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  • Quote from HannahW: “Quote from Gribby: “Euphoria ” Never seen that but read about it. Is it good? ” It is very good. You have to like off beat stuff and especially shows themed around drugs. There is a lot of that in it. There is also quite a bit of sex in it as well. Zendaya is the main actress in the show. I am re-watching Season 1 because Season 2 starts on Sunday.

  • Matching underwear.

    Gribby - - Fashion


    I do have a few matching sets, but I mostly keep them for special dates. The rest of the time I mix and match.

  • I have bad allergies so for me dusting and vacuuming is a must for my room. I also like to change my bed sheets at least once a week. I consider myself quite the over achiever and I think that rubs off in how I keep my room so neat as well. I also like to know where everything is so if I need to find something then it doesn't take me forever to find it.

  • Bella, I surely hope you have listened to the people here and have sought out some help. The things you have suggested here are very dangerous to your health and body and ultimately can lead to death. It can screw up not only your stomach and stomach lining , but also your throat as well and mess with other organs in your body. This is definitely not something to mess with. Get help.

  • Euphoria

  • I agree with @BJade, & @CayceStars . The first thing you need to do is sit down and have a talk with your friend. You have known your friend most likely and are closer with your friend then you are this girl. You need to sit down and figure out between the both of you what the best solution is to keep your friendship intact first. Then I really think with this talk you both will realize is it going to be worth risking your friendship over going to a dance with a girl? You both have to really fig…

  • Grilled Chicken Caesar Salad

  • Quote from ChrisC05: “Quote from Gribby: “I sleep most on my back sprawled out taking up most of the bed. I am 5 feet tall and my boyfriend is 6'3" and he always tells me I hog the entire bed when we are in it together. How is that really possible? ” try laying length wise ” That is the way I always start out.

  • Last thing you drank?

    Gribby - - Health and Fitness



  • What colour socks are you wearing

    Gribby - - Fashion


    white with pink, baby blue, gray and black stripes

  • What did you wear to sleep last night?

    Gribby - - Fashion


    The usual: over sized T-shirt

  • blue thongs

  • What is everyone wearing right now?

    Gribby - - Fashion


    Black slacks and a blue blouse

  • What colour bra are you wearing

    Gribby - - Fashion



  • Toast and jelly

  • Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from Gribby: “Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from Gribby: “Quote from Giannaisawesome: “Quote from Gribby: “Quote from tillie: “Quote from Gribby: “I started with the very fine pubic hair around the early part of being 12 years old and the armpit hair which was also very fine and sparse came more in the middle of when I was 12 so several months later from what I remember. ” Same for meGod I hate armpit hair ” Actually the armpit hair I find harder to sh…

  • Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from Gribby: “Quote from Giannaisawesome: “Quote from Gribby: “Quote from tillie: “Quote from Gribby: “I started with the very fine pubic hair around the early part of being 12 years old and the armpit hair which was also very fine and sparse came more in the middle of when I was 12 so several months later from what I remember. ” Same for meGod I hate armpit hair ” Actually the armpit hair I find harder to shave then my pubic hair. ” interesting. I wonder why…

  • Quote from Giannaisawesome: “Quote from Gribby: “Quote from tillie: “Quote from Gribby: “I started with the very fine pubic hair around the early part of being 12 years old and the armpit hair which was also very fine and sparse came more in the middle of when I was 12 so several months later from what I remember. ” Same for meGod I hate armpit hair ” Actually the armpit hair I find harder to shave then my pubic hair. ” interesting. I wonder why that is. ” I think it is how the armpit has curves…

  • Quote from joannainthemiddle: “Quote from Gribby: “his younger sister and I have been best friends for many years so he knew who I was since I was much younger ” That's sweet that he's known you since you were little, but you sound like you were a bit rude and smelly round him, I'm surprised he wasn't;t put off. ” It wasn't really rude it was just me and his younger sister being silly together when we were both younger and since it was also his house he just happened to be there too.

  • Last thing you drank?

    Gribby - - Health and Fitness

