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  • Re: Appearence Down There...

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    ^ But that's the best kind

  • Folded a dollar bill in hopes of doing a trick Nope. Used a hotcomb or curling iron on ur hair Yes. Prayed Subconsciously. Got ur ears pierced Yes. Twice in each lobe. Got a tattoo No, but I will. had anything from Aero No. had anything from AE No. had anything from hollister No. had anything from abercrombie No. bought clothes from walmart No. put alluminum foil in the oven Yes. picked up a coin u found on the ground Yes. memorized a Verse from the Bible No. been on a diet No. seen a friend in …

  • Re: When making out..

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from Z22H: “I was totally unaware that fish makeout” Where you raised in a box?! I joke. I wasn't referring to fish because they are hot-make-outers.I was merely commenting on the way they move their mouth... open, shut, open, shut. You get my drift. But, fish could make out if they wanted, I'm sure.

  • Re: I think I'm a sociopath...

    Ninetails - - General Advice


    That sounds a bit sad, actually... that you can't be yourself because there is no self to be? I'm not sure what advice to give. I apologise.

  • Re: When making out..

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    Pretend you are fish. With tongue. Do fish have tongues? :confused:

  • Re: Shower sex

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    Surely not? Being dirty in a shower is much more rebellious.

  • Re: How to gain weight

    Ninetails - - Health and Fitness


    I'm in the same situation, 5'11" but 129 lbs. I'm excited to see the responses We have to do it healthily!

  • Re: Shower sex

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    I do it almost as often as non-shower sex. It is fantastic. And, amusingly, there is a foothold in my shower (to hold me up higher) that was almost certainly designed for this purpose xD

  • Re: Appearence Down There...

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    I also watched the aforementioned video on 'labiaplasty' and it is really quite sad that women have found yet another reason to modify how they are naturally. The vulva has innumerable shapes and forms, like penises, and neither is more or less normal than the next. The 'innie' vs 'outie' thing is pretty similar to circumcision on males, so I suppose you could say people have their preference. But really, a vagina is a vagina, a penis is a penis. All awesome.

  • Re: pecs n abbs

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    I like muscley arms. But, yes, I'd be glancing South sooner or later.

  • Re: In the heat of the moment

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    I think when you're real turned on, it makes it even more awesome. But it isn't something lots of people enjoy.

  • Re: Leggings

    Ninetails - - Fashion


    Quote from bridgey: “I love girls in leggings. I wish it was acceptable for men to wear them” Please, do wear them and post a picture I wear leggings. They are comfy and cute, I think. And they go with almost everything

  • Re: Friends With Benefits

    Ninetails - - Teen Sexuality


    I think it is entirely possible for sex to be emotionless... without attachments. I have had a "FWB" before and it was great. A nice pick-me-up, I must say. Also, me and my best friend (male), before we both entered into separate relationships, had sex frequently. We love each other, and it was a hell of a lot of fun. So why not? Just make sure the 'arrangement' is understood the same for both parties. None of this one-sided emotion business. But I think sex with emotions is amazing, and doing i…

  • I know exactly how you feel. I don't see my significant other nearly as much as I'd like due to rural-ness and lack of transport But really, just psyche yourself up about getting your licence and being able to see her more, and when you do it will be nice and rewarding

  • Re: Fashion & Beauty

    Ninetails - - Fashion


    I agree with several people's responses. Everyone has their own idea of what beauty is. It simply can't be defined. Some people like blue-eyed, blonde haired, busty girls who trip too often and secretly want to save the world. Others like the short, chubby guy who knows a little too much about everything but is really sweet and sincere. Still others prefer the girl who puts on a Gothic face and plays guitar, but adores stuffed animal toys and drawing love hearts all over her schoolwork. I think …

  • Quote from amando96: “ :o did you report him? a teacher can be fired by a report like that.” Some other girls did, and he was fired Thank goodness.

  • A recent substitute and (I'm hoping) teacher-to-be, had no idea what she was talking about. She was a disgrace to redheads everywhere, and I wanted to slap her on several occasions. She also had really strong personal opinions and would tell them to us as if they were fact. If we tried to have an opinion and express it, she would look at us like we were idiots. Also, in Year 7, a man who used to drop pens on purpose so he could look underneath the tables at.. well, you can imagine. He was defini…

  • You Are a Sleek Black Bra! sleek-black-bra.jpg Subtle, sophisticated, and classy. You're not the first woman a man notices in the room... But you're the one he remembers a week later. You need a guy who will make a lasting impression on you too!

  • Re: Pimples

    Ninetails - - Health and Fitness


    Wouldn't we all like to know! If someone comes up with an answer that works, I will

  • Re: Favorite Anime

    Ninetails - - Films, TV and Books


    God(?) Save Our King, Tsubasa Chronicles, Pokémon, Ah! My Goddess, Sailor Moon, Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Whispers of the Heart, The Cat Returns, etc. Anime is beautiful