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  • Ah ... cheating. I wouldn't do it to my boyfriend and I know he wouldn't do it to me either. Though, to remind ourselves of how awesome our partner is, there will be some flirting on the side. I won't lie, me and him have created a game over who can rope the most people The way I see it, you can look, you can converse, but don't touch.

  • Quote from childindistress: “You said you didn't have a point. There goes your post.” someone's butt hurt because they can't seem to answer a simple question lol My point still stands. You are indeed an idiot. Quote from Tieko: “Anyone else notice how he changed his name from Joe King (ie. Joking) to John in his original post? Honestly people Keep a rational mind.” Did you catch this post, too? Quote from childindistress: “my mother said it was OK for me to hang out with him, he gave me alot of …

  • Quote from childindistress: “Read your earlier posts. You're contradicting yourself now.” /facepalm Ok, you're reading comprehension sucks. I wasn't trying to make a point in that post before that one, I was asking a question. As I said, a question that could prove or disprove my earlier point. As I also said earlier, my point seems to be proven, but I'm giving you a chance to disprove it since you certainly sounded like you wanted to. ... understand? Or do I have to dumb it down even further? (…

  • I wasn't making a point, I was asking you a question to which the answer could possibly prove or disprove my earlier point.

  • Quote from childindistress: “It's funny that you say that, you're the one calling me an idiot on a teen help forum, hypocrisy exists but. C'mon idiot.” Common sense is not so common, especially not for you. More importantly, I don't think you understand the meaning of 'hypocrisy' since you're using it incorrectly. Unless if you can explain the correlation of 'teen forum' and 'idiot' for me

  • Quote from childindistress: “I've done that, you're trying to take everything to your advantage. But you can't i'll consider this a victory for myself and i'll be ignoring you.” Uh ... no, you totally missed the point that I was saying earlier ... though you've just proven it technically. (that is, that you are an idiot)

  • Quote from captain_kurenai: “... Read all my posts again. You are missing my point.” ^

  • ... Read all my posts again. You are missing my point.

  • Read the whole fucking post again. You're only reading one damn line

  • Yep, that you're bullshitting something. Obviously, you can't prove your story is true, but you also can't prove that it's false. Since it's so ridiculous that it's not even believable, I'll just continue to say it's false. Also, why the hell aren't you listening to your friends? They at least are smart enough to know that your fake relationship (even if this story is true, I can tell you now that guy doesn't care about you a bit) is wrong. You're most likely nothing but a sex toy to the guy tha…

  • btw, your post said you're 13, but your profile says your 16

  • /facepalm @ the OP for not reading my post

  • Well, as I said, this is so ridiculous it can only be trolling. Why? Because a problem as serious as this should not be talked about on here. It should be dealt with in real life. Also, I did say the answer is obvious. No matter how nice this guy is to you and how much you care about him THIS IS STATUTORY RAPE and you know what happens with that? They get arrested and put in prison if found guilty. Whether this is true or not, it still tells me that you're something of an idiot. When you look at…

  • This is so ridiculous I can only think it's a troll. tbh, this isn't exactly something anyone would just come out with unless if they were totally bullshitting it. If you want a serious answer though ... well, this isn't even worth giving advice actually because I think the answer is so obvious.

  • I'm lost :confused: Maybe it's just cause my brain is fried from Accounting homework XD

  • I'm so sad though because skinnies have become the new in thing and I think too many people who shouldn't be wearing them are. It's really gross Oh, but if you really like the top and you really want to wear it, just wear it IMO, who cares if it looks cute or not? If you wear it with confidence it will probably look a lot better than you think (except some things but you get the idea :P)

  • flares > skinnies I fucking love flares. I like the hate, shoes and jeans but the tops I'm kinda iffy on ... but I cant' seem to think of one that would be a better alternative ._.

  • Well ... A&F tends to fit on smaller (usually Asian XD) frames so you're next best bet would be any Asian brand clothing stores. I doubt you'd be able to find any stores though, probably only online. The next best thing to that is well A&F once again. Otherwise you're stuck just buying regular sized clothes.

  • Well, for me personally, I'd probably tell that to a guy I'm not interested in. Why? Because if I was interested in a guy, I'd screw being friends with them and would have just asked them out. As a rule, I don't date friends. Ever.

  • Quote from LOLFag: “Alright. Prepare for some intense typing. There are 2 stages in baby development: embryo and fetus. The embryo is nothing, and I repeat, NOTHING remotely close to a human being. So let's outline the development of the embryo. We have fertilization. The resulting embryo undergoes intense and rapid division, known as cleavage. This is rapidly creating random cells not different from stem cells. In essence, this is a ball of cells, called a morula. Now, as we continue over time,…