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  • What are You Listening To?

    Mayank - - Music


    West Life

  • OBut will he stay or go like before lol Quote from UwuThemCheeks: “Quote from Mayank: “Quote from mw24680: “ ” But will he stay or go like before lolQuote from mw24680: “ ” I'll try to stay and moderate. ” Just wondering but do u like have a job or just like super busy in college? Also whats the best way of contacting you if you ever go AWOL from the forums? ” Send me an email - mayank @

  • Quote from mw24680: “But will he stay or go like before lol ” But will he stay or go like before lol Quote from mw24680: “ ” I'll try to stay and moderate.

  • Please do not post anything inappropriate. This is a Teen Forum and not an adult forum where you can post nude pictures or share any such stuff. Anyone who is looking for an adult forum, this site is not for you. We request you to leave and never come back. Don't get us and yourself in trouble by posting inappropriate pictures or doing anything illegal. This forum is now going to be actively moderated so we will take immediate action against anyone who breaks our rules and does anything inapprop…

  • Re: Internet Radio Guide

    Mayank - - Music


    Nice Guide. And a few days back on last fm, I was checking out about Pandora Radio!!

  • She is flirting with you big time man. If you're interested in her, then start Flirting with her! And see if things go better between you both. Dont take her flirting as an approval and tell her that you like her, just flirt with her for now and you'll automatically know if she is interested.

  • Bolt!

    Mayank - - Films, TV and Books


    Bolt is such a nice movie!!!! That dog was SO freakin CUTE! bolt.png

  • Quote from fag: “i feel like this is happening to me.. and if you're using the dont make conversation dont talk to him properly option dont. you wouldnt realize how much it'll be hurting him. just ask him, does he feel anything? if he says yes then just say sorry i dont. please do it i feel like im in the same position and i would like her to do this than me not knowing whats going on.” You should figure it out yourself if the girl is interested at all. Just stop starting any conversation with t…

  • You shouldnt have had told her that you liked her. You've given your approval now. And by saying you are fine being only friends, you've worsened the matter. You should have had said that you cannot stay just friends, you obviously wanted more than friendship. And that IS the truth. As long as you stay close with her, her "friends" feelings wont go away, and you're love interest will stay as it is. You'll keep killing yourself from the love thoughts and she'll enjoy your friendship along with. I…

  • Quote from Citizen Erased: “He's what I'd describe as a "sensitive soul" :sarcasm:” Start a conversation with him. Then close your eyes and say "Forgive me God" and then be straight forward and tell him everything you never wanted to! Thats the only thing you can do with a sensitive clingy guy.

  • Quote from oompaloompas: “Get drunk with her then proceed to have sexual intercourse. Then leave her the nxt day and dnt ever talk to her again. She will eventually get back to you and realize how much she needs you. Now you are in control. Sounds like a perfect plan to me.” Hahahaha:rofl:

  • If she is your friend, then it is less likely that you have a chance. The only way you have a chance if she ever did think of dating you but didnt approach since she thought you think of her only as a friend. Now all you have to do is to find out if that IS the case? Flirt with her a bit, see if she flirts back? If yes, then go ahead with your skills and get her! At any cost, Do NOT tell her that you love her. If you tell her that you love her without you knowing that she likes you that way is a…

  • Girls dont control, but infact they follow. Girls never lead, infact they like being lead which should be reason why you've never been dominant in your relationship. My advice is to dont even try being controlling, because if by chance you begin to control your guy, and he does indeed get controlled, you'll get bored. I know you're trying to say that you dont mean to control him or something, but you're actually ARE looking for ways to control, yes.

  • Underworld Movie Series

    Mayank - - Films, TV and Books


    I watched Underworld and Underworld Evolution yesterday, it was AWESOME!

  • Before the 250 post requirement, I'd see several sign ups only to gain access into the site. Shit loads of 0 post people asking for access each and every day. After the requirements, the number of people seeking access has drastically reduced. Apparently many who want to satisfy themselves have resolved to other sites rather here seeing you have to make an effort here.... lol

  • Re: Help?

    Mayank - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Girls dont often explain whats causing them to lose the interest in their guy. They will try to avoid the question or give lame reasons or get bitchy. Dont ask her! They themselves might not know whats bothering her. And if you say something like "Its over". Then dont go back to her and make her realise that your words have no value. Stick to it or dont say that at all. Once you say such lines, wait for her to come to you and if she doesnt, take it up as its really over. If things are not workin…

  • She likes you, but if you dont make a move, like start talking to her more, ask her for a coffee, movie etc. I'm saying if you dont make a move her interest will go down and end up. So make a move because you have an awesome chance here. Being shy will only make you lose her.

  • Re: Heart Rape!

    Mayank - - Dating and Relationship Advice


    Start dating other woman. Let her know that you are a busy man and you are not going to cry over what she did. You are not bothered about her at all. She is not the only girl in your life, she is not going to control you with her actions. You will take control of the situation. If its not her, there can be someone else. If she realises this, it might work out for you....