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  • Re: Circumcised

    idk2008 - - Teen Sexuality


    Thankfully, my parents didn't have me cut. My penis is very happy being un-circumsized.

  • Re: It Seems So Easy...

    idk2008 - - LGBT


    Jon, I haven't put a poster on my door saying " Turn On Your Gaydar," and I am amazed to hear young teens say they are 'out' to everyone. I think one of my sisters has it figured out. My grandmother seems to know, although nobody has ever said anything to me about it. I guess if someone in the family asked me directly if I were gay, I would tell them. A few of my friends know (the GAY ones, lol), and one or two suspect. But, all is good with them too. But, I am not 'out' to any extent.

  • Re: Cum stains

    idk2008 - - Teen Sexuality


    I always do my own laundry. :wink:

  • Re: camping

    idk2008 - - LGBT


    All I ever get when I go camping are mosquito bites...;)

  • Re: Help with a pedophile?

    idk2008 - - Friends and Family


    I am sure your sister is as stubborn about this as you are. However, she sounds like she is going to do what she wants to do. Even if this dude she is dating was a serial killer, she would 'love' him. Sounds like she is trying to escape from you and your dad. Don't make it worse by 'telling' her what do do, and threatening him. She will listen to you, when you sound reasonable. Don't be a jerk to her OR him, because she will just tune you out, and keep counting the days until she can finally get…

  • Re: Best friend

    idk2008 - - Teen Sexuality


    Sounds like you are indeed in love with your friend. I have two friends like that. However, I am gay, and must say that I have fantasized about being with them sexually. I have never made any advances toward them, and never would. However, you question yourself about your sexuality (your post), yet you keep stressing that you are straight. How do you KNOW if you are straight?

  • Re: So I went on my 1st...

    idk2008 - - LGBT


    Some dates are great, and some just are awful. But, you gotta keep trying. The dude you dated brought along friends. That's cool, but it does show you he was nervous about meeting up with you. And, he shouldn't have outed you to those other people. GOOD LUCK...

  • Quote from malferrari: “went shopping my with mommyyyy lol” Smart move! Especially if mommy has a credit card and is getting YOU some clothes..:D:lolz:

  • Camel-sex = ewwwww.... lol:rofl:

  • Quote from Amy.: “get a good look.” lol.. I like your style! Awesomeness + rep!:D

  • Our puritanical views make people think it is a wrong thing to do. That is why you see the 'ewww' and 'gross' responses above. We are 'taught' that it is wrong. I personally wouldn't consider doing anything with my siblings, because they don't interest me sexually. However, I wouldn't condemn someone else from doing that. It is just not something I would care to do.

  • Why would you need to tell him anything? Unless you plan to MOLEST Actually, I don't know of any straight guy who would sleep nude in the same room with another dude in it. Most would at least keep their boxers on. Is HE sending YOU a signal? Are both of you sleeping nude?

  • Re: Jerking off on webcam

    idk2008 - - LGBT


    Quote from iTommy: “Imagine if the person recorded it, and posted it online and shiz.” haha... there are only 8,987,348,112,760,399 places they might post it to. Which one would your momma be looking at:wink:???

  • You know you will probably go to hell for looking at naked people? Naked people are baaaaddd...;)

  • Quote from Dufantut: “The reason they have the "confirm your over 18" part is so that they can't be sued by parents or anything else. Edit, and it's also not legal to sell porn to minors. And thats also part why they have it.” I dun think he was 'buying' anything.. Just maybe looking at some boobs or something..:rofl:

  • Can you PROVE that you are actually 17? Maybes your mom/dad lied to you, and you are really 20 years old. :eek:

  • Re: Should i forgive them

    idk2008 - - LGBT


    I BELIEVE that a lot of closeted homosexuals are the ones who harass people like you. They draw attention away from themselves. I have never been bullied, because I am athletic and into sports, and I don't back down from idiots. But, I have seen it happen to others (like you), and I think many of those mean dudes are 'gay,' and they are secretly attracted to you. You might want to work on your self image. The more confident you are about yourself, the less bullying you are gonna have. Good luck …

  • Re: A little confused and out there.

    idk2008 - - LGBT


    I don't recommend hitting on a friend. Maybe hit on one of his friends. Good best friends will be around forever, but an awkward sexual fling might only last a night or a week.

  • Re: fucked

    idk2008 - - LGBT


    I saw in your prof that you are 16. You have been 'gay' since you were born, and you haven't told your parents so far. You don't have too, ya know. You have another 70 or 80 years to live, so don't worry about it.

  • Re: RIP Grandpa.

    idk2008 - - Friends and Family


    I wish it didn't hurt, but I know it does. However, if you were really close to your grandpa, he will always live within your heart.