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  • Re: is it possible?

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    i did this. but they both know im bi. and he just wanted to "test the waters" ya know

  • Re: question for the bi's :)

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    i like kissing guys cuz the scruff is totally hot!!! and they (at least the guys I kiss) don't wear make up. lol Foundation doesn't taste good.

  • Re: Roommates hooking up...

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    Quote from xNerRadx: “If you did stuff with him without her being present or even knowing... wouldn't that mean he cheated and you're a home wrecker?... lol Well technically you're not a home wrecker because it's you're home but you get the point.” she was okay with whatever happened with all of us, obviously, but she doesnt know what happened separately. It was the same stuff that woulda happened with us all together, but (understandably) he was kinda uneasy to do stuff with another guy with hi…

  • Roommates hooking up...

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    hey so i just need to tell you guys this so I can get it out of my head... I live with two roommates, a guy & girl, and they've been engaged for 7 months. We all graduated the same year from highschool. Theyre the cutest couple ever, and she was his first. 3 months ago got kicked outta my house & needed a place to live, so I moved in with my friends. I'm bi, and have a history with both guys & girls. They both knew this going in, and i love them both for not giving a shit. A couple nights ago, a…

  • Re: experiences whilst on webcam

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    its not nearly as great as the real thing. obviously. nothing beats a real bj... that said, ya! its fun

  • Re: Being bi is 'cool'

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    its hella true. and i live in one of the most gay friendly places in the great US of A, and yea, its gotten to be pretty damn casual haha

  • Re: anyone wanna talk?

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    Quote from pete: “lmao i bet this thirsty gay just wants to cyber sex with someone” if its who i think it is, then nah. hes chill to talk too. and thats unusual lol in a good way...

  • Re: I can't believe what he did..

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    i want a hot boyfriend...

  • Re: anyone wanna talk?

    kloppenator - - LGBT


    is this who i think it is...? lol

  • about half the guys ive been with have been "straight" ive been talking to this super hot gay guy recently the goes to the same school as me, hes one of the most popular kids, and he hasnt gotten any D is like over a yr. But these "straight" guys literally come to me. I think its because im straight acting, but still swing that way, that these guys feel comfortable with doing it, cuz for some reason they can rationalize it. Lol, now a lot of those guys are a lot less straight & a little more gay…

  • so im kinda clingy with my friends & ppl that i care about & i also kinda touch ppl too much, just like not even realizing it, i just do... its really bad if im like in a relationship or something cuz i just- idk why but it sucks it really kinda isnt good cuz it makes ppl not wanna kick it cuz of this stufff... any ideas?

  • Re: boner (for guys)

    kloppenator - - Teen Sexuality


    no curvage here lol but it is normal...dnt worry

  • Re: Dick is too big...

    kloppenator - - Teen Sexuality


    i have a version of this problem, but with guys just take it slow, & listen to her. make sure that you know whats goin on so theres not drama later

  • 2.66GHz Intel Core 2 Duo 4GB 1066MHz DDR3 SDRAM - 2x2GB 320GB Serial ATA Drive @ 5400 rpm SuperDrive 8x (DVD±R DL/DVD±RW/CD-RW) MacBook Pro 15-inch Glossy Widescreen Display Backlit Keyboard (English) / User's Guide its brand new

  • Milk. Awesome movie. Check it out.

  • Quote from Jenna: “I guess I don't understand why a thread like this starts every few days. why do guys have this crazy obsession with being able to perform oral sex on themselves?” **disclaimer: these threads DO NOT represent the vast majority of the male gender's opinions on fellatio (aka: blowjob, head). Most males prefer another person (pick your choice on style) to preform this sexual act. Thank you. much like this: :eek:

  • i dont mean to seem harsh, but it almost seems like you have your morals backwards here- which isnt your fault. maybe just need to slow down... for a truely genuine relationship, the two of u have to decide that the person you met- you cant get enough of them. Being FRIENDS isnt enough, you want to spend even more time with them, so you enter a relationship. if youre trying to do this old school, where u become friends & it goes from there, which it seems like you want to, then do it that way. D…

  • Re: Tan Penis

    kloppenator - - Puberty


    Quote from RoffleCakes: “Okay then. Moving on.” i have already addressed this. see post #15 "i mean cuz i really dont want to post it out for everyone to read! i thought that was being decent! i can see how it could be misinterpreted tho... whoops! "

  • Re: Are tattoos attractive?

    kloppenator - - Teen Sexuality


    depending on where it is, it can be cute, hot, or even seductive... yea.. for the most part they're pretty hot. in moderation.

  • i think that (not for the first date, you need to know them first) depending on the person, Lars and the Real Girl could be funny as hell..