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  • Re: I wonder sometimes.

    annonymous - - LGBT


    Quote from Krasseevaya: “I think everyone has the "potential" to have an opposite sexual orientation, it sort of depends on the circumstance. I think what you described (the event and the feelings) are totally normal, but doesn't exactly make a person bi or gay.” thank you

  • I wonder sometimes.

    annonymous - - LGBT


    are a lot more guys in the closet then it seems? I mean, obviously yes. but I wonder if almost ALL guys have the potential to be "gay" but just choose not to. I say this, because recently I have met about two new people, we'll say their name's are bob and joe.. one has a gf, the other was hooking up with a friend of mine on and off when I first met him..neither of them came off gay, or bi, but then again you really can't tell by looks these days. anyway, I've gotten drunk and hooked up with both…

  • yes, I realize that and I have gay friends who definitely don't fit the normal stereotype, I was just trying to exemplify the fact that he doesn't give off the typical 'signs'. if you didn't notice in the beginning of my post I made it clear that I am not out of the closet and I do not date guys for that plain reason. the point of this thread was not to get tips on how to make a move on him, because that isn't what I need help with, the point was to get other people's opinions on whether or not …

  • I've thought about doing direct things like that, but I have a really strong feeling that he will deny me and it will ruin our friendship. even if he denied me, I'm still convinced he is attracted to me in some way though. he's just not the type to confront feelings or situations like that, so I think he would run away..

  • okay, so I'm bisexual, I don't date guys for now.. only girls, as I am in the closet. but I've always had a strong attraction to my bestfriend.. he's a pretty straight acting guy, no lisp, no flamboyant behavior, but when most people first meet him they still question whether he is gay or straight. mainly because he dresses very metro, and is comfortable enough with his sexuality (or so I thought) to joke around with his guy friends with the "gay horseplay" thing if you know what I'm talking abo…

  • Re: bad choices while drunk

    annonymous - - Teen Sexuality


    got drunk at a friend's birthday party, had WAYYYY too much to drink.. I woke up the next day without any underwear on.. and this notoriously gay guy kept winking at me and making little gestures to come outside with him to talk.. so I did, and turns out I let him give me head in the jacuzzi the night before.. do not remember a thing.. it was by far the biggest regret I have in my life, but It led to me figuring out I was bisexual in the coming months.. so I guess some good came out of it.. I gu…

  • Re: anyone wanna talk?

    annonymous - - LGBT


    kloppenator, yep it's me haha.. how you been man? thanks for standing up for me, I'm not a "thirsty gay" lmao.. far from it. but yea, thanks to all who replied :]

  • anyone wanna talk?

    annonymous - - LGBT


    my name is........well, I'll tell you that after talking to you for a bit haha, for now just call me greg.. 18, bi :] [not out of the closet] anyone want to chat? oh! and before this gets deleted or i get flagged for it, I'm not trying to do matchmaking!! I'm just trying to meet other bi/gay guys/girls like myself, considering i've been on here for months without meeting barely anyone :o

  • alright so I've recently become friends with this gay guy I know, he's actually a pretty cool kid even though I've always kind of stayed away from him.. [not a homophobe, he just used to be annoying as hell] we got to talking the other day, and he started telling me about all of these "straight guys" he's hooked up with in our group of friends.. of course, I'm not going to use that information against anyone.. I was kind of surprised he even told me this stuff.. but yea, one of the guys was this…

  • Re: Blue Balls

    annonymous - - Teen Sexuality


    dude that's the worst!! I hate it haha..

  • anyone else have a webcam?

    annonymous - - Teen Sexuality


    I want to try this one out, any guys on here want to chat?

  • I've been in this situation before! and TRUST me.. there is really no point in trying to figure out who is right or wrong in this situation man. I mean, for your own desire to know, maybe. but the best thing you can do is leave the problem between your parents and just focus on YOU and what you're doing with your life. this is an issue that your parents should of never brought you into, and I understand it's not as simple as just ignoring what's going on with them, but it's really the best choic…

  • webcam?

    annonymous - - Teen Sexuality


    I just got one, and I want to try it out! any guys on here want to make a new friend?

  • Re: Would you consider me gay?

    annonymous - - Gay


    I went through something similar a couple years ago.. it's not always about labeling yourself.. love is a powerful thing. love is a bond with another person, a very special bond. and it is not confined to one gender or one type of person. if you feel like you are attracted to your best friend, and even in love with him, it does not mean you are gay. don't let the media, and those around you, fool you. you are who you are, and only you can define yourself. like I said before, labels are not impor…

  • Re: I just don't know anymore..

    annonymous - - LGBT


    Quote from kloppenator: “have u been feeling better about this, annon? remember, u can aim me whenever.” Im feeling better about it thanks to all of you guys.. especially you man. how late are you usually up? I dont want to bug you at weird hours.. im up late alot

  • Re: I just don't know anymore..

    annonymous - - LGBT


    Quote from Lachlan4815: “^^ I disagree to a certain extent... If you truly are you can never forget the feelings. That'd be like a straight person forgetting that they were straight. Anon- How old are you? that's an importaint thing to look at too. In some cases (most certainly not all) it could be a phase, some people go through a period, especially during adolescence where all the hormones can do some freaky things. But in saying that if you don't want to 'come out', then honestly there is abs…

  • Re: Gay or Straight?

    annonymous - - LGBT


    uhm there is such thing as being bisexual.. I hate it when gay guys try to hate on guys who say they are bi, some of us still like pusssssaaayyy!!!!!!!!!!

  • Re: Obsession???

    annonymous - - LGBT


    maybe you should just understand that these guys are in the closet before you start hooking up with them.. this guy doesnt want a relationship, he's in the closet! why would he want to have a boyfriend if he isnt even out yet? leave him be, if you stay quite long enough he'll text you or call you to hook up.. trust me.. but you're being to obsessive with these guys, you're not only scaring them away, but jeopardizing their secret. I'm not trying to sound like a dick to you either, please take th…

  • Quote from tHe CoBb: “okay, so I'm bi, more gay, though. I like men who are manly, I'm more feminine so I like men who act like men, but the problem with that is the guys I like and talk to only want to talk on the D.L, I mean I don't want to yell it from the top of a mountain but hell I don't want to have to hide my feelings around everybody, so what should I do, I try to talk to them about coming out to some of our mutual friends, but they will not hear it, I'm talking to this one guy, I'll ca…