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  • Re: Pj's

    Dr.Carter - - Fashion


    "Polo Ralph Lauren bitch, that's what my pajamas say" Quote is relevant. I wear Ralph Lauren pajama pants when it's cold, and a normal white T shirt if needed. But for the most part, I don't have to wear pajamas that often, living in a fairly warm climate. Nike shorts and no shirt often get the job done.

  • Re: A question about GEDs.

    Dr.Carter - - Education & Jobs


    Officially, no. Realistically, yes there is some discrimination towards the GED but if you get earn a higher degree no one will care. For instance, you might find getting into a good college is hard with a G.E.D., but if you do get in and earn your bachelor's degree, no employer will give two shits about how you graduated high school.

  • Re: lookin fly is underrated

    Dr.Carter - - Fashion


    Quote from THUNDERSTRUCK: “Fitted hats are the ultimate douche bag look.” Since when? Hats are cool, and even though he said it in a bad way I agree with OP. If you spend some time making sure you look good every morning people are more receptive towards you. Also, there's nothing wrong with talking about specific girls by their race. It's not like he said "White girls are bitches and black girls are fat" or anything like that, he used race to distinguish one girl from another. It may not be "po…

  • Re: sex... :p

    Dr.Carter - - Teen Sexuality


    A few seconds longer than her, up to about half an hour. (by which I mean, it depends on the situation) Knock one out yourself before sex when you want to last a long time. Works 60% of the time, every time.

  • Re: Incest

    Dr.Carter - - Debate and Discussions


    As long as all parties involved are at or above age of consent, there's no reason it should be illegal. In that case, it's a victimless crime; making something illegal just because it's weird does not make sense. I think incest is wrong, but far be it from me to tell someone who they can have sex with (again, above the age of consent).

  • Re: Marijuana

    Dr.Carter - - General Advice


    There's carbon monoxide in any organic plant matter's smoke, marijuana being no exception; so all this talk about tar asie, it's still not good for you.

  • Quote from Sharxbyte: “so they should fight their own governments to have the freedom. They shouldn't attack us. the other fact is that their motivation isnt political as you portray. most terrorists are radical islamists bent on destroying the infidel. And i'm not talking about Muslims. most of them are peaceful and love the way they can live their religion freely. Its the violent Jihadists that are the problem. So no, terrorism is not justifiable under any circumstances.” Radical Islam terrori…

  • Quote from Aleksandr: “Boston Tea Party wasn't a terrorist act. The British were actually demanding that we pay taxes to them. How many people were killed in the Boston Tea Party?” Terror acts aren't required to result in the death of someone. It wasn't a terror attack in the strictest sense, but the motives are the same. We had no major advantage to spilling all that tea, it was entirely a show of our displeasure. We were pissed off, and we showed it through financial sabotage, which is a commo…

  • Yes. Such acts as the Boston Tea Party were terrorist acts, Americans just don't see it that way. Looking at it abstractly, there's not much difference between spilling tea in the 17th century to show your displeasure towards an oppressive foreign influence and spilling oil in the 21st century for the same reason. I think terrorism is a necessary tactic for a small force hoping to repel a much larger one. I don't agree with the motives behind modern terror attacks, towards Americans or otherwise…

  • Re: Lil Wayne!

    Dr.Carter - - Music


    He's a beast, if you ask me. I Am Not a Human Being is good if a little bit lacking it great songs (4/10 isn't amazing), and Tha Carter 4 will be amazing. I don't like everything he does, but I like a lot of it.

  • Of course they do. Being a friend makes a guy even more lovesick than just some random girl.

  • Re: Do you sleep naked?

    Dr.Carter - - Teen Sexuality


    I live in the Northern Hemisphere, and I usually sleep in just shorts, but sometimes a T-shirt as well. I have roommates, so it would be a little weird if I slept naked. I don't share a room itself or anything, but sometimes one of my friends will leave something in my room or just want to kick it, and that's a little weird if you are naked. When girls sleep over though, it's their choice. It's not a matter of modesty, it's just that no one wants to see a guy's junk (generally speaking).

  • Quote from ~+ Bear +~: “And you trust people with no real understanding of the scientific aspect of growing weed more? :nono:” It's not rocket surgery to grow marijuana, and there's no real negative effects of not growing it right as far as the consumer is concerned. Bad cultivation tactics will give you less yield, which is not a good thing, but it's not like you need to treat marijuana plants with plethora of chemicals to get a smokeable bud. The worst thing that could happen is some dealer ru…

  • I don't like "wild girls", because that personality gets real old after a while. It's mainly just attention seeking behavior.

  • If you are a female, it's the simplest shit ever. Your job is pretty much done, society has ruled that you are the one that decides on sex more often than not. Tell your hook up that you only want to be friends with benefits, and unless he has feelings for you or feelings for men, he'll say yes.

  • Want: Beautiful (I made a post about the subtle differences of defining women not too long ago, find it if you don't understand) Relatively intelligent Able to hold a conversation with me Not too worried about their looks all the time (to be honest, women, half the time you guys look better wearing sweatpants and having your hair tied up than with half a pound of make-up on) Classy (carrying you home because you can't hold your liquor is cute the first few times it happens, then it gets pretty f…

  • Re: Question about college.

    Dr.Carter - - Education & Jobs


    It's not like you can tell the housing office that you want a hot female roommate and they'll hook you up. Well, not unless you are like the Dean's son or some shit. The only dorms I've heard of where the rooms are actually coed and not just the floors are married housing. Get an attractive female to marry you and you can have your cake and eat it too, but your wife gets half.

  • Re: Which do you prefer?

    Dr.Carter - - Fashion


    If I was buying it for a girl, I would get the second one.

  • Quote from Torn: “A 6 minute mile is considered an average running pace.” For a track team, maybe. This is America! Back in high school I would say the class average would be like 8 minutes 30 seconds. 6 minutes is quick. Not even all of my soccer-playing friends can do that.

  • Re: What attracts YOU?

    Dr.Carter - - Fashion


    I don't tend to fall for "hot" or "cute" girls if you catch my drift, I'm all about "beautiful" girls. Sure, I'll hang out with a cute girl or try to hook up with a hot girl if I'm single, but when it comes to dating I'm looking for that classy attractiveness. Some people may not know what I'm talking about, but really think about what the words mean. A hot girl is based around sex appeal, and more often than not these girls know that guys want to fuck them, so they are not only notoriously bitc…