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  • drinking at 14 and being taken home by police then nothing fo a while.. then smoking then smoking weed in the house.. LOL i was like but i love da weed aha then last night doing they found i did ket in college.

  • Re: He did it!

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    omg he is such a twat.. what was he trying to prove.. he already embarassed himself enough by think 4 inches was big and telling us how he forced a girls hand down his trousers...grow some balls

  • Re: Why do girls laugh?

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    Quote from captain_kurenai: “Actually, I heard the average was 5-7 ....” yeh in between 5-7 is six so the taken average is easier to say as 6 lol but yeh wiener BOY you still have a boys penis.. wait till you grow up and realise you dont just stick girls hands down your trousers LAWL at your face go rape your gran

  • Re: Why do girls laugh?

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    and btw are you 100% sure your not a girl with an abnormally large clit. ahahah

  • Re: Why do girls laugh?

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    ahahahahahah seriously those things that say 4 is the average is just for pussy holes like you who have tiny dicks to make you feel good.. lol you are not average you are small get a grip stop being so confident cos you have no right to be.. you think you have a normal dick is it hard to masturbate with it tht small... and you think it is acceptable to get a girl drunk and position her hand in your shorts.. seriously where do you live cos even though your taller than me i wanna smack you.. then …

  • Re: Why do girls laugh?

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    also Quote: “How can it be a "baby dink" when its 4 inches? That's a good size for someone my age! Shes the one who started this rumor about my dick in the first place!” from your other thread... ahahaha your having a laugh right.. you must look ridiculus.. 6ft then only have a 4 inch im quite short and have a 7 inch and i thought i wasnt exactly massive ahahahahahahahah gutted at you WANKA

  • Re: Why do girls laugh?

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    to be quite honest your dicks too small to hurt tht much if she kicked you and you stuck her hand down your trousers..... next youl be trying to rape them but your 4 inch wont reach.... yeh so she has got a right to tell her friends how incredibly tiny you are cos its a thing called revenge

  • Re: Shaving Your Pubes

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    ahah i have shaved and dont mind it. i now occasionzally cut mine very short and then shave some bits

  • saying she might have cut the banana off ruined it now its a 3 4 4

  • Quote from Hobone: “Wait for the right time and stop being in such a rush to get AIDS and bein a whore.” YOu are getting rinsed onl like every thread

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    tbh... not really much situations. for me cas i dont norm go get a twel to clean up i just leave in my bed. and it dries up pretty quickly lol

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    ahah lol

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    fair play your not labelling everyone else as GAY ahah

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    yeh thts waht i was trying to say ahaha HOBONE on the other hand. your an individual whose thoughts obviously differ very much to the rest of the people on this thread.. btw what do you do when it gets on your hand .. must be very depressing... kinda gay really.. tht could happen when you toss another guy offf ahahaha you masturbate.. but you woulnd suck your dick if given the chance. same thing really if you actually think about it.

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    yeh but do you think it is a GAY thing to do or that is how you feel about it yourself. and im not saying it would boost my confidence either. but you know them losers tht worry about everything.. if they didnt know they might be scared that its gonna be disgusting for their girl when she goes down on them..

  • dont let this die

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    Hobone. are you even fully straight. like have you actually tucked into any girls cos. if you havent you have no argument about calling me gay.. eating cum doesnt make you gay at all.. just cas you cant cum and feel the need to take it out on others. also by eating your cum i think it could make people more confident. because they know what it tastes like so their not scared it is going to be disgusting for the girl when theyr getting head. HOBONE.. i think the majority of straight people tellin…

  • aahahaa beller sounds like she wants it now... just coz it comes out the same hole as pee does not mean it comes from the bladder you complete mug whoever suggested tht... and why would it hurt... and does tht mean you think your cum comes from your bladderr

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    I think hobone just feels insecure about his own problems... he cant eat cum... some people arent as priveleged as us and are not able to prduce any i think hobone is one of them losers owned you insecure cunt that feels the need to call everyone gay when they are all straight and you are the minority who doesnt do this

  • Re: Your own cum.

    olg1905 - - Teen Sexuality


    tbh.. i prefer to watch porno without the guy.. lol often the guy makes weird noises and its just a turn off.. lol