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  • Re: Crap

    Tyler_C - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Dysfunctional|Murder: “ If you lose your wife over that, then she doesn't love you enough. Talk with her. Let her know that people say what they don't mean when they are pissed or upset. But maybe you two need to lay off of sex for a while.” yeah, that's true. but lay of sex for "a while" long is a while?

  • Re: Crap

    Tyler_C - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Talking worked, kind of. I talked, she listened, and now we are back where we started. Kind of. She will stay in the room when I talk to her now, occasionally speak to me. I really screwd up didnt I.

  • Re: Crap

    Tyler_C - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Dude I used to be exactly like you, talked about sex all the time, thought about sex all the time, and pretty much had sex all the time. When you find someone you really love, yeah you want to have sex but you realize it isn't the most important thing in life. Grow up

  • Re: Crap

    Tyler_C - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Quote from Phuck Buddy: “:lol: having sex with her again is almost as good as winning the lottery. so if you do happen to have sex with her lottery tix!” Having sex again isnt what I'm worried about, I'm worried about losing my wife.

  • Re: Crap

    Tyler_C - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I like methsnax idea. but yeah, I understand I shouldnt have said it and if apologizing worked I wouldnt be here asking for help in this very embarrasing situation. I understand she had a legitimate reason for bringing it up, I was kind of feeling like that too but she could have brought it up at a better time.

  • Re: Crap

    Tyler_C - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    oh yea, right sorry, it's just really messed up. she got "upset" that we dont "talk" and all we do is have sex everynight so I said something like "fine, you're not that good anyway" so yeah.

  • Crap

    Tyler_C - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    I Really REally REAlly REALly REALLy REALLY messed up with Amber, please help me! I said something and I have a feeling I'm not going to be sleeping in our room tonight.

  • Re: I have a confession to make

    Tyler_C - - Teen Sexuality


    I was a little scared for you, but the little turtles wearing name tags in a chamber kind of made me laugh.

  • Yeah, I also speak Italian Spanish French and I know Sign Language

  • Re: A Revolution!

    Tyler_C - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Kenna&Katherine: “Don and Johnson are some of the most popular names in the world” As I said in my first post, I just thought it was funny.

  • Re: A Revolution!

    Tyler_C - - Debate and Discussions


    Hey! I called that Don Johnson was an actor! Oh and good job shadez

  • You Have a Choleric Temperament choleric.jpg You are a person of great enthusiasm - easily excited by many things. Unsatisfied by the ordinary, you are reaching for an epic, extraordinary life. You want the best. The best life. The best love. The best reputation. You posses a sharp and keen intellect. Your mind is your primary weapon. Strong willed, nothing can keep you down. Your energy can break down any wall. You're an instantly passionate person - and this passion gives you an intoxicating p…

  • Re: A Revolution!

    Tyler_C - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Kenna&Katherine: “on Memorial day and Presidents day, I spend a minimum of 10 minutes thinking about what the people who died, to cause this holiday, did. I do not intend to skip for the sake of skipping, only to inform and to express what I need to.” I have no doubt of what you do, it's what other people will do. Do you really think some immature students are going to be thinking about those who died on 9/11 or do you think they are going to be sleeping in, hanging out with friends a…

  • Re: A Revolution!

    Tyler_C - - Debate and Discussions


    I'm not saying that what you're trying to do is stupid. I love what you are trying to do, the world needs some peace, and we are the only ones that are going to be able to change it. The part I dont agree with is skipping school. On memorial day what do you do? - go hang out with friends without thinking of those who have died for you. On presidents day what do you do? - go hang out with friends without thinking of the presidents whom have passed on How is this going to be any different than tho…

  • Re: A Revolution!

    Tyler_C - - Debate and Discussions


    Quote from Morgz123: “don johnson” Ha, sorry if you are telling the truth but I just had to show this to you guys (Yes, I know Don Johnson is probably a common name) Don Johnson (I)

  • Re: A Revolution!

    Tyler_C - - Debate and Discussions


    YES, it will make other people see what you are doing and probably get more people to help. Skipping school will not do shit (excuse my language) you know why, EVERYONE ELSE WILL BE AT SCHOOL OR WORK!

  • Re: A Revolution!

    Tyler_C - - Debate and Discussions


    For the first time ever....I agree with Jshizzle, skipping school isnt going to do anything. It's not going to help anything. I agree with the concept but there are better ways of doing it. At my school we (NJROTC) put footage of that day on the school news station (nothing too graphic obviously). We wore red shirts. The red shirt concept has been around for a long time. It was originally....well read this and you'll know all about it. They are really talking about the troops (whom I completely …

  • Quote from Kaitlyn1991: “his daughter isnt cyut she fat, big puffy cheks nd no teef” Newborn's dont have "teef"

  • Dude, sorry about your parents but not everyone gets divorced, I know you didn't say that but I just wanted to let you know. I know how you feel about not having a father in your life...kind of, my dad died when I was 4 and when your going through puberty, and you have all these thoughts about life and girls, you just don't want to talk to your step dad about it. I'll say it again, I do make mistakes, I'm human, maybe Megan was a mistake but she is the best mistake I ever made.

  • Yeah I agree....almost no one waits for marriage, but if you can....more power to you. I did have to wait for a while though. We started going out when we were 14 and we didnt have sex until the day after her 16th birthday.