epically. Go troll somewhere else. KTHXBAII

  • Lmfao

  • Quote from ANTI CONDOM: “:D” You aren't greedy either. Don't forget that part :p

  • Quote from clavicle: “would you mind if i picked your brain a little about the implant? mostly how and where it is implanted. and what exactly is the name of the one you have i just want to stay away from pills so badly. so the shot was my first choice but if i can get an implant i would gladly take it.” Feel free to pick away lol. It is normally in the left arm, at the top. They inject your arm to numb it and then they make the tiniest little cut and pop it in (it's just a tiny oval shaped meta…

  • I second that.

  • No side effects really, just mood change and I ate more than usual. My next period was regular as usual. It made me feel alot more stressed and less energetic. It was very strange. Hense why I decided to have the implant instead. Much easier

  • LOL

  • Yeah true. Was still good though. Loved the story line

  • Yeah, loved it. Thought it was really funny. Was agitated with it being steriotypical though. Then again most movies are these days.