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  • I haven't been on in a while but I have told you about the horrible luck I have and it has just gotten as bad as it can be...just 3 days ago both of my parents were killed in a drunk driver head-on crash. I just need someone to talk to...I thought about maybe killing myself but I know it's not what my parents would want. I just don't know how I can make it through this. I haven't really talked to my close friends yet, I don't think they know...I don't know how to cope anymore, I already cried to…

  • Hey Dave, I'm in the same boat as you...18, never had a girlfriend, shy, ask for help from friends, don't get a good answer, etc...I know how you feel. I'm trying as hard as I can but I just haven't made any progressions yet...I wish you all the luck and hopefully we can get good at this

  • I know everyone knows my issues...I say it every post so I think you know...I just don't know what's wrong for dinner we got a 12-cut cheese pizza because I wanted it so bad and I had 5 slices....not bad ehhh...later I had the 2 leftover pieces...and I started crying when I ate the last piece because my life is a wreck...I'm just lost...I tried talking to a couple girls that I was talking about and now they both think I'm a creep...I just don't get why nothing ever works for me..…

  • How to talk to girls...

    JP88 - - General Advice


    I have been researching Asperger's Syndrome and it freakily sounds just like me...for those who have read my other posts know how I am in terms of girls (never even had a friend, and I'm 18) I just can start a conversation unless it is started by someone else and I get in or it is situational (how class was, how you bowled, etc...) I start my 2nd semester at college tomorrow and the 1st semester I didn't get any girls numbers, etc... but did talk to like 3 really cute girls...but like I said sit…

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “well you gotta keep your chin up and work hard at change Jobs are all about acting keen and presentation, also just saying you will help out there without pay and show your a hard worker can lead to a job quite quickly This guide should help: How to Get a Job - wikiHow As far as the girls go, you already know that shyness is the issue and thats what needs to change bud Its hard but very very possible, and you will show yourself your true courage after you beat this Try using …

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “tell me bud, write it all out, everything negative thats been effecting you, lets hear it all” Okay, high school didn't really help me out...I was picked on everyday and just remained quiet about it, never made too many friends, became shy and afraid to make a fool out of myself and never had the courage to ask a girl to the senior ball. I got along with most everyone but never made new friends...they were just like aquintences. If none of my friends were in the class and we …

  • How can I believe anything will ever turn out alright when nothing does. I've had many letdowns and dissapointnments and still try to be positive but it's getting harder and harder to even think positive when nothing works out right. I have basically turned into a pessimist because of my numerous counts of horrible luck and bad breaks...why do I feel like some people who don't deserve what they have always have everything come easy to them. I think I've just given up on everything...finding a jo…

  • Quote from Taylor227: “sorry was on christmas with the family. but thanks for the replies. im really trying to stay focused and not think about depressing stuff. its hard not to though when all my friends have girlfriends and they are always talking about them or goin hang out with them..” Dude I know exactly where your coming from...I kind of get depressed around the holidays too because I hear a couple of my friends are invited to parties etc...and I want to be there as well. I just get lonely…

  • Quote from derzerbarkley: “I won't explain much of my situation. I am 18 year old male. I have had a lot of success in life. I have a great family, a great girlfriend who I am in love with, a great home, and great friends. Why do I feel like this? I am buried in self shame for even feeling this way when everything should be so great. I want to kill myself. I am trying to get rid of that part of me but everything keeps on getting worse. I am in therapy. I take these pills they give me. I'm sick a…

  • Quote from Christopher.Ball: “tl;dr: You're a homo?” No...the answer you were looking for is Christopher Ball is a homo I'm happy for my friend but I just feel like I'm getting kicked while I'm down...I thought maybe something good could happen with this one girl...but I don't know

  • wow...your in the exact same boat as me only I'm not close to the girl like you are and my friend is going out with's really upsetting, I don't know what to do

  • I just don't understand why things happen to me like they do...Besides people who obviously have it worse then me (sick, starving, etc...) I HAVE to have the worst luck ever. First of all I was talking to a few friends over the little holiday break and many of them like me, never had girlfriends, etc... but all of my friends...every single one of my friends now has a girlfriend. I still don't even have a friend that's a girl and when you hear this story, you will see what I mean by worst luck ev…

  • I know exactly what you mean Jordan...I don't think I'm the best looking guy and I'm a little stocky as well. I am going through the same problem of not knowing how to approach a girl and start talking...I mean what do you talk about???

  • Quote from Kevmo7: “dude this is gonna sound so harsh but ive been in that boat you dont go fishing, catch one fish then go home and never do it again You have OVER THOUGHT this sooooooo much, like wow bro, i guess when you only have one girl to focus on it gets like that, honestly man, you just need to get out there and meet more girls, you really should, your will get more confident around them and you will meet another one that you will start to like and she will be single this time If Kaitly…

  • I have been asking for advice quite a bit and I thank everyone who has helped me but I was wondering what I could do in this situation. I metioned how I never really had a friend that was a girl and that I couldn't talk to girls, but there was one that I think I connected with well. The Story I was in my junior year in high school and I still rode the bus because I had a late birthday and didn't have my license yet. I usually just sat down anywhere there was a seat because I was the last kid to …

  • Quote from Shute: “This is pretty much me. I am not so much uncomfortable around other people, I just keep to my self. I will only talk when talked to, and even then I will say very little. I will never start a line of conversation. But, I am fairly different with my few close friends. So yeah... not stuck up, just... I guess... socially indifferent maybe? Honestly, sounds to me like you have figured him out just about as much as is possible. Good luck though!” Sounds just like me too!

  • Quote from Subfusc: “Check this out, maybe it'll give you some answers and help you find the root of the problem. YouTube - Health Matters: What is Social Anxiety Disorder?” Thanks for the vid. I kind of already understood most of this stuff...I think I have parts of SAD. One day in college a while ago I tried to stand out in class during a 1-minute lesson everyone had to give about a definition of a word but besides that I do get very upset about missed oppourtunities. I see a girl I want to ta…

  • Quote from Jasmine: “Being 18 without a girlfriend is not a big deal. You shouldn't feel pathetic and you shouldn't care what other people are thinking about you because of it. Your time will come. Right now, you should work on yourself. If you can't talk to people, you'll never get anywhere. Don't worry about what happened in your past. You're at a new stage in your life and you can make things better for yourself, if you try. So, you shouldn't make 'having a girl in your life' your main focus …

  • I'm almost 18 and in college and have no girl in my life...In fact since Middle School (6th grade), I haven't had a girl in my life. And the only reason I did back then was because it was when we were 11/12 My parents think I'm gay, I can tell my dad is very dissapointed because he is a pervert. I'm too shy and I have very low self-esteem...I'm convinced I have Asperger's, because I am a horrible conversationalist and go into a shell when I see new people. I go to community college and if my one…

  • Quote from Fudgepuppy: “Your totally in man. I dunno, just keep being friends with her. This is what I did back in middle school. Get a girl you can become close friends with, then eventually you will see her friends and start going for her friends. Actually Im doing that right now with 3 diffrent girls. Trying to see which one I click best with. Good luck bro!” I don't feel like I am even close to at friend level yet, I just don't know how to advance it to more than talking about school